New Ubuntu pains

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I just find it ridiculous when some bitches about free stuff.

Really? I can get you H1N1 for free. :)

Linux is supposed to be an ALTERNATIVE to Windows, except it doesn't work most of the time. And by the way what is the problem with actually paying for something of value?

I like free stuff as much as everyone else, but when I have to sweat 20 hours with it, I would rather pay for something that can be used! Also, it is only worthy to use if it is actually BETTER than the original, otherwise it is just a toy for tinkering geeks. (nothing wrong with that, just let's try and not to spread it as the biggest invention since sliced bread)

Also after having PCs for 15 or so years, I never paid for Windows. I know, I know, the manifacturers paid, but as long as it is a hidden cost, I don't care.

XP for netbooks only costs $20 for the manufacturer, just so you know....

So if geeks want to spend countless hours trying to make Ubuntu work with an average monitor, hey that is their life, but it won't be for the masses for at least 5 more years. Red Hat was actually released back in 1994 so that is a shame not to be able to make a working distro...
Really? I can get you H1N1 for free.

Linux is supposed to be an ALTERNATIVE to Windows, except it doesn't work most of the time. And by the way what is the problem with actually paying for something of value?

I like free stuff as much as everyone else, but when I have to sweat 20 hours with it, I would rather pay for something that can be used! Also, it is only worthy to use if it is actually BETTER than the original, otherwise it is just a toy for tinkering geeks. (nothing wrong with that, just let's try and not to spread it as the biggest invention since sliced bread)

Also after having PCs for 15 or so years, I never paid for Windows. I know, I know, the manifacturers paid, but as long as it is a hidden cost, I don't care.

XP for netbooks only costs $20 for the manufacturer, just so you know....

So if geeks want to spend countless hours trying to make Ubuntu work with an average monitor, hey that is their life, but it won't be for the masses for at least 5 more years. Red Hat was actually released back in 1994 so that is a shame not to be able to make a working distro...

From your incessant complaining and your clear misconceptions about the usability of Linux, I have a feeling you don't understand what Linux even is.

My fathers first computer ran on a Multics systems that he utilized to do calculations at home to take to work the next day, it shared time on a server down town. I didn't use it much. The next step after that was a humorous coinage of phrase on multics, Unix, in that it stood solitary and independent (somewhat).

My experience on Unix consisted of webpage creation using Pico or Emacs (Not Vi) which I would view with e-mail would be checked by Pine...and it would be hosted by a server my father had from his work. You read news through Usenet and chat (which I didn't use) went through IRC.
I accessed my personal machine through terminals, in a non-Gui environment...though I remember a semi-Graphic mapper I used to use...I forget the name though.
My first program I wrote (a simple input output text thing) was compiled down town on the time shared server.

This is how computers used to work...

Linux is a joke on a joke...a free Unix-like kernel that drives Linux distros. It runs on the premise that a computers primary functions should be accessible through non-GUI command lines. Since modern computer users have never even seen the inner non-virtualized elements of an OS...they have no use for it. Since XP, (and maybe arguably 2000) the DOS processes have been can find virtual software for nearly everything you need to do. You know those processes in the Task Manager? You'd have to manage those yourself without the TaskManager.

Linux seeks to bring back the functionality computers used to have with modern amenities...and to do a user needs a little patience to utilize the system, a little memorization, and a little intelligence.

If you're not willing to have those things, stop using it. If you can't see why it's useful to you...then you're probably raised on a different fundamental understanding of computing...and it's probably of no use to you.

ps. You need to know what computers are good for Linux...Lenovo / IBM are the best in my opinion.
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Really? I can get you H1N1 for free. :)

A virus is not stuff, at least by my definition.

Linux is supposed to be an ALTERNATIVE to Windows, except it doesn't work most of the time.

Works most of the time for me.

And by the way what is the problem with actually paying for something of value?

and what wrong with not having to pay for something of value?

I like free stuff as much as everyone else, but when I have to sweat 20 hours with it, I would rather pay for something that can be used!

Not my problem.

Also, it is only worthy to use if it is actually BETTER than the original,

Incorrect. Many things are worthy of use even though they aren't best.

otherwise it is just a toy for tinkering geeks. (nothing wrong with that, just let's try and not to spread it as the biggest invention since sliced bread)

Not saying it should be, but just because your incompetent with it does not mean the rest of us are as well.

