The way I see it all God/s are just an illusion and are just the manifestation of the laws of physics at work and how the universe, or the multiverse for that matter, works.
Anyone who studied string theory and fundamental physics knows that Gods are not really necessary to explain anything.
In the past people thought that certain phenomena were caused by God/s but today we know that these phenomena are completely explained by physics and the laws of physics at work.
The way I see it religion is a natural phenomena, nothing more and nothing less and a mass delusion too.
Religion was always used by leaders as a powerful tool to keep the people in line and do what the leaders wanted them to do. So religion is nothing more than a tool for control and the sooner people realize that religion isn't real and is just a tool for controlling the masses, the better the world will be I believe.
Think of it this way. Animals have evolved their current optimizations, based on using their sensory systems to interact with the changing environment, via internal instinctive programming. Since God is not considered real and tangible by science, God cannot come into the brain/mind, via the sensory systems of the animal. It needs to be based on internal inductions within the brain. If the god does not exists, where did the concept come from? You can't prove the existence of God, because you can't see God with the eyes or tools. However, many people believe in God, because they internally sense something, via faith. Faith is the belief in things not seen. It is not about the sensory based reality of an animal. God is about an internal reality.
God is not connected to physical reality, except via unconscious projection. God is connected to an advance feature of the brain and consciousness, which is able to create a reality of its own, apart from the external physical reality connected to the senses. Some people can see global warming and other don't see this, even with the same data, because internal reality is different.
Science does not have a good consensus theory for consciousness. This is beyond its scope. It projects God as an external physical affect it can't see, therefore it concludes it does not exist. This is not the proper way to define the problem.
As an analogy, we can build modern computers and robots that can interact with the environment. They can be programmed to do a certain task; clean the floor, while learning by collecting data and comparing this to internal program, leading to output. This is very similar to the animals and instincts.
Humans have a wildcard similar to the concept of AI, where the computer internally extrapolates its factory programming, to beyond the expected output, so the output does not have to logically extrapolate from data and the programming. This is quite new to evolution, with the bible suggesting this appears less than 10,000 years ago. Our prehuman ancestors, before 10,000 years or so, were closer to the programming of animals. This is why change was very slow. You get fire and some stone tools, but this takes 50,000 years. The floor sweeper robot can do this that slow. When the AI layer of the brain appears, things change really fast; civilization, because of internal AI superseding animal external sensory.
God is connected to the AI aspects of the human brain, whatever that may be. We have no clue about the physics of the AI, so I leave this open. For example, if we plan a future vacation, we sort of step out of time and project ourselves into the future. Our bodies remain in the here and now, but the AI aspect of consciousness goes to Maui deciding between scuba diving or surfing. At some level, consciousness of time and space is altered, internally, by the AI operating system. Whether this is based on physics is not exactly clear. Quantum affects can sort of extrapolate to this; Proton tunneling is very common in water.
Water, one of the most common substances on Earth, has served up yet another scientific surprise. In its liquid state, water molecules cling to one another through so-called hydrogen bonding, constantly making and breaking bonds as they jumble about. And within the smallest possible 3D droplet of water, which consists of just six molecules, those molecules can rearrange themselves not just one at a time, but in sets of two, as shown in the video above. Two molecules can simultaneously break their hydrogen bonds with their neighbors and rotate off one another like gears. The reconfiguration takes place through a subtle effect called quantum tunneling, in which the droplet does not have enough energy to wriggle from one configuration to the other, but simply pops from one to the other as if burrowing through an energy barrier, a team of chemists reports today in Science.
One theory is the human brain reached an energy level, about 10,000 years ago, where aqueous quantum tunneling becomes part of the brain internal feedback, causing changes to organic wiring with very subtle changes of aqueous proton energy; Chi.