why are there so many people who want to rape and abuse children like this? why do they want to destroy or damage innocence or good?
why are there so many abusive people? i have been abused but i would never want to abuse other people and especially children as they are the next generation and should have the best start, be respected/cared for/cherished and have the best opportunities and upbringing in life.
why are there people who just want to molest, use or abuse without any consideration to the negative effect they are doing to another being?
even worse, there are people, especially men who will mistreat you even more or be even more abusive if you don't give in or do not give them affection. even sicker, they want affection even if they are abusing you because it'a about every single drop or nuance they can suck out of you or glean from you in every way like a literal object and nothing else. it's really sick and they are very jealous too.
my stepfather had the nerve to ask me if i was still his 'little girl' after he molested me and i looked at him in revulsion and shook my head no, of course, because i became withdrawn, afraid and avoided him as much as possible. he was genuinely offended and hurt and so became even more spiteful. he wasn't treating me like his daughter at all but very cruel, abusive, bullying and negligent except sexually interested.
he truly believed that i was supposed to actually accept, embrace and like my role as being abused because it was what he wanted or satisfied him.
but when he asked these bizarrely incoherent, hypocritical, twisted and monstrous questions considering the situation, he actually believed this was appropriate because all he saw was just himself and overwhelmed by only his wants and his need and his ideas. he seemed to believe his feelings and wants were more important than others in some illogical way.
it's as illogical as someone who just stabbed and robbed you, immediately turning around and asking if you are friends or like them.
i had actual experience with a person who believed the most insane and deleterious proposition was acceptable for the other person to agree to. it's really hard to wrap your mind around a person whose psychology thinks their own enjoyment or joy at your pain or suffering as your joy of pain and suffering because it gives the other joy. what's even harder to understand is they would never agree to such a proposition in the reverse. it's always somehow that their feelings and needs are more important while the other is minimized so it should be acceptable even to the victim.
it's one thing to abuse someone but a step into some insane level of perversion when one expects another living being to forego their own natural sense of identity, self-preservation, their own particular wants, needs and dreams etc for you and at their expense just because you want them to and to agree to it.
the most sickest and bizarre aspect about abusers is their absolute and complete revolting narcissism. it's like being in the twilight zone in their orbit.
the reason why i like to bring this subject to the surface is because people like him are not the weirdos but part of the common general public. he was not an outcast but he was the most depraved and low-natured human i've ever known. primordial scum yet he wasn't the person to be called weird or outcast or estranged from society.
i've found that the most undeserving pieces of shit, where words fail to express how horrible and disgusting a specimen is, are the ones society accepts very easily. where you know there is not a worse enough hell for such a being and infinity of hell is what they deserve. that's how monstrously selfish to a contemptible obnoxious degree, unfair and evil they are.
they definitely are not the homeless loser on the street etc. no, that takes some humility to actually be considered a loser in society. an asshole's ego can't do that, even if they have to twist and lie and cheat and steal and use and trample other people to make sure they don't end up like that.
people like this don't end up in jail, homeless, abused, with a mental health history etc. it's as if their very 'evilness' prevents it because they are so selfish. it's as if the more evil you are, the more nature will favor you. i mean really evil as in sneaky and manipulative.
why do people like this get away with the massive damage and evil they inflict which causes homelessness, despair, loss, brokenness, mental health issues etc for others ? and to add insult to injury to this already diabolic and gross defamation of truth and ethics, their victims are the ones who also bear the shame and outcast status in society and blamed for being losers and a burden on society when from the beginning their very lives and attributes were being confiscated in the most twisted perversion or damaged so they wouldn't be able to be productive in society.
they don't turn themselves in because they are evil or sick. they don't go and get help or see a psychiatrist or psychologist or counseling etc. they don't need to because they are not victims! they are not hurting! they are causing it for others! their dysfunction works for them but it has terrible consequences for their victims. abusers use their victims like toilets, literally as a dumping ground for all their ill, evil, hypocrisy and perversions. yet the victims are the only ones stigmatized by society as the crazy ones and they are not the real crazy ones!
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