Obama's War: Grounds for Impeachment?

The U.S. Republicans used European bases to attack Libya in the 80's...big deal. They did it alone, an uncoordinated fail.
The U.S. Republicans today use their election money for lame commercials, trying to equate "Getting rid of the U.S government" with "Taking back control of the U.S. from Chinese Communist Corporation influence".

I equate the failure of greedy intentioned U.S. corporations for taking jobs out of the U.S.
Do you have a point?

Your last three posts sounded like they came from a gibbering idiot.

Gibbering idiot? That's EXACTLY what I was going for! How'd you know?

Do you have a point?

If you didn't get what I was aiming for in the post featuring Rudy "I was mayor during 911" Giuliani, then well...

"...gay face..." wtf?

There was a thread about that not too long ago. I think Superstring started it. That's where I first heard about that apparent phenomenon. It seemed to be applicable.

Those creepy blue eyes. That smile. I don't know what else to call it.
fedr808 said:
Just take a breather and cool down. Seriously, just calm down. Its not like you could ever do a better job if you tried.
The vintage Roland drum machine tells me to calm down. :(

What's got you so mad???
The U.S. Republicans used European bases to attack Libya in the 80's...big deal. They did it alone, an uncoordinated fail.
The U.S. Republicans today use their election money for lame commercials, trying to equate "Getting rid of the U.S government" with "Taking back control of the U.S. from Chinese Communist Corporation influence".

I equate the failure of greedy intentioned U.S. corporations for taking jobs out of the U.S.

Did you just change your post? Cuz it was sorta making sense, but now it makes more sense.

Pretending to protect America from "Marxists" while handing over the key to the proverbial city. Absolutely.
It's both sides doing it. They just have different rhetoric for it.

The United States has been outsourced. Both militarily, and in terms of jobs and finances.

No disagreeing with this at all.
Gibbering idiot? That's EXACTLY what I was going for! How'd you know?

Do you have a point?

If you didn't get what I was aiming for in the post featuring Rudy "I was mayor during 911" Giuliani, then well...

There was a thread about that not too long ago. I think Superstring started it. That's where I first heard about that apparent phenomenon. It seemed to be applicable.

Those creepy blue eyes. That smile. I don't know what else to call it.

The vintage Roland drum machine tells me to calm down. :(

What's got you so mad???

If your not mad, then why do you need to put three question marks when only one will do?

I'm not mad, I'm amused.
Meanwhile, Giambattista wonders why the Federal Government of the United States seems to have unlimited coffers and funds when it comes to foreign governments, but is preaching "CUT CUT CUT!!!" and "We have to tighten YOUR belts!" at home?

Forget the anti-war people. Where are the fiscal conservatives when it comes to spending billions on foreign entanglements like Libya?
Have any of the so called conservatives questioned the expenditures on "defense" (really OFFENSE) spending in foreign countries????


I see. They are a destitute lot.

What are you babbling about? Existing defense budgets cover this sort of thing.
Considering Stupidity

Giambattista said:

How am I test-marketing, to use your words, my latest persona?

What, really, you have to ask?

"By the way, you like my new look, avatar and all?"​

I mean, what do you want us to tell you? That you've never looked more delusionally queer? It's absolutely fabulous? It would be a good idea, next time you decide to spend the weekend eating butt, to wipe the shit off your lip before having your picture taken?

You're just trying to be an obnoxious priss, and after the last couple rounds, I don't think anyone's up for your kind of circle jerk.

You can make whatever dumbassed excuses you want—

Although I can see why someone would call LaRouche dubious, I actually posted that picture because someone called me a Teabagger for posting a picture of Obama with a Hitler moustache. And I find it very applicable to who and what Obama is, not because of any ties I have with any party, let alone the LaRouche people.

—but there's no reason for people to actually believe you. And if they believe instead that, like LaRouche, you're just a nutty old closet case stringing out his last wank, that's enough of a connection.

See, we actually do have rules against deliberate goading, but since you're aiming after Obama and taking a conservative viewpoint, your fact-free, "because I say so" logic, combined with Nazi invocations and pathetic attempts at provocation are specially protected under the current WE&P standard. And so are you. People simply are not allowed to speculate at the connection between the character you play and the offensive stupidity of the posts you write. After all, that would be undignified. Indeed, anything suggesting anything untoward about this sort of uneducated, intentionally provocative bullshit thread you've started is unsuitable for public discussion, according to the standing rules enforced at WE&P.

