My thinking in world civilization


Staff member
After doing some serious issues from India's past ...understanding, I came to this conclusion....You guys need to find out actual archaeology to match it...

getting the data from:

My thoughts are as this...

Human life started some 300,000 years ago with Fire (I was told, Leonardo Da Vinci developed fire then and had a different name for him then).

everything else was to 290,000 years ago for the growth of humans and other human like specis...

By 180,000 years ago we had New York type megalopolis...

100, 000 years ago we had space age interstellar space ships and connection to several outside specis. There was a major war with aliens here and was supported by Krishna's people...

Then world came to close...and part of the people left for other star systems (Ramayana)

Things went OK but at low level till 12,000 years ago with low level activities except Krishna group (Mahabharata) and interstellar war again.

Then things settled down for a while and we got back to what the wikipedia talks about which is correct.

So, we missed a lot from the past. Best way will be from several sources....

Dig Antarctica and find library
Perhaps design under Greenland ice too...
Find building in Moon that no one wants to Tell us.
Find space ships the other side of the Moon if possible...
There may be some space ship hangers in Mars too...
Pyramid may have documents too...

Util we do this, it is difficult to know for sure....and besides talk to UFOs who are our allies at this point...(agreement after the 12,000 year war)

Anyone with a connection to the spirit world can verify is past items...

And ...may consider this as a science fiction on Ramayana...
After doing some serious issues from India's past ...understanding, I came to this conclusion....You guys need to find out actual archaeology to match it...

getting the data from:

My thoughts are as this...

Human life started some 300,000 years ago with Fire (I was told, Leonardo Da Vinci developed fire then and had a different name for him then).

everything else was to 290,000 years ago for the growth of humans and other human like specis...

By 180,000 years ago we had New York type megalopolis...

100, 000 years ago we had space age interstellar space ships and connection to several outside specis. There was a major war with aliens here and was supported by Krishna's people...

Then world came to close...and part of the people left for other star systems (Ramayana)

Things went OK but at low level till 12,000 years ago with low level activities except Krishna group (Mahabharata) and interstellar war again.

Then things settled down for a while and we got back to what the wikipedia talks about which is correct.

So, we missed a lot from the past. Best way will be from several sources....

Dig Antarctica and find library
Perhaps design under Greenland ice too...
Find building in Moon that no one wants to Tell us.
Find space ships the other side of the Moon if possible...
There may be some space ship hangers in Mars too...
Pyramid may have documents too...

Util we do this, it is difficult to know for sure....and besides talk to UFOs who are our allies at this point...(agreement after the 12,000 year war)

Anyone with a connection to the spirit world can verify is past items...

And ...may consider this as a science fiction on Ramayana...
None of this makes sense..

None of this is in the link you provided.. Far from it, what you linked contradicts what you are claiming.

Ermm.. how and where did you come up with all of this?
For that matter... what are you stating here? That we (Planet Earth of the Sol system) are in an interstellar treaty with other races from other solar systems who defend us against invaders in a giant interstellar war that... we can't detect going on around us?

It sounds very "Men in Black" esque
It sounds very "Men in Black" esque

Just a speculation from what I learned in Ramayana and connecting to the spirits via friends...that is all. The idea is for others to do the same with spirits as ...even in the USA there are a lot of people who can....just a few yes or no answers will large discussions needed...

Now, why I am saying this?

Well, if we have an agreement, sooner than later issues will take like in Babylon 5 type outer perimeter groups like us. Then trouble will begin...that is why USA has space command next door to me. And a lot of military/NASA satellites are in space etc. It is time to get ready to connect our local group people...some of them run around in UFOs...

There is another part that no one is talking...Our Sun may not last more than 2000 years. May be super Nova or slow down its energy output. Then what? We have to go somewhere else....and 2000 years is good to set up a base to move out....(one spirit guide said there will be no human on earth 3000 years from now)

So, that is the issue. What I was expecting is any Indian members can provide detail data on Ramayana updated to present technologies...I will still wait for it....

an interesting link:

Moving to another planet is like managing a highly Complex Systems - (wikipedia)
The equations from which models of complex systems are developed generally derive from statistical physics, information theory and non-linear dynamics, and represent organized but unpredictable behaviors of natural systems that are considered fundamentally complex. The physical manifestations of such systems are difficult to define, so a common choice is to identify "the system" with the mathematical information model rather than referring to the undefined physical subject the model represents. One of a variety of journals using this approach to complexity is Complex Systems.

At this point it is more like Chaos Theory...extremely complicated yet it is coming along very well...

UPDATE: Our first civilization is doing great 80 light years from here and they use no money....sad for us...
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Another item...please see this article...

I do not think, Atlantians wanted to fight with Nuclear weapons...first we are behind in weapon technology...second, it was planet where everyone knew everyone else. There is no way information will be so secret. My thinking is that the planet was one can name the name. And we had a major fight with extraterrestrials...

Second, Atomic weapons are useless when you have space age systems...with wormhole can de-molecularize the opponent that technology.

Just some thoughts...
Ah... I don't think you've got it quite right Kmguru.

Throw out any misconception of Aliens and consider for a moment "Maya".

I'm not going to go into the thrifts of the theology/mythology, however since you yourself have create a "theory" for the output, here's an equal theory and you can judge for yourself the relevance.

Let's say there was a way to make our universe from a construction of a multiworld of simulations compositing together to generate one observational universe. While the theory and method would mostly cause Western sciences to likely debunk, scold, argue and procrastinate causing the very subject to not get very far, certain other upcoming cultures/countries are still open to protosciences such as of course India.

To further increase the chances of such a methodology and practice being undertook, it could be implied that if the very foundations of our known (and illusionary) universe were shaken, then such pre-emptive assimilations of information or events in mythology or theology would likely aid in attesting to the endeavour as not being fruitless. It's possible therefore that should it be embarked upon to prove this universe is "Maya" in the sense of it being a virtual construct that it would likely fall into the hiring of Indian workers and being designed with the aid of Indian minds and their very culture woven into the fabric of our "Reality".

(Aliens need not apply)
Thank you Stryder...

Here is one question I have. I met over the years many people who can talk to spirits (soul...or whatever you want to name them). It is based on Buddhism reincarnation....

So, can we find one or two now and clear up all the mysteries? ULTRA was able to connect...but I could not connect to him...


Just forget this post...I was testing if anyone will reply well...time to quit...

Just learned that neither Rama People nor Krishna people are interested in this planet...and hence ignore my past posts...just knowing is good enough...
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Just an post on Ice Age had bad information and hence not applicable for the next 1000 years...

On the other hand...their was a high civilization under Antarctica...someday we shall know...thanks...
Latest item I got from New Age connections are this...

Climate Change is here to stay...there is not much Humans can do until it is too late...

That mean over a Billion people will pass away in the next 200 years or may be sooner...

Florida will be under water and so would a lot of places...about 25 to 30 Meter water level rise....

See the map at:

We should know in the ten one will care until then....
kmguru said:
Latest item I got from New Age connections are this...

New Age is so 90's.

Climate Change is here to stay...there is not much Humans can do until it is too late...

That mean over a Billion people will pass away in the next 200 years or may be sooner...

Climate always changes, and we keep an eye on it all around the world.
Pretty sure the ~seven billion people living on this planet will all be dead in two centuries,
some population(/birth)-control so they will be replaced by the same amount of humans and not more seems a good way of keeping us from impacting/damaging this planet too much.

Florida will be under water and so would a lot of places...about 25 to 30 Meter water level rise....

The Netherlands will love this, they 've been fighting water for centuries and now they 're selling their expertise all over the world.