This would be a really good experiment. I agree that you would need an onboard clock whose motion you could control and not a distant clock like a pulsar. If they didn't keep synchronized then it would clearly indicate that the first postulate is wrong. I personally hope it gets done sometime, but it will obviously require a really good mechanical clock.2inquisitive said:A simple way to test my hypothesis would be to simply compare an atomic clock's tick rate with a very accurate mechanical clock while in space. I offered a pulsar clock as one method, but that would not verify that the 'local time' of the moving clock was not running slower. It will be necessary to carry an onboard mechanical clock of very high accuracy, to compare with the onboard atomic clock. There is an explaination of my 'two different types of time', electromagnetic processes that are influenced by enviromental factors (the density of the vacuum) and 'true time' which is not influenced by the density of the vacuum, the 'ether'.
Don't be silly CANGAS. This has nothing to do with what kinds of clocks were available in Einstein's day. It is all about precision and experimental sensitivity. If you have an imprecise clock then you must be able to achieve much higher relative velocities before the relativistic effects rise out of the noise and become measurable.CANGAS said:Bull Loney.
Any Rolex could be chosen at random and serve the purpose. For that matter, a hundred could be chosen at random at shot into orbit for a fraction of the cost of the average orbital Relativity experiment.
And do you remember that when Einstein promoted the time dilation, a Rolex would have been the only type of clock in existence? Or did you ever know?
Excuse me. There were pendulum clocks and hourglass clocks and the like. What happens to a pendulum clock in low gee?
I don't know about his thoughts, but his theory had nothing to do with the exact mechanism of a clock. The only times he even mentioned the construction of a clock was to say that identically constructed clocks would tick at identical rates. This idea applies equally well to clocks of any mechanism.CANGAS said:Einstein's thoughts about clocks had nothing to do with the only clocks he possibly knew about?
Yes, that's what relatvity predicts. The trick is to explain both aberration of starlight and the null result of Michelson Morley with a single theory.
Interesting! Could you please explain how gravitational fields could be a medium (means?) of propulsion for the light?Prosoothus said:Let's assume that space is the photon's medium of travel, but gravitational fields are its medium of propulsion. If this was the case, then a photon entering a moving uniform gravitational field would have its speed altered (to match the moving gravitational field), but not its path (because the space is not moving). Only in a non-uniform gravitational field would a photon's path change due to the photon rotating to point towards the stronger part of the field.
Interesting! Could you please explain how gravitational fields could be a medium (means?) of propulsion for the light?
What does it mean for a uniform gravitational field to have a speed?
Is this concept being introduced merely to explain the behaviour of light near large masses?
Yes, identically constructed clocks at inertial rest wrt each other will tick at identical rates.sleeper555 said:when both sets are at rest relative to each other, both send and recieve the horizontal photon at the same exact time no matter how far apart they are and the tick rate remains consistently in step.
This is true, but it is irrelevant to understanding time dilation. In other words, even when the time it takes the photon to cover the additional distance is taken into account you are still left with an "extra" slow down. This extra bit is the time dilation, not the communication delay.sleeper555 said:ok.. now assume mirror set A/B starts moving at 100,000 miles per second horizontally away from mirror set C/D, in this case.. assuming that each vertical bounce takes one second (in the rest frame) each time a horizontal communication photon gets emitted the mirror sets will be 100,000 miles further apart so both mirrors will see the tick rate of the other set slowed by the time it takes the photon to cover the additional 100,000 miles between them.
Here is where the full Lorentz transform will be helpful. It does not matter how you arrange the clock's paths through spacetime, both clocks will agree on what the other clock will say (the proper time is frame invariant). In other words, if clock A/B travels along some path between events 1 and 2 and records a time t, then C/D will agree that A/B records that time t even though C/D recorded a different time during the measurement.sleeper555 said:Now assume that both A and C keep track of the number of vertical photon bounces in their own frame and the number of horizontal photons recieved from the other set. If we now apply a force on C/D in the direction of A/B until both mirrors are once again at rest to each other, won't both A and C show that the other set had less ticks recieved by from the other set while the same number of vertical ticks?