In other words, you're protected because you're special.

You and Joepistole don't have obnoxious personas?

I can't speak for Joe, but what you get here is about as straightforward a translation of myself as I can fashion in such limited dimensions. Don't worry, I've long since stopped expecting the same presentation of other people. I would hate to think you're actually like the part you play here.

But, yes, many people find me obnoxious. Especially dishonest thugs. So as you might imagine, conservatives find me quite annoying.

That's the thing, though. See, I have to start taking a couple of pieces of advice. One of my colleagues suggests the average age of Sciforums posting members is somewhere around fourteen. To the one, he may be correct, and it may signify a decline, as I can remember a time when people knew what a primary source document was. To the other, though, it could be that he is overestimating people's genuine character and underestimating their naîveté. It is very nearly shocking, in the virtual world, the number of mundane, even observable realities that we must set aside as extraordinary in order to lend a veneer of legitimacy to ahistorical and ascientific rantings. Like your gasoline price thread. In the first place, I can remember when gas crossed $1.00/g°, and also when it crossed $2.00/g. In both cases, people were incensed. It never did really recover below a dollar, though. But I can tell you from experience in this decade that the first time it crossed $2.00/g, people were upset, and talked about it a lot. Then it fell, and when it climbed past $2.00/g again, people just made a note and dealt with it.

The next benchmark is $5.00/g. We heard about it at one point, but maybe only about a hundred people in the nation have actually seen it. When that happens, Obama's political worries grow exponentially. Until then, though, it's just a bit of heat, much as I described in the B&E version of the thread.

This is observable to anyone who has paid attention. So when people open threads going after President Obama that overlooks such aspects, I really do wonder who they are and why they're posting. Perhaps one really is fourteen, which would make him four or five when gasoline began its present price cycle. In that case, though, the complaint doesn't make sense because there is nothing unusual about the price of gasoline in that cycle. Thus, the outrage we're supposed to feel is based on a longer and more complex historical consideration. Except, of course, for reality being too complicated for the outraged.

And this thread as well. With over a hundred occasions to examine in which the executive has ordered our troops to combat, there are only five declarations of war. That a president can deploy troops, advise Congress afterward, and expect to be done in sixty to ninety days is the mundane view of history and the Constitution. That a president following a mundane course of action is somehow impeachable is the extraordinary assertion, and one that needs some better argument than, "Because someone dedicated to hating Barack Obama says so."

So we start out with an extraordinary, unsupported assertion, mix that with a Godwin violation, add a market research question ... and at what point is anyone supposed to take you seriously?

The only obligation I have to take you seriously is to remind that portion of our community that is young and inexperienced that this sort of thread is not something to be respected, emulated, or otherwise deemed useful.

Useful, I might specify, in any sense of academia or integrity. I'm quite sure a Republican will have a different view of such endeavors, but the requisite dishonesty is one of the reasons I've never been able to be a conservative.


° when gas crossed $1.00/g — I remember pumping gas as low as $0.899, but I've never purchased gas any lower than $1.019. And we're talking about the day when you could borrow two bucks from a nun and that would get you around fifty miles on the road—with a straight six under the hood, at that. At least since I started paying attention to the domestic "gas wars", I think $0.749 is probably the lowest I ever saw gasoline.
What, really, you have to ask?

"By the way, you like my new look, avatar and all?"​

I mean, what do you want us to tell you? That you've never looked more delusionally queer? It's absolutely fabulous? It would be a good idea, next time you decide to spend the weekend eating butt, to wipe the shit off your lip before having your picture taken?

You're just trying to be an obnoxious priss, and after the last couple rounds, I don't think anyone's up for your kind of circle jerk.

You can make whatever dumbassed excuses you want—

—but there's no reason for people to actually believe you. And if they believe instead that, like LaRouche, you're just a nutty old closet case stringing out his last wank, that's enough of a connection.

