Pete's partial copy of my post,
“ I would like to point out something else to you. Did you know an atomic clock will lose 10 picoseconds if moved across the Earth's surface at 65 kilometers per hour for a total distance of 100 kilometers? ”
from U S Navy paper'by Pete,
No, I didn't. Is it true?
by Pete,We have measured such effects on recent flight tests and have modeled
them via simulation. It is a surprise to many people that airborne platforms move fast enough, fly high
enough, or cover enough distance to cause large enough effects to care about. In fact, atomic clocks can
potentially exhibit relativistic effects even by their transport in a moving ground vehicle. For example, at
a velocity of 65 km/h over a distance of 100 km, the time dilation correction is 10 ps.
Your reading comprehension and quoting skills are severely lacking, or you are deliberately twisting what I wrote. I only suggested the time dilation was evident on the moving clock only, not reciprocal, as I stated earlier. You first stated you didn't even know there would be any time dilation, then later stated it was exactly as relativity predicted.2inq stated it as fact that "an atomic clock will lose 10 picoseconds if moved across the Earth's surface at 65 kilometers per hour for a total distance of 100 kilometers" and suggested that this were evidence against the theory.
in the last post by Pete'Did you know an atomic clock will lose 10 picoseconds if moved across the Earth's surface at 65 kilometers per hour for a total distance of 100 kilometers? The clock will lose that much time compared to any other atomic clock located anywhere on Earth. The loss is due to motion through the ether, that clock will 'see' other clocks ticking faster than itself. The time dilation is not reciprocal, the moving clock is always the one that ticks slower.
My 'point', as I have stated over and over, is that only the moving clock accumulates less time. That is in support of my hypothesis. You, Pete, you keep bringing Special Theory into the discussion, not me. Now where the fuck do you see where I have stated 'these effects are not predicted by special relativity'? Try to keep at least halfway honest, Pete.What's your pont, 2inq?
You seem to be suggesting that these effects are not predicted by special relativity... but you also suggested that the 10ps difference when moving a clock 100km at 65kph was not predicted by special relativity, when that's exactly where the number came from.
What, precisely, do you think that special relativity predicts when a clock is moved?
Thanks for sharing. Did anyone expect it to be reciprocal?I only suggested the time dilation was evident on the moving clock only, not reciprocal, as I stated earlier.
Strictly speaking, nobody knows if the particular case you cited is true, since it's too small to be measurable. All we know is that it's what Special Relativity predicts.You first stated you didn't even know there would be any time dilation,
Then I'm glad to agree.My 'point', as I have stated over and over, is that only the moving clock accumulates less time.
So you say, and yet you can't describe how your hypothesis predicts anything. I'm sure you have a general qualitative idea... but that's not enough, because vague qualitative ideas can be massaged to predict anything. Hard quantitative testable predictions are needed before a hypothesis is interesting to me.That is in support of my hypothesis.
Yes, as the atomic clock is in motion, it contines to fall futher behind a identical clocks that are on the surface. The military experiment transporting atomic clocks confirmed that. I deleted the link to the experiment awhile back, while cleansing my long list of 'favorites'. The clocks were compared with GPS time signals while they were aboard the planes and they were ticking slower, accumilating time at a relatively reduced rate. After the experiment, they began to beat in synch with GPS time again. However, everyone seems to be missing the important point in my hypothesis. The atomic clocks beat slower because of a change in the pressure of the ether. A distant pulsar clock would be seen to beat at the rate it always has while the atomic clocks were in motion. The world's time rate did not change while the atomic clocks were in motion. In short, it was a local effect on the moving clocks themselves. Time was not running slower in the moving frame, electromagnetic processes only slowed down!Please excuse me if my question has already been covered in your posts. When the clock is being transported on the surface does it continually lose more and more time as long as the travel lasts? When the trip is over, the clock does not then regain time by itself? In other words, the time discrepency is a "permanent" effect?
In certain instances, yes it disagrees with both ST and GR. That is because I used the same experimental evidence to arrive at a different philosophical interpretation. And, yes, philosophy does alter predictions. The main mathematical differences would be in the speed of light as a constant. It would still be measured as a constant in the observers own reference frame if a light clock or atomic clock were used for measurement, but the speed of light would vary when different reference frames were compared with each other. The Lorentz transforms would mask these differences, of course, because the transforms effectively compare light clocks with light clocks in different states of motion. Remember when I mentioned the type 1a supernova? Astronomers have arrived at a very precise method of estimating large distances based on the extreme similarity of all type 1a supernova. Know what they discovered? The supernova were much farther away than would be indicated by their Doppler shifts. An example would be a supernova with a Doppler shift indicating a recessional velocity of .5c. Astronomers could estimate both the distance to the supernova and the age of the supernova by its charateristics. The surprise was that the supernova was much farther away than the distance indicated by multiplying its age by recessional speed according to its Doppler shift. This was the reason the astronomers came up with a new method of scaling Doppler shift, one that varies from Special Theory's relativistic red shift. They based their new method on 'true' distance, calculated from type 1a supernova. Do you remember a few years ago when astronomers began to find objects in the universe which were older than the universe itself? That was because the objects couldn't reach their locations in the timespan since the big bang, if relativistic red shift was used. Thus, the new method of quantifying red shift. In my hypothesis, the true recessional velocity of the objects would remain the same, but the length of a light year would change by the changing speed of light. Information cannot be transferred faster than light, but recessional velocities between two distant objects can be greater than the speed of light 'back then'. In other words, the early light year was shorter when compared with a modern light year. When meters or light years are measured by a variable speed of light, those values change. The variable speed of light is due to a change in the permittivity and permeability of the vacuum over time, the expansion of the universe. Simple, eh?Out of curiosity, do you think your hypothesis disagrees with special relativity when gravity isn't an issue? Does it disagree with general relativity?
It's "COZY". With a Z.
CANGAS said:I looked it up.
Around here it is always Z. Dictionary allows S as a variant. I guess on your planet you all go for S.
James R said:Neither is "better" than the other, and both are on an equal footing.
James R said:In fact, since English was invented in England, arguably British English is the standard and American English is an abberation.