Obama's War: Grounds for Impeachment?

So we kill thousands of "thugs" only to replace them with the rebel "thugs" ? What kind of nonsense is this anyway, don't you see the stupidity of this war ?
So we kill thousands of "thugs" only to replace them with the rebel "thugs" ? What kind of nonsense is this anyway, don't you see the stupidity of this war ?

Now how do you know the rebels are thugs? What kind of evidence do you have to support your claim that the rebels are thugs? Those rebels are advocating a democratic government as they are in other Arab countries. Thus far I have not heard or read one report indicating the rebels were raping and murdering innocent individuals.

What I find so interesting in this debate is that we have Republican/Tea Partiers advocating for a known terrorist...the very guy who blew a US airliner out of the sky killing all passengers, and the very same guy who bombed and killed American servicemen. Republicans/Tea Partiers who have spent the last decade scaring the hell out of average Joes and Janes with the threat of terrorists are now in the business of protecting known terrorists.
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Now how do you know the rebels are thugs? What kind of evidence do you have to support your claim that the rebels are thugs? Those rebels are advocating a democratic government as they are in other Arab countries. Thus far I have not heard or read one report indicating the rebels were raping and murdering innocent individuals.

These were some of the same mercenaries that were paid by Saddam to help him win the war against America when America invaded it. It was well known Saddam hired on anyone to help him fight and therefore I'd consider that some of these same people are involved with this war as well. Those were thugs then as they are now. Just because we aren't shown any of them murdering anyone doesn't mean they don't now does it? We will eventually end up with the same types of people we have in charge now, only the new thugs will be buying our weapons instead of Russian made weapons as they have been doing with Qaddafi's military.
These were some of the same mercenaries that were paid by Saddam to help him win the war against America when America invaded it. It was well known Saddam hired on anyone to help him fight and therefore I'd consider that some of these same people are involved with this war as well. Those were thugs then as they are now.

What does Saddam in Iraq have to do with the rebels in Libya? Where is the link? There is none.

Just because we aren't shown any of them murdering anyone doesn't mean they don't now does it? We will eventually end up with the same types of people we have in charge now, only the new thugs will be buying our weapons instead of Russian made weapons as they have been doing with Qaddafi's military.

Well saying that the rebels are doing something for which you have no evidence does not make it true either. And given that there are plenty of news reporters on the ground in the area, if the rebels are murdering innocents and conducting mayhem as you have claimed, then done you think one of those reporters would have reported it?

Now how do you know what will eventually happen in Libya?
What does Saddam in Iraq have to do with the rebels in Libya? Where is the link? There is none.

Why don't you look it up, you are intelligent enough to do so. Must I do everything for you....oh don't answer that.

Well saying that the rebels are doing something for which you have no evidence does not make it true eithe

The news as well as President Obama said that Qaddafi was going to murder his own people can you provide a link to where he said that?

Now how do you know what will eventually happen in Libya?

Look at North Korea and Vietnam, what happened there? Then we still haven't gotten out of Iraq or Afghanistan as yet after 10 years there either so by the historical data of Americas involvement it seems we are again going to be there a long time. :mad:
The news as well as President Obama said that Qaddafi was going to murder his own people can you provide a link to where he said that?

Daily listening to BBC interviews with people in Tripoli shows that normal people there are frightened as hell, and glad that the outside world is doing something to help.

As well as one of Qaddafi's crazy speeches talking about going door to door to get traitors. Sorry, can't see how anyone can be apologetic for someone who orders military strikes on his own population.
Why don't you look it up, you are intelligent enough to do so. Must I do everything for you....oh don't answer that.

Well you see Cosmic, you made the claim that there was a nexus between Iraq War II and the Libyian rebels. And the reality is there is none. Iraq War II occured almost a decade before Libyians started rebelling.

Your attempt to link the two just does not stand up to reason and has no supporting evidence. So while Fox News viewers and limbaugh fans are eager to believe this nonsense, there is no basis for it in fact or reason.

The news as well as President Obama said that Qaddafi was going to murder his own people can you provide a link to where he said that?

It is more about what Gaddhafi is and has done versus what he has said.






Look at North Korea and Vietnam, what happened there? Then we still haven't gotten out of Iraq or Afghanistan as yet after 10 years there either so by the historical data of Americas involvement it seems we are again going to be there a long time. :mad:

A couple of those minor details again, North Korea and Vietnam are very different from what is happening in Libya. North Korea was an outcome of WW II were a country was split into two for political reasons. Vietnam was a revolutionary war in which the United States was against the revolutionaries.

Iraq and Afganistan were invasions, something the US has not done nor has any intentions of doing in Libya.
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Well then I guess this well documented article is lying then.


