On Homeopathy

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From an earlier post, at the top of page 23:

Anybody see the news tonight?

You guys just got egg on you faces, or rather, you just got vomit thrown on you by the nightly news, you dumb arses!

The U.S. military just got exposed for murdering a bunch of soldiers with a vaccine and trying to hush it up.

Now, don't you all feel like the pieces of shite you constantly prove yourselves to be?

Go get that vaccine, guys.

I'm sure it works really well.

They'll fix ya right up and put ya right down like good little quacks!
Originally posted by Francine

What search terms did you use to get these various trials off Medline?

They seem pretty damning really especially since they all seem to have allowed for the whole 'individualisation' rigmarole to be performed. [Actually, the Arnica one wasn't, but it's so famous and routine we'll let them off that one. The others were 'individualised' though]


Did you see something I didn't?



Do you think homeopathy was tested in something Francine quoted from you?

I have no idea what was posted, let alone what was tested.

Are you still brain dead?

What is it that those call letters identify?

And how was Arnica tested in that trial?

There was some trial?

Would you like to show me any individualization of Arnica in whatever case report you're apparently suggesting was tested?

You must be brain dead, for I have no idea what you're talking about whenever you open your ignorant mouth about homeopathy, and I am about as expert at homeopathy as you're likely to meet in your lifetime.

Is there something about the way I explain proper homeotherapeutics that you don't understand in particular, because I've explained it at least a half dozen ways, probably more, and yet you still don't seem to grasp that it has nothing to do with allopathy.

I'll try again.

Homeopathy has nothing to do with allopathic medicine.

Did you understand it stated that way?

Therefore, the so-called tests of homeopathy only test allopathy.

What is wrong with your brain that you do not understand my English?
Prester says:

you still haven't produced any evidence that you understand the immune system or explained why it is good that an innocent boy should die.

And is there some reason you want me to demonstrate knowledge of the immune system?

I know I'm going to love this.

There's some sort of ignorant sophistry hatching in that thing you call a brain, but I don't know what it is.

And I am not the one who wants your son to die; you are by having him vaccinated.

I'm just encouraging the outcome you obviously wish for.

Did you see the news tonight about the U.S. military having been exposed for vaccinating their idiots and trying to hide the fact that a bunch of them have died from it.

Isn't that what you're trying to do to your son?

Gotta be, because that's one of the major horrible things vaccines do.

Go get him that Hepatitis B vaccine, pal.

It very well might prevent your son from getting the disease right into the ground.

I want you to succeed because it seems you're too bleeping ignorant to grasp the obvious any other way.

So what is it that you're wanting to know about my knowledge of immunology and why, what does it have to do with anything?
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

Hahnemannian without evidence your insulting and flaming has no place here!


Without any brains, your opinions have no place on earth.
BToxic, the ignorant ars who is constantly demonstrating zero knowledge of homeopathy proves it for the gazillionth time:

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of classical homeopathy in generalized anxiety disorder . . . 10-week trial of individually tailored homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic therapy was administered by an expert who followed the traditional routines of homeopathic diagnosis and prescription.

Gee, golly, I know all of the legitimate classical/Hahnemannian homeopaths in the world, and guess what, dumb ars?

T'ain't nuna dem knows nuttin 'bout no trial.

You're therefore quoting another liar or ignorant fool probably to your excessive degree too.

And what is meant by following "traditional routines of homeopathic diagnosis and prescription?"

What's that?
I see you're still continuously misrepresenting me:

100% effective 100% of the time homeopathy...

I don't know why what I say seems to sound like Moon talk to you, but I will repeat it again just for you since you appear to have some really serious intellectual defect to not get it so many times.

I said that we have yet to find a disease incurable.

What don't you understand about that?
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I see BTox let go yet another really big fart while trying to speak through his butt hole:

placebo controlled trial the effects of individualised homeopathic remedies were compared with placebo medication in 96 children with mild to moderate asthma as an adjunct to conventional treatment.

Ah, I guess I gotta repeat it.

I know all of the classical/Hahnemannian homeopaths in the world, and none of them knows anything about a study.

You really know a lot of liars and ignorant f&&$s, don't ya?
BTox quotes yet another really weird dude who thinks he understands homeopathy:

64 adults undergoing elective surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome were randomized to take three tablets daily of homeopathic arnica 30C or 6C or placebo for seven days before surgery and fourteen days after surgery.