See, we actually do have rules against deliberate goading, but since you're aiming after Obama and taking a conservative viewpoint, your fact-free, "because I say so" logic, combined with Nazi invocations and pathetic attempts at provocation are specially protected under the current WE&P standard. And so are you. People simply are not allowed to speculate at the connection between the character you play and the offensive stupidity of the posts you write. After all, that would be undignified. Indeed, anything suggesting anything untoward about this sort of uneducated, intentionally provocative bullshit thread you've started is unsuitable for public discussion, according to the standing rules enforced at WE&P.

In other words, you're protected because you're special.

I can't speak for Joe, but what you get here is about as straightforward a translation of myself as I can fashion in such limited dimensions. Don't worry, I've long since stopped expecting the same presentation of other people. I would hate to think you're actually like the part you play here.

But, yes, many people find me obnoxious. Especially dishonest thugs. So as you might imagine, conservatives find me quite annoying.

That's the thing, though. See, I have to start taking a couple of pieces of advice. One of my colleagues suggests the average age of Sciforums posting members is somewhere around fourteen. To the one, he may be correct, and it may signify a decline, as I can remember a time when people knew what a primary source document was. To the other, though, it could be that he is overestimating people's genuine character and underestimating their naîveté. It is very nearly shocking, in the virtual world, the number of mundane, even observable realities that we must set aside as extraordinary in order to lend a veneer of legitimacy to ahistorical and ascientific rantings. Like your gasoline price thread. In the first place, I can remember when gas crossed $1.00/g°, and also when it crossed $2.00/g. In both cases, people were incensed. It never did really recover below a dollar, though. But I can tell you from experience in this decade that the first time it crossed $2.00/g, people were upset, and talked about it a lot. Then it fell, and when it climbed past $2.00/g again, people just made a note and dealt with it.

The next benchmark is $5.00/g. We heard about it at one point, but maybe only about a hundred people in the nation have actually seen it. When that happens, Obama's political worries grow exponentially. Until then, though, it's just a bit of heat, much as I described in the B&E version of the thread.

This is observable to anyone who has paid attention. So when people open threads going after President Obama that overlooks such aspects, I really do wonder who they are and why they're posting. Perhaps one really is fourteen, which would make him four or five when gasoline began its present price cycle. In that case, though, the complaint doesn't make sense because there is nothing unusual about the price of gasoline in that cycle. Thus, the outrage we're supposed to feel is based on a longer and more complex historical consideration. Except, of course, for reality being too complicated for the outraged.

And this thread as well. With over a hundred occasions to examine in which the executive has ordered our troops to combat, there are only five declarations of war. That a president can deploy troops, advise Congress afterward, and expect to be done in sixty to ninety days is the mundane view of history and the Constitution. That a president following a mundane course of action is somehow impeachable is the extraordinary assertion, and one that needs some better argument than, "Because someone dedicated to hating Barack Obama says so."

So we start out with an extraordinary, unsupported assertion, mix that with a Godwin violation, add a market research question ... and at what point is anyone supposed to take you seriously?

The only obligation I have to take you seriously is to remind that portion of our community that is young and inexperienced that this sort of thread is not something to be respected, emulated, or otherwise deemed useful.

Useful, I might specify, in any sense of academia or integrity. I'm quite sure a Republican will have a different view of such endeavors, but the requisite dishonesty is one of the reasons I've never been able to be a conservative.


° when gas crossed $1.00/g — I remember pumping gas as low as $0.899, but I've never purchased gas any lower than $1.019. And we're talking about the day when you could borrow two bucks from a nun and that would get you around fifty miles on the road—with a straight six under the hood, at that. At least since I started paying attention to the domestic "gas wars", I think $0.749 is probably the lowest I ever saw gasoline.

Tiassa, has anyone ever told you that you write like Keith Olbermann talks. Do you write for Keith? Are you Keith?

You seem to have a natural talent for writing, your critique and analysis are to be envied. Not everyone can write and analyze like you, but most of us do our best. Truth be told, most of us probably envy your talent with the written word, my point is your standards for posting are a little too high, maybe?
I mean, what do you want us to tell you? That you've never looked more delusionally queer? It's absolutely fabulous? It would be a good idea, next time you decide to spend the weekend eating butt, to wipe the shit off your lip before having your picture taken?

You're just trying to be an obnoxious priss, and after the last couple rounds, I don't think anyone's up for your kind of circle jerk.

