Read Alan Guth's Eternal Inflation theory. The linked paper is about the first attempt to discover evidence, evaluating WMAP data from the CMBR experiment, that members of the eternal inflating multiverse may have gone 'bump in the night'.
First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation
Thanks for stopping in...I'm a little taken aback right now, because I visited a site, that highlighted Guth's work, earlier today. How ironic.
aw, so you looked into grant money, then?No, it was a simulation model within my mind which I wanted to get onto the computer screen. I tried going straight to a computer program written in Java. I couldn't get the fractal element of 'spinning threads of spinning threads'. My mind was about to burst. I wanted to hire someone else to do it, but couldn't raise the cash needed. (I was in cuckoo land thinking that it was a possibility to get funding).
Thanks for the comment![]()
Would you mind answering some questions relating to this, brucep?The classical Big Bang Theory isn't going to be replaced by any theory. Guth's Inflation predictions were confirmed by the WMAP experiment. The Universe begins with the inflation event and the further evolution of the universe is described by the classical Big Bang theory. It'll be interesting to read the paper and see what difference the 'phase change' makes compared to inflation. Initially it was part of the inflation hypothesis but it resulted in theoretical problems and was discarded.
My questions are:
1) Can String Theory make any valid predictions with respect to pre-Big Bang? (I don't fully grasp String Theory) :/
2) Why do you feel the Big Bang Theory will never be replaced?
3) So the ''inflationary universe theory'' is the popularly accepted theory for pre-Big Bang? (I ask because I've read that inflation theory hasn't been confirmed.)
4) Doesn't the inflation theory violate Einstein's equation? I was reading something to this effect, and if so...why would this be accepted then? (There are some who don't believe the inflation theory largely because it 'violates' Einstein's theory)
I'm a bit confused, but I'm hopeful you can help me better understand. (TIA)
Well, science knows a wee bit more than that.In your opinion of course. All science really knows is that planets, stars and galaxies exist. Everything else is speculation until a T.O.E. is established. It's never going to happen with the current mainstream math based models of reality which are inherently incompatible. It's a FACT.
For anyone interested, here's a session with Alan Guth...he is very interesting.