So, if I understand this correctly, you are suggesting that it's reasonable to test homeopathy by testing Arnica as a specific for carpal tunnel syndrome?

You have got to be totally brain dead; there can be no other conclusion since I have repeatedly explained this stuff to you.

Really, man, go get a new brain; that one's got nothing but shite in it.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Listen up, you idiot, for I have told you this before, but you obviously didn't get it the first time: they don't have any power over us because we have our own federal law governing homeopathy, you stupid idiot!
In the US, anything can happen, so I'm gonna assume you are right. But I distinctly saw you state earlier that homeopathy is suppressed and persecuted by the establishment. Now you tell us you have special laws protecting you? Could you elaborate on that apparant contradiction?

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Originally posted by Hahnemannian

Right, dummy!

"A causes B."

You take a high-potency homeopathic (A) and it causes symptoms (B).

That is what ALL homeopathic provings do, you idiot!

Did you get it this time?

Sure! The proof of Homeopathy is: "If you take poison, you get sick." --- Big deal :rolleyes:


We then take a case and record it fully so as to have the symptom totality.

From that symptom totality we determine which medicines are uncommon and which are common.

Those that belong to a disease diagnosis (remembering that most modern patients come with a diagnosis already) are thus common symptoms and are ignored for differential remedy diagnosis ("to thoroughly know" something).

Those that are attributable to an avoidable disease agent or influence are also ignored since they disappear with the cause.

For instance, a woman has feet problems, but we find that she wears high heels all of the time.

Out the window with those shoes and Poof! no symptoms.

If those symptoms remain, which can happen, then they should gain the attention of the physician since there is no discernable causation remaining and they are not part of the presenting diagnosis, which could be anything but let's say it's diabetes.

If sufficient information can be gained from those feet symptoms, they would be likely to lead to a medicine that contains ALL of the symptoms of the case, the totality of it.

Did ya get that?

I did not get how it might cure the patient.

Let's take an insulin-dependent diabetic who does not have thurst.

That would be unusual, right?

Not if his insulin is well-regulated. In that case he does not have ANY symptoms.

Hence, thirtlessness would be an uncommon symptom.

Three of them can lead right to the simillimum ("thing most similar").

It is about that simple.

Think you could do that, though?

Doesn't sound too complex. Still don't see how it can cure anything.

I'd like to see you try, and then you can come back and plead forgiveness once you discover that it is about ten to a hundred times more difficult to do Hahnemannian homeotherapeutics than to do anything else.

Getting the picture yet?

No, I don't see what you are getting at. All I want is to find out if the stuff works. And no, I'm not going to take your word for it, or Mr. Hahnemann's.

A causes B.

That is the first step.

Now why haven't you examined the homeopathic evidence?

Because you still refuse to present it.

Are you going to come up with yet another sophistry and excuse for wanting to be lazy and yet instead claim that homeopathy has no evidence when it, in fact, is NOTHING BUT EVIDENCE?

I hope not, but you will again be proven an ignorant fool if you do that yet again.

Can hardly wait for this one.

I can hardly wait for you to present that evidence.

Hahnemaniac wrote:
BToxic, the ignorant ars who is constantly demonstrating zero knowledge of homeopathy proves it for the gazillionth time:

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of classical homeopathy in generalized anxiety disorder . . . 10-week trial of individually tailored homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic therapy was administered by an expert who followed the traditional routines of homeopathic diagnosis and prescription.

Gee, golly, I know all of the legitimate classical/Hahnemannian homeopaths in the world, and guess what, dumb ars?

Interesting! Will any of them admit to knowing you?

T'ain't nuna dem knows nuttin 'bout no trial.

You're therefore quoting another liar or ignorant fool probably to your excessive degree too.

You have said that it is all in the books of Hahnemann. So what is to stop an expert from following the books, even if he is not known by the community of "legitimate classical/Hahnemannian homeopaths"?

And what is meant by following "traditional routines of homeopathic diagnosis and prescription?"

What's that?

Thats what is in Hahnemanns books, isn't it? It's what you have been rambling about thru 23 pages here.

Hans :rolleyes:
BTox says:

Lies, lies, lies. I have personally tried this, Hahnemanniac, along with several colleagues. No symptoms. None whatsoever. Proof that homeopathy is a fraud.

Well, you must be stupid, a liar or you have camphor somewhere around you.

