
Q: That time must exist that we might be able to make sense of all of this. What is the purpose of sense?

I'm not sure it's only to give time purpose.

Part of it is enjoying another Scotch on the rocks.

Purists think that Scotch should never touch ice. Yet, Scotch is mostly water.
Surprisingly, the average human is composed of roughly the same % of water as Scotch, or any other such spirit. If merely the % of water defined what one should or should not do with it, I think we'd all be in trouble. ;)

As to your question regarding sense, the purpose of sense is that it adds to the chance of survival. It's that simple.
Q: Time seems to be Nature's way of insuring that everything doesn't happen all at once, too fast for anything to notice.
That was a lame ass response, is that the best ya got?
Dissing Scotch earns you a time-out in the corner.
Did no such thing, in fact, I have an unopened bottle of Hibiki on my counter at this time.
Surprisingly, the average human is composed of roughly the same % of water as Scotch, or any other such spirit. If merely the % of water defined what one should or should not do with it, I think we'd all be in trouble. ;)

As to your question regarding sense, the purpose of sense is that it adds to the chance of survival. It's that simple.
А в чём смысл выживания?
А в чём смысл выживания?
Survival has no point/purpose in the grand scheme of the universe. The universe couldn't care less about anything.
From the point of view of "life", survival is its own purpose. It sounds flippant, but the purpose of survival is to survive. There is nothing beyond that.
The purpose of running might be to get from A to B, so the purpose of the activity is to achieve an objective. In the case of survival, it is its own objective.
Survival has no point/purpose in the grand scheme of the universe. The universe couldn't care less about anything.
From the point of view of "life", survival is its own purpose. It sounds flippant, but the purpose of survival is to survive. There is nothing beyond that.
The purpose of running might be to get from A to B, so the purpose of the activity is to achieve an objective. In the case of survival, it is its own objective.
Выживание - это что такое? Сохранение определённой системы, каковой является любой живой организм? Почему все живые хотят именно сохранить эту систему? Откуда у них это желание? Почему бы им просто бесстрастно не развалиться на атомы?
Выживание - это что такое? Сохранение определённой системы, каковой является любой живой организм? Почему все живые хотят именно сохранить эту систему? Откуда у них это желание? Почему бы им просто бесстрастно не развалиться на атомы?
They don't have the "wish". It's just the result of evolution. If life didn't survive then it wouldn't exist. It exists simply because it survives. That doesn't mean there is a "wish" to survive. It is simply a trait that it had. Then evolution kicks in, and any life that doesn't survive when environments change dies off. So you're left with "life" that appears to "want" to survive. And then life mutates, and mutations give rise to an improved survival rate, not because of any "wish" but simply because those that didn't have those mutations died out when the environment changed (and I don't just mean the climate, but resource environment as well, etc).

Imagine you have a load of rocks of many different sizes.
You put them through a large-holed sieve and discard those that don't fall through. The ones that fall through "survive".
Then you change the environment and now you have a sieve with smaller holes. Those that now fall through "survive".
You repeat this until you only get very small rocks, everything else being discarded along the way.

Do these small rocks "wish" to survive the process? No. It is just a process. And the rocks either survive or don't.
But the rocks at the end, if they could, might look back at the process and go "wow... we survived through time. We must want to survive. We must have a wish to survive."
But they don't. They simply survived the process.

I hope that helps explain my view? :)
They don't have the "wish". It's just the result of evolution. If life didn't survive then it wouldn't exist. It exists simply because it survives. That doesn't mean there is a "wish" to survive. It is simply a trait that it had. Then evolution kicks in, and any life that doesn't survive when environments change dies off. So you're left with "life" that appears to "want" to survive. And then life mutates, and mutations give rise to an improved survival rate, not because of any "wish" but simply because those that didn't have those mutations died out when the environment changed (and I don't just mean the climate, but resource environment as well, etc).

Imagine you have a load of rocks of many different sizes.
You put them through a large-holed sieve and discard those that don't fall through. The ones that fall through "survive".
Then you change the environment and now you have a sieve with smaller holes. Those that now fall through "survive".
You repeat this until you only get very small rocks, everything else being discarded along the way.

Do these small rocks "wish" to survive the process? No. It is just a process. And the rocks either survive or don't.
But the rocks at the end, if they could, might look back at the process and go "wow... we survived through time. We must want to survive. We must have a wish to survive."
But they don't. They simply survived the process.