This is indeed possible. Although inertial observers will always observe relatively moving clocks to tick slower a non-inertial observer can observe relatively moving clocks to tick faster.sleeper555 said:Additionally, if C/D was accelerated to a faster relative velocity toward A/B so that it would catch up and pass A/B, wouldn't it observe A/B's tick rate as faster than its own?
Wouldn't the net force be zero if the forces act in opposite directions? Unless the photon has a net gravitational 'charge'?However, not all of the matter in the universe is the standard type. I believe that photons, and other light-speed particles, generate a non-uniform, or even a dipolar, gravitational field. In other words, the gravitational field on one side of this type of particle is larger than, or is the opposite of, the field on the other side. When this type of particle is placed in a uniform positive gravitational field, the field attracts the side of the particle that is gravitationally positive, and pushes against the other side of the particle that is gravitationally negative.
I don't see how this could work in a non-uniform field. Net pulls on dipoles depend on a difference in the electric field between the two poles.This creates a net force on the particle that causes it to accelerate in the direction of its positive side (at least in our galaxy). Finally, when the particle reaches c its stops accelerating because c is the speed of the gravitational interaction.
But where does one field end and another begin? Presumably you have a gradual change in mind, rather than fixed borders between distinct fields.Just as mass moves around in our universe, the mass drags the gravitational fields that it generates around with it. When a light-speed particle exits one gravitational field that is moving at one speed and enters another gravitational field moving at another speed, the speed of the particle will gradually change so that it's speed is equal to c relative to the new field it is passing through.
That's not the problem. The issue is that I've never heard of any force field vector, gravity or otherwise, having a speed associated with it. I've heard of propagation speeds, and I know that objects exerting a force can have a speed, but I've never heard anything about velocity being a component of forces or fields.No. There are gravitational fields everywhere in the universe, and no matter how weak they are in certain areas, photons, and other light-speed particles, will travel at c relative to those fields. It just may take a longer time for a photon to accelerate, or decelerate, to c in a weaker field than in a stronger one.
Wouldn't the net force be zero if the forces act in opposite directions? Unless the photon has a net gravitational 'charge'?
I don't see how this could work in a non-uniform field. Net pulls on dipoles depend on a difference in the electric field between the two poles.
But where does one field end and another begin? Presumably you have a gradual change in mind, rather than fixed borders between distinct fields.
Intuitively, if I wanted to associate a speed with the gravitational field at some point, I'd take an average of the velocities of the particles contributing to the field, weighted by the magnitude of their contributions to the field at that point.
The problem with this approach is that (unless I've made a mistake somewhere) the field velocity near the surface of the Earth would be roughly equal to the velocity of its centre of gravity, and MM type experiments would be influenced by the Earth's daily rotation on it's axis.
Alternatively, maybe you're thinking of the gravitational field as if it were some kind of fluid, being dragged by something resembling friction near the surface of the planet. Are you claiming forces can pull other forces?
That's not the problem. The issue is that I've never heard of any force field vector, gravity or otherwise, having a speed associated with it. I've heard of propagation speeds, and I know that objects exerting a force can have a speed, but I've never heard anything about velocity being a component of forces or fields.
You'd only need to test it if you were proposing a theory that gave different predictions than currently established ones. The same field will exert opposite forces on opposite charges, unless your view of the gravitational field is different from the current view of the electric field (aside from like charges attracting instead of repelling).The forces don't act in opposite directions. The force in the back of the photon is pushing the photon from the back, and the force in the front of the photon is pulling the photon from the front. They're both causing the photon to move forward.
Let me just say that I'm not sure exactly how a dipole would react in a uniform unipolar field, but now I realise how it can be tested:
Actually, the field is uniformly zero inside a charged sphere. If you want a non-zero uniform field, the usual way of creating one is to use two oppositely charged flat plates, placed parallel to one another some distance apart.Let's say you take a large hollow empty sphere and you negatively charge it. Math would dictate that you would have created a uniform negative electric field everywhere inside that sphere.