Sexual harassment! HATE SPEECH!

Tiassa said:
See, we actually do have rules against deliberate goading, but since you're aiming after Obama and taking a conservative viewpoint, your fact-free, "because I say so" logic, combined with Nazi invocations and pathetic attempts at provocation are specially protected under the current WE&P standard. And so are you.

So people can no longer express anger, disgust, outrage, without being called unreasonable or illogical?
"Oh, I would love to take you seriously, but the fact that you're angry and raising your voice means you're psychotic and have no legitimate point."

Let's quietly disagree. Or better yet, shut our mouths. Apparently we arrive at the same destination anyway.

People simply are not allowed to speculate at the connection between the character you play and the offensive stupidity of the posts you write.

What exactly does that mean?

In other words, you're protected because you're special.

Protected? In what way? That the thread hasn't been terminated yet? Does it even matter? I've seen very few people here doing anything but excusing our President's actions, so what's the use?

My first post stands. A number of Congressmen (and women) have expressed disagreement with the President on Constitutional grounds. I guess to you that equates to not having a valid point.
And to others in general, if Obama is accused of violating the Constitution, then it's actually the fault of previous Presidents.

Tiassa said:
But, yes, many people find me obnoxious. Especially dishonest thugs.

Therefore, all who find Tiassa obnoxious are "dishonest thugs".

BTW, I see Lindsey Graham reported my homophobic hate speech.
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if Obama is accused of violating the Constitution, then it's actually the fault of previous Presidents.

From the wikipedia page:

A "common law system" is a legal system that gives great precedential weight to common law,[1] on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions


Our tradition of common law predates colonization, and it's even more fundamental than the Constitution, if you can believe it.

So...Presidents have a history of taking us into "military engagements" that don't quite seem to necessitate getting congress's permission. An over 100-year history of it.

Now, there's not just the common-law issue...but the issue that if there's a move to take the de jure power of the executive away to fight wars without making it official, when the republicans get back into power, as they will, they will want that Presidential power available.

If they impeach Obama for this, then they completely smash the power of the Presidency, by legal precedent.
Meaning any President, in the future, will have to go to congress regardless of how fast any crisis is developing...and crises develop really fast these days. Faster than congress can generally get itself together, for certain.

This is why impeachment is not going to fly, Giambattista.

Why is it that you get abusive when disagreed with? Does it really make you that angry?
From the wikipedia page:


Our tradition of common law predates colonization, and it's even more fundamental than the Constitution, if you can believe it.

So...Presidents have a history of taking us into "military engagements" that don't quite seem to necessitate getting congress's permission. An over 100-year history of it.

I don't see where in our Constitution that it says "Everyone is doing it. Everyone violates the Constitution of the United States, so that makes it alright if I do it, too!"

Now, there's not just the common-law issue...but the issue that if there's a move to take the de jure power of the executive away to fight wars without making it official, when the republicans get back into power, as they will, they will want that Presidential power available.
Uhhh, de jure? Or du jour??? Whatever I want to do today, is okay...
Who says the "Republicans" deserve that power? Why does reigning in the Executive branch mean one can do it, and the other can't? Are you even thinking this through?
You're saying that it's wrong to prohibit a Democrat from doing it, because the mostly fake opposition posed by the Republicans would also want that power?
Certainly you mean something else. If not, then how does restricting a president from doing it automatically give that power to the next? And even if it did, and it were the opposing party, how would that justify them?

If they impeach Obama for this, then they completely smash the power of the Presidency, by legal precedent.

Reigning in the power of the Executive arm of the Federal government is not smashing it. If it was legal precedent to have law enforcement agencies that "violate the law in order to enforce it", it would then smash their powers and authority to ask them to abide by the law, instead of cutting corners or infringing people's rights in the name of upholding the law?
Where did you get that idea?

Meaning any President, in the future, will have to go to congress regardless of how fast any crisis is developing...and crises develop really fast these days. Faster than congress can generally get itself together, for certain.
Very few crises demand that the President wage war on another country without Congressional assent. This goes doubly for a country half way round the world that is going through a rebellion and does not pose an immediate danger to our own country's border.

