You're too dumb for words. It's really quite amazing.
Although, your logic follows the same as most religious people. You don't want to believe the facts so you make up something without any proof of it.
Every time you have made a comment I have had a rebutal. That is proper form.
You have either completely fucking ignored me or just said 'I already proved it'. That is disrespect and disgusting form.
How is the mind cold? It's only cold if you think it is. Everything is relative. I choose to see the mind as an amazing and intricate thing, rather brilliant in it's make up.
Let me explain this step by step to you, as you obviously can't link one and one together by yourself.
- There are FACTS which tell us how our brain works
- Like all scientific FACTS, they are rather unromantic
- YOU, not me, let the fact that these FACTS are unromantic make you think that if they are true, than LOVE is unromantic
- I, on the other hand, am able to look past the unromantic and cold FACTS of the brain and accept the BEAUTY of HUMAN love
Get the logic now?
'There IS something beyond it'
You say this because you want to believe it. Like for thousands of years people wanted to believe in their gods. Like people want to believe in an afterlife. People will believe whatever it takes to suit their desires. I do it too, though not in science/religion sense. I want to believe that the expectations people have for me are too high. I want to believe that my teachers and parents and friends have far too high expectations for me to reach. The fact is, for 3 years I have reached them and upped them with little effort. I still seem to believe that these expectations are too high for me. Why? Because it's convinient. Because it helps me in being able to logically explain my lack of initiative in school work. Difference is, I can understand that I simply want to believe something.
I can see beauty in the human mind.
You cannot.
Both of us, like damn near all humans, desire beauty in life.
You simply are unable to appreciate truth.
Although, your logic follows the same as most religious people. You don't want to believe the facts so you make up something without any proof of it.
Every time you have made a comment I have had a rebutal. That is proper form.
You have either completely fucking ignored me or just said 'I already proved it'. That is disrespect and disgusting form.
How is the mind cold? It's only cold if you think it is. Everything is relative. I choose to see the mind as an amazing and intricate thing, rather brilliant in it's make up.
Let me explain this step by step to you, as you obviously can't link one and one together by yourself.
- There are FACTS which tell us how our brain works
- Like all scientific FACTS, they are rather unromantic
- YOU, not me, let the fact that these FACTS are unromantic make you think that if they are true, than LOVE is unromantic
- I, on the other hand, am able to look past the unromantic and cold FACTS of the brain and accept the BEAUTY of HUMAN love
Get the logic now?
'There IS something beyond it'
You say this because you want to believe it. Like for thousands of years people wanted to believe in their gods. Like people want to believe in an afterlife. People will believe whatever it takes to suit their desires. I do it too, though not in science/religion sense. I want to believe that the expectations people have for me are too high. I want to believe that my teachers and parents and friends have far too high expectations for me to reach. The fact is, for 3 years I have reached them and upped them with little effort. I still seem to believe that these expectations are too high for me. Why? Because it's convinient. Because it helps me in being able to logically explain my lack of initiative in school work. Difference is, I can understand that I simply want to believe something.
I can see beauty in the human mind.
You cannot.
Both of us, like damn near all humans, desire beauty in life.
You simply are unable to appreciate truth.