So my proof is now in front of you so evidently you need to look before you leap next time.

I anticipated you would come up with this, I hate to burst you bubble but I will. You have referenced an individual who claims to have radical ties and claims to lead a small group (25 individuals according to this guy). And you are representing this guy as being representative of all Libyan rebels. There is no evidence that supports your claim. We do know Gadhafi has some nefarious terrorist ties. And we do know that Gadhafi is not very happy with the United States and its allies at the moment. The bottom line is your claim is spurious. You have not proven that your man is in any way tied to the Libyan rebellion or a part of the Libyan rebel leadership.

Let me remind you that Libyans sheltered American pilots when the Air Force lost a plane over Libya. And it was the Libyan rebels who raised the American flag over the wreckage of the plane.

Your own Fox News is not even supporting your position.

You have referenced an individual who claims to have radical ties and claims to lead a small group (25 individuals according to this guy). And you are representing this guy as being representative of all Libyan rebels.

All I stated, if you would read my post, was that there were Libyan mercenaries in Iraq and that's what I have done. You seem to , once again, try to get out of saying that you were wrong in your statement and refuse to bother to apologize for saying that about my statement. You really should try and realize that , at times, even you make mistakes , after all this isn't the first one you have made nor will it be the last.

I never once said anything about this man as being a representative of anyone, so again you are only putting words into my mouth that are totally wrong. I really wish you wouldn't do that for it makes you look like your somehow right and your not.
All I stated, if you would read my post, was that there were Libyan mercenaries in Iraq and that's what I have done. You seem to , once again, try to get out of saying that you were wrong in your statement and refuse to bother to apologize for saying that about my statement. You really should try and realize that , at times, even you make mistakes , after all this isn't the first one you have made nor will it be the last.

If I had made a mistake, I would be the first one to fess up. But I have not. You have been trying to misrepresent the Libyan rebels throughout this thread.

If some Libyans showed up in Iraq to fight Americans during the Iraq War II, it was totally unrelated to the current issue at hand in Libya. The Iraq War II, as previoulsy pointed out to you, occured a decade ago and is in no way related to the current rebels in Libya. So why did you bring it up? It is as I said before a spurious arguement. There is no link between the two events, there is no relevance - again as I have previously pointed out to you.

I never once said anything about this man as being a representative of anyone, so again you are only putting words into my mouth that are totally wrong. I really wish you wouldn't do that for it makes you look like your somehow right and your not.

If it is as you now claim, why the hell did you even raise the issue? As it is totally unrelated to this thread?

You have been trying to cast the Libyan rebels in a dark light for some time now in this thread, and you have not been able to prove any of your claims.
You have been trying to cast the Libyan rebels in a dark light for some time now in this thread, and you have not been able to prove any of your claims.

"Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime"

What is this, here is a man that fought against the Americans that is from Libya, can't you read? That's all I ever said, that there were Libyans fighting in Iraq against America and now America is helping them. They are only thugs just like Qaddafi is.
"Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime"

What is this, here is a man that fought against the Americans that is from Libya, can't you read? That's all I ever said, that there were Libyans fighting in Iraq against America and now America is helping them. They are only thugs just like Qaddafi is.

A couple of them details again mr. cosmic. First, all you have is one man making this claim about fighting Americans in Iraq....Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi. He by his own account now leads only 25 men. And by his own account, none of his men are terrorists. Two he has not said he is anti American. And three you have offered no proof that this man is in any way representative of the Rebels in Libya. If he is not representative of the Libyans as you now claim, then why even mention him? And if you are claiming that he is representative of the Libyan rebel movement, then where is the proof?

You called the Libyan rebels thugs. But you have not been able to prove it. The best you can do is offer up this guy. Has he done anything thugish in the Libyan rebellion? You have offered no proof that he has.
You know, if McPalin were in office, they would have ordered a full scale invasion along the lines of the Second Gulf War.

And you would be perfectly content with that wouldn't you?

Why would I be perfectly content with that? From what do you draw that conclusion?
Oh. This is more of that "Support Obama, unless you support McCain/Palin" bullcrap.

For two cents I could give you a piece of my mine and all of yours.

"I could give you a piece of my "mine"? Are you a 49'er? Is there gold in them thar hills?

Both Republicans and Democrats supported Bush's war. Was Bush's war constitutional? If it was did its 'constitutionality' make it an action hinged to wisdom? Is it actions like this or keeping troops on the ground in Iraq or vamping up military action in Afghanistan that earns Obama a Nobel Peace prize?

Hmmmm. Why exactly did he earn that in the first place? Wasn't he nominated within months of taking office? And then won the actual thing not long before the Copenhagen Climate Summit?