I would also dispute that crises develop really fast these days. Sounds like an excuse used by someone who thinks anytime is a good time for military intervention.
The Libyan crisis was unfolding over several weeks. Plenty of time for Obama to consult or convene Congress. Which didn't happen.
First a no-fly zone, then two days later, a missile attack.
And he had plenty of time in the days preceding to get the go ahead from Congress. He did no such thing.

"It developed all of a sudden and he needed to act quickly and decisively..."


This is why impeachment is not going to fly, Giambattista.

Seems impeachment wouldn't fly no matter what a US President does.

Why is it that you get abusive when disagreed with? Does it really make you that angry?

I get abusive? I feel like my sensibilities are being abused by some of the talk I see around here.
Either that, or I get a little soused and run my mouth. Which is a good form of entertainment.
So, if you feel unduly criticized or insulted, perhaps it is the result of some spiked beverages and an air of good-natured argumentativeness that was to blame.

As for anger, if you don't get angered by some of the shit that goes on in this country, then you probably don't have principles. Or you're on drugs. Or the wrong ones. Or too many of them. Or not enough.

Why is anger an inappropriate reaction to either Obama, or his predecessor, or any other politician doing something you strongly disagree with?
Is that what it's come to in this country? That if you raise your voice, you're a lunatic?
That in order to have a legitimate argument, you need to take a number, and wait in line, and fill out reams of paperwork, in the hopes that you can file a complaint in a civil, and ultimately useless, but proper manner?

I don't get why anger is improper. Doesn't make sense.
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Meanwhile, Giambattista wonders why the Federal Government of the United States seems to have unlimited coffers and funds when it comes to foreign governments, but is preaching "CUT CUT CUT!!!" and "We have to tighten YOUR belts!" at home?

Forget the anti-war people. Where are the fiscal conservatives when it comes to spending billions on foreign entanglements like Libya?
Have any of the so called conservatives questioned the expenditures on "defense" (really OFFENSE) spending in foreign countries????


I see. They are a destitute lot.

What do you mean offense??

They spend money on defense to DEFEND Americas warmongering superpower status.
What do you mean offense??

They spend money on defense to DEFEND Americas warmongering superpower status.

They do?

I thought any old reason thrown out by the Executive constituted legitimate defense.

Oh. That's what you contend?

I get abusive?.

Yes. If alcohol is involved, you might want to look into that.

I feel like my sensibilities are being abused by some of the talk I see around here

When I disagree with you, it just means I disagree with you.
It means my thought process is different. This is not personal.

I think one of the big problems our country is having right now is an intolerance for other points of view, and so I am rather rigorously against disliking people for their opinion.

Unless they're being a bigot, at which point I will whip out my PC police badge. It's not fair to dislike someone because of what they were born being.

Nor is it logical. As Jerry Seinfeld said: "There's so many good reasons to hate people...on an individual basis!"

Who says the "Republicans" deserve that power? Why does reigning in the Executive branch mean one can do it, and the other can't?

I actually don't know that it's good for ANY president to have that power...it is just that due to the self-interest of both parties, they aren't going to gut Presidential power.

But it's something...I'm thinking Andrew Jackson did first-engage our military without congress's permission.

So while I actually think there's a potential argument to be had about constitutionality of these non-congress-cleared actions...I'm trying to explain to you that you're running against 200 years of legal precedent.

You're talking principle, I'm talking the practical...and that may be why you find it annoying. Sorry.

As for anger, if you don't get angered by some of the shit that goes on in this country, then you probably don't have principles.
Of course I get angry, and depressed, and resigned, and a host of other emotions.
I often have to avoid the news, quite frankly, because it is overwhelming.
But the problems in this country aren't of either of our making, and both of us have very little we can do to positively affect things.
I'm not really sure anybody can make things better...our recent history is barreling down on us Americans like a freight train with shot brakes coming off a mountain.

But us peons yelling at each other isn't productive.
Oh, poor, trollish you

Giambattista said:

So people can no longer express anger, disgust, outrage, without being called unreasonable or illogical?
"Oh, I would love to take you seriously, but the fact that you're angry and raising your voice means you're psychotic and have no legitimate point."

I have no idea what you're on about, Giambattista. Well, aside from your ego stardom. I mean, take a look at it: You're just babbling about yourself, now.

It's not that you're angry or raising your voice, Giambattista. It's that you don't actually want to discuss any issues. You're just out to offend people and talk about yourself.