Also after having PCs for 15 or so years, I never paid for Windows. I know, I know, the manifacturers paid, but as long as it is a hidden cost, I don't care.

then your still paying for it, even though you don't see that price directly.

XP for netbooks only costs $20 for the manufacturer, just so you know....

Pretty soon you might as well have DOS, Microsoft is moving towards making it obsolete and incompatible with new software.

So if geeks want to spend countless hours trying to make Ubuntu work

Got it working in minutes.

with an average monitor, hey that is their life, but it won't be for the masses for at least 5 more years. Red Hat was actually released back in 1994 so that is a shame not to be able to make a working distro...

It works, just not for you.
I dont know I am an MCSE and a CCNA and I find both windows and Linux useful. Linux does what windows cant for frre. That is the many reason I use it and the more I use Linux the more I like it. I ccan get it to run all my windows stuff I need but try that the other way around and you will get screwed really fast. Both have there PROs and Cons.
I have a feeling you don't understand what Linux even is..

Let me try my computer psychologist skill:

Linux is a teenager with growing pains.

Seriously, Ubuntu is an OS and all there is to know about it. Machines are for people and not the other way around. As much as I enjoy to tinker with stuff, USABILITY first!
It works, just not for you.

....and by you, you mean 98% of the rest of us.... :)

PM me when you guys make a usable distro. Or better, don't. I can do without spinning cubes on my desktop. All I needed this was for fast internet and my Vista is already fast enough.

P.S.: I am still curious about the 10 relatives experience. :)
....and by you, you mean 98% of the rest of us.... :)

PM me when you guys make a usable distro. Or better, don't. I can do without spinning cubes on my desktop. All I needed this was for fast internet and my Vista is already fast enough.

P.S.: I am still curious about the 10 relatives experience. :)

If the relatives are anything like mine they would get me to install it as most of them have to be reminded to breath from time to time let alone install something on a PC.
Let me try my computer psychologist skill:

Linux is a teenager with growing pains.

Seriously, Ubuntu is an OS and all there is to know about it. Machines are for people and not the other way around. As much as I enjoy to tinker with stuff, USABILITY first!

If you would have read my wouldn't have made such an ignorant set of statements. It's as if you're ignorant...and you don't care to change that. But I think it stems from arrogance.
he is right though. linux is not a plug and play os.

It is if you own an IBM.

A good comparison is this idea of "Cloud Computing" people who used computers XP and on...the Operating system its self IS the cloud. I feel the people who use Linux and expect a Windows environment are the same kind of people who own a car and don't change the oil regularly...even though the relationship isn't exact I suspect correlation.
with linux on my laptop my web browser gets kind of slow with around 40 tabs open. i tried a few different browsers and it is the same situation but it is use-able. ended up sticking with opera.

win7 did run better on this laptop though. which was kind of surprising considering that linux is more streamlined.
....and by you, you mean 98% of the rest of us.... :)

No more like 20% "of the rest of us"

P.S.: I am still curious about the 10 relatives experience. :)

Aside for my step father that uses ubuntu and runs virtual PCs of winxp, vista and now win7 to make drivers as well as uses ulinux in his embedded systems he develops, and my father that simply uses unix on a sgi machine and my little sister (12) that uses ubuntu for here web browsing, gaming, endless facebooking on an old athlon machine we gave her... that only makes 3. My mother uses WinXp because she computer inept and my brother uses vista because he's a pure gamer. I'm not sure about most of my other relatives, I can say a few of them are snobbish apple cultists due to living in the bay area, but that all I know. By the way if you want "easy to use" and "works out of the box" you should join the apple cult, being fair and honest their OS and computers "just work" so well any retarded chimp can use it.
If the relatives are anything like mine they would get me to install it as most of them have to be reminded to breath from time to time let alone install something on a PC.

Exactly my point. :)

You have to make thing idiot proof and pretty simple for the average user. If anyone ever say "sudo this or sudo that" to me again I am ready to get my AK-47 and randomly shot people. :)
Linux is a joke?
U actually compare linux with windows?

All servers (meaning -> everything that is online),supercomputers and hackers use Linux...can u guess why?
Linux is not a game console-home entertaining machine like windows.

kk runs so beautifully <33
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