How many doses, at what potency, how many globules at a time from what pharmacy and what drug(s)?
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
I specifically remember you earlier telling me that homeopathy is suppressed and persecuted by the establishment. Now you tell us you have special laws protecting you? Could you elaborate on that apparant contradiction?


Are you kidding me?

Do all of you guys read at the third-grade level of comprehension?

First of all, that's true, but I did not say that.

The allopathic establishment does exactly what you fools here are doing.

We cannot prescribe in hospitals, insurance companies will not cover our patients and we cannot sue for payment.

But we have laws governing and protecting our drugs.
Hans says:

Sure! The proof of Homeopathy is: "If you take poison, you get sick." --- Big deal

No, sir!

Okay, you brain-dead dudes, I'll spell it out for you ONE MORE TIME.

You take a high-potency homeopathic.

That produces specific symptoms.

That proves that they're ultramolecular drugs, even though they should not have effect.

That also shows some of the symptoms that drug will cure.

You take those symptoms to the clinic and wait for a case that has that totality of symptoms and then give it to them.


The Law of Similars and the three other Laws of Therapeutics precipitate the four Laws of Cure under the grand parameter of the Law of Chronic Diseases.

That's the gist of homeotherapeutics.
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Hans says:

I did not get how it might cure the patient.

We don't yet know the mechanism of the Law of Similars, and we will probably never know it since it is surely a 2nd-plane phenomena like all other natural laws and forces.

Hahnemann explained it in the ORGANON from having observed that when two similar diseases meet in an organism (e.g., smallpox and cowpox), the stronger one annhilates the weaker one.

Diseases annihilating eachother.

If there are two diseases in the body, is it wise for one of them to be annihilated by the other?

"Losing all knowledge" of one of the diseases is not the same as curing it, surely?

Yet, complete cure follows, Hahnemann reported.

I can interpret this as, the annihilation occurred because there was a fault in the system and the annihilated disease wasn't actually there at all,

but the system had a fault in which it "thought" it was still there.

Diseases annihilating eachother.

If there are two diseases in the body, is it wise for one of them to be annihilated by the other?

No they don't annihilate each other. Why would giving a substance that cause similar symptoms to the disease instead just multiply the symptoms in the patient?

Perhaps, instead of any annihilation taking place (diseases don't just disappear), the immune system merges them into one while processing them, since they are so similar.

The immune system processes may simply not have the resolution to distinguish between them, they merge into one, and resolve as one.

Then, it looks as though one annihilated the other.

I have asked Hans about how diseases are simultaneously processed....can they share all resources and not obstruct eachother. Hahnemann said one dominates.
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Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Are you kidding me?

Do all of you guys read at the third-grade level of comprehension?

First of all, that's true, but I did not say that.

The allopathic establishment does exactly what you fools here are doing.

We cannot prescribe in hospitals, insurance companies will not cover our patients and we cannot sue for payment.

But we have laws governing and protecting our drugs.
I simply wont bother to read through allyour drivel to find the quote, espsically as you just acknowledged that I was right. Could you specify which law you are talking about? I'd like to read it. Especially the part that excludes you from FDA scrutiny. You see, if you claim that homepathic preparations have effect on a named disease (which you have done repeatedly here), then by FDA rules, it is a drug, and FDA rules apply. So I'd be very interested in those statutes.

Originally posted by Hahnemannian

No, dipshite!

Okay, you brain-dead f&&&$, I'll spell it out for you ONE MORE TIME.

DO you really think that your dirty language will further your case? Perhaps it would be easier to understand your messages if one did not have to wade through expletives, personal attacks, and threats.

You take a high-potency homeopathic.

What exactly is a hight-potency homeopathic? What other kinds are there?

That produces specific symptoms.

That proves that they're ultramolecular drugs, even though they should not have effect.

Mmmm, that is one thing I would like to see proved in tests.

That also shows some of the symptoms that drug will cure.

Now that is a leap of faith. Just because a drug produces a certain symptom, I dont see any reason to believe that it can cure a disease that also gives that symptom.

You take those symptoms to the clinic and wait for a case that has that totality of symptoms and then give it to them.


As stated above, this is a leap of faith, at least till such time as it may be documented.

The Law of Similars and the three other Laws of Therapeutics precipitate the four Laws of Cure under the grand parameter of the Law of Chronic Diseases.

That's the gist of homeotherapeutics.

Yes, I have long since understood that from your writings, but you still haven't given me any reason to believe it is so.

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