Quit with all the stupid straw men.
Yes. If alcohol is involved, you might want to look into that.

No. It's scary.
Besides, a few drinks makes this site that much more interesting.

chimpkin said:
When I disagree with you, it just means I disagree with you.
It means my thought process is different. This is not personal.
Of course. You're allowed to differ all you want. Especially with me. Differ away.

chimpkin said:
I think one of the big problems our country is having right now is an intolerance for other points of view, and so I am rather rigorously against disliking people for their opinion.

Unless they're being a bigot, at which point I will whip out my PC police badge. It's not fair to dislike someone because of what they were born being.

has no clue (806 posts)

Neither do I. What does opinion have to do with intolerance or disliking people for their opinion? Or being a bigot?
Does this have to do with something I said about Senator Lindsey Graham?

Poor him. I invite him to comment in this thread.

chimpkin said:
Nor is it logical. As Jerry Seinfeld said: "There's so many good reasons to hate people...on an individual basis!"
So I can hate people, on an individual basis, including hating them for their opinions?
Highly unlikely. Hate is not something that comes easy for me. But it's possible.

I actually don't know that it's good for ANY president to have that power...it is just that due to the self-interest of both parties, they aren't going to gut Presidential power.

No it's not good for them to have that power.
Why is the Constitution explicit about Congress declaring war?

chimpkin said:
But it's something...I'm thinking Andrew Jackson did first-engage our military without congress's permission.

Well, do you have an example? Let's go from there.

So while I actually think there's a potential argument to be had about constitutionality of these non-congress-cleared actions...I'm trying to explain to you that you're running against 200 years of legal precedent.

You're talking principle, I'm talking the practical...and that may be why you find it annoying. Sorry.

I guess after the fifth or sixth dead body, we should just forget about a serial killer, since they already got away with it so many times before.

It's never too late to bring such issues to the table.

Of course I get angry, and depressed, and resigned, and a host of other emotions.
I often have to avoid the news, quite frankly, because it is overwhelming.
But the problems in this country aren't of either of our making, and both of us have very little we can do to positively affect things.
I'm not really sure anybody can make things better...our recent history is barreling down on us Americans like a freight train with shot brakes coming off a mountain.

But us peons yelling at each other isn't productive.

Then I'll be more quiet in my contempt. Whatever that means.
It’s not an endorsement Barack Obama probably expected — or wanted — but Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol gave the president high marks for his recent foreign policy gestures.

In his “You’ve come a long way, baby” post Monday night, Kristol praised Obama for his address to the American people about the action he took against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. On Wednesday’s “Red Eye” on the Fox News Channel, Kristol took things a step further and declared Obama “a born-again neo-con.”

VIDEO LINK: Host Greg Gutfeld asked Kristol how he felt about Obama coming to him for help (reportedly the president had met with him and others prior to his Monday night address).

“He didn’t come to me for help, of course,” Kristol said. “I’m not going to acknowledge that. He came to me to make sure I was supporting his sound policies. Of course, since his sound policies are more like the policies people like me have been advocating for quite a while, I’m happy to support them. He’s a born-again neo-con.”

Throughout 2007 and 2008 in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama ran as the anti-war candidate. But Obama has taken on different stripes with this gesture, Kristol joked.

“What’s the joke – they told me if I voted for McCain, we’d be going to war in a third Muslim country?” Kristol said. “I voted for McCain and we’re doing it.”

Can we give Obama the Born Again Neo-Conservative Award?

Washington Examiner: Obama makes direct Libya pitch to columnists

Clinton To Congress: Obama Would Ignore Your War Resolutions
Update: Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), who asked Clinton about the War Powers Act during a classified briefing, said Clinton and the administration are sidestepping the measure's provisions giving Congress the ability to put a 60-day time limit on any military action.

"They are not committed to following the important part of the War Powers Act," he told TPM in a phone interview. "She said they are certainly willing to send reports [to us] and if they issue a press release, they'll send that to us too."

The White House would forge ahead with military action in Libya even if Congress passed a resolution constraining the mission, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a classified briefing to House members Wednesday afternoon.

Clinton was responding to a question from Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) about the administration's response to any effort by Congress to exercise its war powers, according to a senior Republican lawmaker who attended the briefing.

