trevor borocz johnson
Registered Senior Member
The medium of space is heat from a gravity field of a dark black nucleus. All of space everywhere is just heat from a nucleus, big or small. The nucleus of the universe gives space its color and slight background temperature. We probably live in orbit around the stationairy black nucleus of the universe and black holes don't exist. The nucleus of the atom or of the universe has infinite heat inside from smaller and smaller levels of nuclei. This black heat doesn't escape the nucleus unless perhaps during fusion, but it creates a squeezing force on space and an area around the nucleus of dense/hot space that creates a gravity field. When two gravity fields touch they squeeze on each other the same way the nucleus squeezes on space and the squeezing force pulls the two objects together.
Energy is just hot dense space expanding into colder space. When energy enters the gravity field of the nucleus the free moving energy gets as far into the field until its heat/density equals that of the gravity field. This is a good place I think for the electron shell to exist.
Time dilation occurs when the force of gravity puts pressure on the nucleus of an atom in a large earth like gravity field. The nucleus of an atom in a gravity field will get hotter as its own gravity field is pushed back in on itself. When an object is moving through the universe the same effect happens to the nucleus because each time it moves into new cold space it's heat takes time to expand and gets pressured in on itself. Because the universe is a single infinite background the heat of the nucleus doesn't lose energy when moving.
Movement of an object and heating up of the nucleus through time dilation or other wouldn't effect the small infinite because it is to hot at the next level of atom/universe's to be effected by the heat of the outside universe moving. Coincidentally it is to small of a movement to have much of an effect on any outside universe that would be super cold.
I have a little experiment to show that space is indeed the medium for light. It is similar to the famous Michelson and Morley experiment.
The experiment utilizes a Femto camera. A Femto camera takes a trillion frames per second and is capable of capturing light in slow motion as it leaves its source. The link below is a video of just that. By pausing the video where light has expanded into s sphere, one can then measure for space 'moving past' just as they did in the M&M experiment. If space is in fact the medium for light one would expect to be able to measure for the slight difference in speed along different directions in a paused image of the Femto camera.
When I measured with a ruler on the screen I did in fact find that light was travelling faster by a few mm per 25 cm in one direction over the other depending on how you want to look at it.
All waves are a denser part of a medium spreading out to a less dense part of that medium, so light is just that and its medium is space.
Energy is just hot dense space expanding into colder space. When energy enters the gravity field of the nucleus the free moving energy gets as far into the field until its heat/density equals that of the gravity field. This is a good place I think for the electron shell to exist.
Time dilation occurs when the force of gravity puts pressure on the nucleus of an atom in a large earth like gravity field. The nucleus of an atom in a gravity field will get hotter as its own gravity field is pushed back in on itself. When an object is moving through the universe the same effect happens to the nucleus because each time it moves into new cold space it's heat takes time to expand and gets pressured in on itself. Because the universe is a single infinite background the heat of the nucleus doesn't lose energy when moving.
Movement of an object and heating up of the nucleus through time dilation or other wouldn't effect the small infinite because it is to hot at the next level of atom/universe's to be effected by the heat of the outside universe moving. Coincidentally it is to small of a movement to have much of an effect on any outside universe that would be super cold.
I have a little experiment to show that space is indeed the medium for light. It is similar to the famous Michelson and Morley experiment.
The experiment utilizes a Femto camera. A Femto camera takes a trillion frames per second and is capable of capturing light in slow motion as it leaves its source. The link below is a video of just that. By pausing the video where light has expanded into s sphere, one can then measure for space 'moving past' just as they did in the M&M experiment. If space is in fact the medium for light one would expect to be able to measure for the slight difference in speed along different directions in a paused image of the Femto camera.
When I measured with a ruler on the screen I did in fact find that light was travelling faster by a few mm per 25 cm in one direction over the other depending on how you want to look at it.
All waves are a denser part of a medium spreading out to a less dense part of that medium, so light is just that and its medium is space.