The field would try to push the positive charge one way, and the negative charge the other way. The forces would either stretch or compress your dipole, but they wouldn't move it. As I said, the only motivation for testing this is if you have a reason to doubt current electrostatic theory.Next, let's say you take two pieces of metal and seperate them with an insulator. You charge one piece of metal negatively, and the other positively, thereby creating an electric dipole. Finally you place your dipole in the center of the hollow sphere. How will the dipole react to the uniform negative electric field inside the sphere? This experiment would show whether my model could work or not.
As I understand it, the forces on the positive and negative charges on the dipole would be of different strengths if the field were non-uniform, giving a net force. As you also noted, the dipole would orient itself to face the strongest part of the field, and would be pulled in that direction. Also, there's no need for lab apparatus to witness this: you can use electrically charged objects to pull polar molecules (like water) around, for instance. It doesn't matter whether the object is charged positively or negatively - the net force is always a pull.I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking the difference between a dipole in a non-uniform field as opposed to a dipole in a uniform field? If so, I would think that the dipole in the non-uniform field would accelerate just like a dipole in a uniform field, but the dipole in the non-uniform field would also tend to rotate so that it would face the strongest part of the field.
I was considering a uniform stationary rotating ring of mass a few months ago. I did a quick integration for an arbitrary distance outside the circle, and got zero velocity for the field in the direction tangent to the circle. Since a sphere can be viewed as a bunch of concentric circles, you'd get the same thing for a uniform sphere of mass.Instead of imagining a gravitational field as a curvature of space-time, or as an exchange of particles, I imagine it as simply an extension of the mass that creates it. So a moving mass drags its gravitational field along with it, and a rotating mass rotates its field as well. So a person standing on the surface of the Earth would be stationairy in the Earth's gravitational field, because the field is rotating with the Earth.
However, you may have presented a problem in my theory. If mass can drag gravitational fields around, why can't gravitational fields drag mass around? I'll have to think about that.
I wouldn't look at it that way. Your attributing the force to a speed difference between air and something moving through it, but does that give the force itself a speed? It just looks like a cause/effect relationship to me.Let's say you have a wind blowing at 100 mph. If you are stationairy, you feel the force of the wind. However, if your traveling at 100 mph in the same direction of the wind, you feel no force. In this example you can say that the force of the wind has a speed of 100 mph in a certain direction.
This is the propagation speed of the field, which isn't the same thing. It's how quickly changes to the field will spread out.In another example, let's say that you have a fundamental interaction that is the result of an exchange of particles. Let's also say that those particles have a constant speed relative to a certain medium. You can then say that the speed of that interaction is equal to the speed of those particles. So if you were travelling at at the speed of those particles, you would cease to feel any force from that interaction.
I suppose so. Note that in your three examples the speeds you mentioned aren't really analagous to one another. One's a moving source, one's a propagation speed, and one is, as you put it, a speed limit. I didn't say forces couldn't be affected by some parameters that happen to be velocities, or that you couldn't find different ways of associating a velocity with a force. As a simple example, you could consider pushing some object along a table top at a certain speed. You might feel inclined to say that the force was "moving along" with the object, but does this really say anything new and useful?As a third example, it's not hard to imagine that a local interaction may not be instantaneous, but instead that there may be a small delay between when the conditions of the interaction are met, and when the interaction actually occurs. So for example, if a particle with a gravitational field is moving at a fast enough speed through an external gravitational field, the particle might have flown past the parts of the external field that would have been responsible for the interation before the interaction could actually occur. This would also set a speed limit for that interaction, and the force generated by that interaction.
Actually, the field is uniformly zero inside a charged sphere. If you want a non-zero uniform field, the usual way of creating one is to use two oppositely charged flat plates, placed parallel to one another some distance apart.
The field would try to push the positive charge one way, and the negative charge the other way. The forces would either stretch or compress your dipole, but they wouldn't move it.
I was considering a uniform stationary rotating ring of mass a few months ago. I did a quick integration for an arbitrary distance outside the circle, and got zero velocity for the field in the direction tangent to the circle. Since a sphere can be viewed as a bunch of concentric circles, you'd get the same thing for a uniform sphere of mass.