The answer surprised many in the room because Clinton plainly admitted the administration would ignore any and all attempts by Congress to shackle President Obama's power as commander in chief to make military and wartime decisions. In doing so, he would follow a long line of Presidents who have ignored the act since its passage, deeming it an unconstitutional encroachment on executive power.

Other than that, the lawmaker said he learned nothing new during the classified briefing by Clinton, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Clock Ticking on War Powers Resolution
Attention to the issue swelled following an account in Talking Points Memo about a classified briefing with Congress by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on March 30. That report, however, was apparently overstated, according to Rep. Brad Sherman, a California Democrat who questioned Mrs. Clinton at the closed-door meeting.

Citing an unnamed Republican lawmaker who attended, the report said Mrs. Clinton had said the administration “would forge ahead with military action in Libya even if Congress passed a resolution constraining the mission” and that she “plainly admitted the administration would ignore any and all attempts by Congress to shackle President Obama’s power as commander in chief to make military and wartime decisions.”

The report prompted a wave of outrage in the blogosphere, as several commentators compared it to the sweeping theories of executive war power associated with the Bush administration.

But in a phone interview, Mr. Sherman said that he had actually asked whether the administration believed it was bound to obey the 60-day deadline. And Mrs. Clinton gave no definitive response either way, he said.

“Everything I heard about the War Powers Act was evasive and vague,” Mr. Sherman said, adding that Mrs. Clinton had also sidestepped questions by other lawmakers in the briefing.

Mrs. Clinton’s demurral, he also said, was essentially identical to the public performance of the Deputy Secretary of State, James B. Steinberg, when Mr. Sherman asked him the same question at an unclassified hearing on Thursday.

In that exchange (which starts at the 5:29 mark of this clip), Mr. Sherman repeatedly pressed Mr. Steinberg to say whether the administration will comply with the 60-day provision. Mr. Steinberg tried various ways to avoid answering the question, ultimately saying “it’s a question that cannot be answered in the abstract.”

Congressman Brad Sherman Questions Deputy Secretary of State About Operation Odyssey Dawn

Posted by ShermanCA27

I guess we'll see, huh?

We'll see that the current administration is a complete extenuation of the previous administration.
Obama's de facto war against Libya is bullshit. But so was the war against Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, etc. :shrug:
Obama's de facto war against Libya is bullshit. But so was the war against Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, etc. :shrug:

Most of them are, but that's not entirely the point.
I think the point is not to ever let it become routine. And even if it is, and it is now routine, at least don't look the other way and say, oh, it's become so commonplace, I might as well not even make a whimper this time.

Wrong then, wrong now.

Don't let humanitarian pretenses fool you. Seems odd that most of the wars in the last decade and the spreading of democracy seem to be centered around countries that have oil.

Or better yet. Take a lesson from Egypt.
We've already seen reports of the new "democratic" Egyptian government running roughshod over protesters, and now this.
A military tribunal in Egypt sentenced a blogger to three years in prison for criticizing the army.

The "trial" took place two weeks after 26-year-old Maikel Nabil Sanad was arrested at his home and charged with "insulting the military establishment" and "spreading false information."

Sunday's sentencing was pronounced in the absence of his lawyer, according to human rights groups, The Associated Press reported.

The military tribunal based its conviction on a blog, entitled "The people and the army were never hand in hand," in which Sanad wrote about the allegiance between deposed Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak and the military and postings on Facebook on abuse.

Maj. Gen. Mohammed al-Assar, a member of the military council, said the problem is in "questioning" the army's intentions.

"There is a difference between criticism with good intentions from a citizen, a journalist or a broadcaster who mean the public good. There is no problem with that," al-Assar said. "The problem is in questioning the intentions [of the army]."

Sanad's lawyer, Adel Ramadan, said among other things, his client posted "news published by rights groups and newspaper clippings."

"The danger extends to all bloggers, rights activists and journalists," he said. Since the army took control of the government following Mubarak's ouster two months ago, military tribunals have convicted and sentenced more than 10,000 civilians, according to Ramadan.

What we had there was a Mubarak government that received the second largest annual foreign aid package from the US government's largesse, and suddenly overnight they turned on him. They were really eager for democracy to take hold? I have my doubts.