I call it… “White Green an Gray”.!!!

Is that stained floor tiles(linoleum) ?
Unless that is verdigris.
Yeah. Wut geordieff sed.
Why is it so tiny?
Marble Kitchen/bathroom countertop.
No to all the above... but my new clue may be helpful.!!!Part of some kind of stone wall?
Or just the surface of a large piece of stone?
A rock pool?
An aerial view of a coral reef somewhere?
You are working on your own Sistine Chapel Ceiling in your downstairs lav?
A papier mache representation of a heap of garbage?
This represents 20 years work?
Yeah ive seen insulaton that looked like that... but James R got it mostly right... Sooo...Foam insulation from your attic.
Congratulatons JamesR :::A papier mache representation of a heap of garbage?
Green tomato?Im prolly the only one in this forum that knows what this fruit is:::
Picked fresh… cooked… an in my belly wit-in 1 hr. after bein picked… an it was delicious.!!!
O i thank it will take a few more clues to get-er doneSay no more,squire
Green tomato?