Why can't you see that Giambattista is pointing out the hypocrisy in those who support Obama as an agent of change.:shrug: Whether Giam supports a republican or not doesn't change the fact there are many who continue to look at Obama through rose colored glasses and excuse every criticism. It doesn't help that the new way to deflect criticism directed towards Obama is it call all naysayers either a 'teabagger' or 'racist', a tactic just as counterproductive to dialogue as right wingers calling anyone who supports health care a socialist.

Yes. The Teabagger/Racist/Righty insults are getting very tired and ineffectual. But they do make people angry. Which is, I guess, their aim.

Most modern governments are in some form socialist, regardless of how you define it.

Bush's wars were Constitutional, but they were not wise nor were they competently executed.
Let me guess. No matter how Obama does them, they're still really cool?

The jury is out on Obama's war in Libya. We will see how effectively Obama prosecutes his war. Gadhafi is a known terrorist.

Bush's wars, if I'm correct, actually had Congressional approval. Regardless of how stupid they were.

There are a lot of known terrorists. Just that not everyone recognizes all of them as such.
To consider a different tack, Joe, look at the attack itelf. Giambattista is simply test-marketing his latest obnoxious persona.

How am I test-marketing, to use your words, my latest persona?

You and Joepistole don't have obnoxious personas?

I mean, really, by the time anyone gets around to making LaRouche a central pillar of the discussion, we know we are in dubious territory.


Putting a LaRouchey face on the discussion only reinforces the bigoted stereotype that Lyndon LaRouche is actually relevant.

Although I can see why someone would call LaRouche dubious, I actually posted that picture because someone called me a Teabagger for posting a picture of Obama with a Hitler moustache. And I find it very applicable to who and what Obama is, not because of any ties I have with any party, let alone the LaRouche people.

Giambattista said:
Who's "you guys"? -

The Teabagger types who draw Hitler moustaches on Obama, and think they were properly opposed back in the W times but don't know what "unitary executive" refers to.

I don't care what they stand for. That's not why I find Obama offensive.

Obama is doing everything that Bush did, and people still support him.
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John Bolton's even mad that Obama is in Libya.

He's only mad that Obama wasn't there sooner.
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina:

"I thought he did a good job talking about the signal we would send, that we are a values-based people, and stranding by these young people in Libya will serve us well in the future.

Stranding was the actual spelling in the original article. :eek:

Poor faggot Lindsey! I know your parents made a mistake with your name, but jiminy fuckin....

Rudolph Giuliani, former New York City mayor:

"The president's speech tonight has made things even murkier than they were before. The whole purpose of this was to clarify our mission. Our mission is just internally contradictory. The president says our mission is to protect the people of Libya. Well, how do you protect the people of Libya and not be for regime change in Libya? Isn't the danger to the people of Libya Gadhafi?"

Mr. War or "I was Mayor of New York on 9-11" Giuliani... what can I say?

See here how he is seething with warmongering rage, but yet can't bring himself to actually support Obama?
He's playing the card where he refuses to support Obama, but only on tepid ground. Because Obama isn't bloodthirsty enough.

Anyone remember Giuliani's ad campaign? I think it was his last political ad that showed nothing but images of war and terrorism and then finished with something like "If you don't want this, then vote GIULIANI!"

Was THIS it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2iFhGtKO-Q

Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary under President George W. Bush

"The tricky think here is, when you have a president who does the right thing, but who does it four weeks too late, can you really say it is the right thing? This is really something that should have been done four weeks ago, when it was really likely that the rebels, by virtue of ... a multilateral action, could have tipped the scales and made Gadhafi think ... he needs to get out of there. I have a hard time seeing that happen now. I think it's a fight to the finish, and this finish ends up in a stalemate."

Ari Fleischer!

Notice something?

They all disapprove of Obama. They think he should have done it sooner.

Fake opposition. They love what he's done, but they just find miniscule items of disagreement, so they can keep up the appearance of opposition.
Meanwhile, Giambattista wonders why the Federal Government of the United States seems to have unlimited coffers and funds when it comes to foreign governments, but is preaching "CUT CUT CUT!!!" and "We have to tighten YOUR belts!" at home?

Forget the anti-war people. Where are the fiscal conservatives when it comes to spending billions on foreign entanglements like Libya?
Have any of the so called conservatives questioned the expenditures on "defense" (really OFFENSE) spending in foreign countries????


I see. They are a destitute lot.

Ever see anything gayer than that?

Does Boehner have "gay face" or what?

Is that why he pronounces his own name BAY-ner, and not BO-ner???
Do you have a point?

Your last three posts sounded like they came from a gibbering idiot.

"...gay face..." wtf?

Just take a breather and cool down. Seriously, just calm down. Its not like you could ever do a better job if you tried.