More of the same broad brush contempt.
Don't whine.
It is sort of deserved. I'll get to that in a bit.
Yes, we have been dealing with issues relating to the exodus of women from the home and into the workplace for decades now. But on any reasonable scale, that's nothing.
It should not be. At its core, the desire for better things in life and for the rest, poverty forces both parents into the work force. Unless you are born wealthy, or have a very high paying job that provides you and your family with insurance and other perks, both parents have to work to be able to afford to buy or rent a house, car(s), education costs, clothing, food, etc that goes with family life.
Male and female roles in human societies have been set for millennia. Now. over the past century or so, technology has allowed these roles to change. That will inevitably lead to disruptions and problems that must be dealt with.
I wouldn't say they had changed. I think it is now more acceptable to the general population that men do spend time with their children from when they are born. That caring and loving one's children is not just solely the role of the mother. In the past, men weren't even allowed into the birthing suite and there was no such thing as the father cutting the umbilical cord. There was no encouragement of bonding with either parent in those first moments after birth and no encouragement for the father to learn how to bathe and change their baby, let alone care for it (do the day to day things you do as a parent). That is now not only more acceptable but expected.
We are now parents and that encompasses the range of things that come with caring for and bringing up a child. Fathers (and mothers) who come home, pat the children on the head and then ignore them are now deemed bad parents or lacking in parenting skills.
The Liberal response to any such musings is ridicule and derision. Heaven forbid anyone question their orthodoxy.
I'm sorry, but harking back to the good old days when wifey stayed home and taught their daughters to be good mother's and wives and father's came home and saw their children for 2 minutes before they were banished from sight, should be treated with ridicule and derision. What would your response be if someone told you that the care of your children, all the care of your children, should fall solely on your wife and that you're just in the picture to bring in the money?
Meanwhile, many women who embraced their new roles are finding that they were oversold on the benefits and undersold on the costs.
Oh dear god.
I cannot believe you went there.
hey were told they could "have it all" and so put off child bearing while they pursued their careers. Now, many of them are spending thousands of dollars and enduring painful medical procedures in an often vain attempt to have the children they "put off".
Yes, the horror of women deciding to do things for themselves instead of opening their loins and start farting out children from the moment they are fertile.
As a parent, I would imagine that you are hoping your daughter will go to college and get an education and become self sufficient and self reliant and confident in herself to do what is right for herself? Or are you hoping she's going to be popping out the children as soon as she is physically able to and married by the time she's out of high school? Are you going to teach her that she will probably reach her most fertile period by the time she's around 22 years of age and are you going to encourage her to have started to have her children by then? Or will you be hoping that she will be finishing up with college or university first?
Michael Reagan has basically bome out and said that mothers should be teaching their daughters to be a good wife and mother.. to learn that the way to their man's heart is through his stomach.. Do you envisage yourself having that conversation with your daughter? That to get a good husband, she had better learn to cook?
Can you understand why there is so much contempt and derision when this subject is brought up?
Biology will not be denied. Choosing to spend your most fertile years pursuing a career may well mean forgoing the opportunity to reproduce. On the other hand, having children early can make pursuing a career much more difficult.
Or women can choose for themselves what they want for themselves.. My, that's a novel idea.
One day, there will be a realisation that women aren't baby making machines and that we do have autonomy over our own bodies.
Does this mean that women should be banished from the workplace and sent back to the kitchens and home? Of course not. You really can't put the genie back in the bottle. But a serious discussion of the problems and implications of women's changing role in society requires mutual respect from both sides; not arrogance and derision.
Mutual respect is not reminding women that their biological clock is ticking if they decide to not start popping out children in their late teens and early twenties, when they are most fertile.
Nor is it to waffle on about how real good women are home, caring for the children and teaching their daughters that the way to their man's heart is through his stomach and that girls need to be taught by their mothers how to be good wives and husbands. I mean honestly. The killer for me was the father giving a gift to the mother by taking the family to eat at a local fast food restaurant..
His roles are clear. The mother cooks and cleans and teachers the daughter to cook and clean and the father is to do the "chores" that will lighten the mother's load a bit. God forbid the father cooks.. That role is apparently set for the mother.. She is apparently supposed to be the queen of the kitchen. Would you ever tell your wife or daughter that their domain was the kitchen? Would that be something you'd want your daughter to grow up thinking or believing? Or would you teach your children, regardless of their sex, that all have to pull their weight everywhere?
I grew up in a household where both parents cooked (my father is actually a better cook than my mother is.. by a mile) and both cleaned and did the laundry and mowed the lawn, etc as needed. There was no set rule or role. Both did whatever needed to be done. If the grocery shopping needed to be done, whoever was free to do it would do it. If my father ever told my mother her place was in the kitchen she'd have thrown him out the door.
There was no 'mother does the dishes as father dries', etc. If there were dirty dishes, whichever of them in the kitchen would do them. If my mother was out doing the shopping, my father would cook and clean the house and vice versa. That's the kind of household I grew up in and how we raise our sons. They aren't told that mummy's role is to make dinner and do this or that. All do everything.