Name That Vermin

I have a friend who had a pet rat. You prolly want to raise them domesticated, rather than start with a wild one.
I usually use a high powered pellet rifle with a good scope, can pick off rats (and other vermin) from 40 feet. Loads of fun.
I had the same set-up an shot a rat in the head that was eatin spilled bird seed... it instently jumped strate up about a foot an it landed stone dead... but i didnt find it fun at all an knew right then that i woudnt do it agan.!!!
I usually use a high powered pellet rifle with a good scope, can pick off rats (and other vermin) from 40 feet. Loads of fun.
Actually, that would solve the problem of not being able to use traps for fear of catching birdies...
I have a friend who had a pet rat. You prolly want to raise them domesticated, rather than start with a wild one.
O this was a pet white rat sold to me by a "frind"... but i have a feelin that he sold it cause it woud bite... likely due to him bein mean to it.!!!
Crossbreed a rat with a cat and you'll a "critter of crats" , but they'll be sterile so one generation and no more rats , or cats.
Speaking of critters. This is must see;

Pets anyone?

I want me a "pink fairy armadillo"!
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Crossbreed a rat with a cat and you'll a "critter of crats" , but they'll be sterile so one generation and no more rats , or cats.
Speaking of critters. This is must see;

Pets anyone?
I'm always delighted to discover critters I never knew existed (it doesn't happen often). I've never heard of the Mole Lizard (only two legs!) or the Fairy Armadillo. Thanks Clueless!
've never heard of the Mole Lizard

Speakin of lizard... i caut one when i was a kid an brout it in the house to keep as a pet... mom was upset that my cage for it was not good enuff an it might get loose... i finaly assured her that it woudnt get loose... an by that afternoon when i went to look at... it was gone... i looked an looked for it but it was never seen agan... so once agan... mom was right.!!!
You can stack bricks... etc... around an over the trap... makin a space that woud apeal to rat to enter but unlikely for a bird.!!!
I thought of that. It could catch squirrels and cats, etc.
Any trap that would let in a rat but not a squirrel would have to be robustly-designed enough that a rat likely wouldn't go in it (they fear new things).
Yes, well. Then I don't have a bird feeder any more.

Actually, I took t he advice of the guy at the Nature store: I've switched to a birdseed that has no husk. No husk=no waste on the ground.
So no seeds from the feeder find ther way to the ground now.???
This cute picture maybe a killer.

I had one growing up. Lived near a green belt/creek at my backyard. Wildlife lost it's life to a strong, small dog that loved to dig holes.