I know you’re from Australia but whereabouts, RC? Um…Queensland?
If so, maybe we should consider sending Erin Brockovich your way.
All in good fun, cheers!
HI Trooper!
Good fun is good. I wouldn't have it any other way! And continuing the vein....
Hahaha! You seem to have a 'thing' about Queenslanders. Contrary to what you may have heard said by some non-Queenslanders of questionable parentage (joke), many Queenslanders are people too....and some of them even quite intelligent and erudite (Good Elf comes to mind there; I think he lives in Brisbane....If you're surfing through here at all, mate: Hi there Good Elf! :wave: ).
No, actually I'm from NSW, on the South Coast within walking distance of Jervis Bay beaches. Never lived anywhere else in Oz, only in Sydney and now here (because of my health/work).
Cheers to you, wherever you live, NA, everyone! :wave:
PS: Sorry, gotta go. Logging out....NOW! Bye!