I hope that helps explain my view? :)
Да, я понимаю Вашу точку зрения. Вы считаете, что все выжившие, это просто результат случайного отбора, и никакого желания выжить у них на самом деле не было. Но у Вас то оно(это желание) есть? Откуда у Вас это желание? На каком этапе эволюции клетки научились себя самоидентифицировать? Каким образом Вы понимаете, что Вы - это именно Вы, а не облако на небе?
Despite it's various inadequacies, Google translate still has its uses.

I've always struggled with trying to communicate with non-English speakers. My best friend has spent years each morning going to Starbucks to learn to read Japanese.

We've spent many hours on the phone taking about how the Japanese language is so ambiguously complex that the Japanese often think they're not sure someone else is understanding what they're trying to say.
To me everything in existence shows temporary qualities since time itself presents this characteristic. Time has set duration in Earth as well as Sun and entire galaxies. An abrupt time end would create a situation in which everything would simply stop without moving forward. Since our ability to think extends only to what time we already perceive we cannot establish certainty about time's potential conclusion.
What happens when this thread ends?

No "Laws" of Nature are at risk.

How many such Laws have a Time component?

What is Reality without Time?

Why has the Universe gifted us with Lawyers? A sick sense of humor?
Время существует только для тех, кто умеет сравнивать. Сравнивать и анализировать. Т.е. для тех, кто обладает сознанием. Сознание - ещё одна загадка природы.

It's more complex.
"Mr. G said:

"Time seems to be Nature's way of insuring that everything doesn't happen all at once, too fast for anything to notice.""

Q: "That was a lame ass response, is that the best ya got?"

It was all that was needed. Not for you. You don't do brevity, eh?
"Mr. G said:

"Time seems to be Nature's way of insuring that everything doesn't happen all at once, too fast for anything to notice.""

Q: "That was a lame ass response, is that the best ya got?"

It was all that was needed. Not for you. You don't do brevity, eh?
That wasn't brevity, that was lame ass nonsense, especially from you. The mind has rotted, eh?
Q: "...lame ass nonsense..."

Opinions are just that.

ольга: Почему


Why do you folks have to use more alphabetic letters to say something than we do?

Global air traffic control defaults to English for a reason.


You're a Russian female.

People tell me I should have no contact with you.

Hello, my name is Gary. I like people. I don't answer knocks on my door.

It's negotiable.

I don't think we are natural enemies.

I've said elsewhere, I have a Georgian, Moscow-educated sister-in-law who my Argentine in-laws won't let me talk to for more than just formalities.

There are so many stupid people in the world.

If we talk with one another, we have fewer reasons to fear one another; not leading to really stupid stuff.

Hello. My name is Gary. I am happy to meet you, Olga.


Ты русская женщина.

Люди говорят мне, что мне не следует с тобой контактировать.

Здравствуйте, меня зовут Гэри. Мне нравятся люди. Я не отвечаю на стук в дверь.

Это подлежит обсуждению.

Я не думаю, что мы естественные враги.

В другом месте я уже говорил, что у меня есть невестка-грузинка, получившая образование в Москве, с которой мои аргентинские родственники не позволяют мне разговаривать больше, чем просто для формальностей.

В мире так много глупых людей.

Если мы разговариваем друг с другом, у нас будет меньше причин бояться друг друга; не приводя к действительно глупым вещам.

Привет. Меня зовут Гэри. Я рада знакомству с вами, Ольга.

Ty russkaya zhenshchina.

Lyudi govoryat mne, chto mne ne sleduyet s toboy kontaktirovat'.

Zdravstvuyte, menya zovut Geri. Mne nravyatsya lyudi. YA ne otvechayu na stuk v dver'.

Eto podlezhit obsuzhdeniyu.

YA ne dumayu, chto my yestestvennyye vragi.

V drugom meste ya uzhe govoril, chto u menya yest' nevestka-gruzinka, poluchivshaya obrazovaniye v Moskve, s kotoroy moi argentinskiye rodstvenniki ne pozvolyayut mne razgovarivat' bol'she, chem prosto dlya formal'nostey.

V mire tak mnogo glupykh lyudey.

Yesli my razgovarivayem drug s drugom, u nas budet men'she prichin boyat'sya drug druga; ne privodya k deystvitel'no glupym veshcham.

Privet. Menya zovut Geri. YA rada znakomstvu s vami, Ol'ga.
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