Muslim Women Dress Code?


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Registered Senior Member
Ok I would like to be enlightened about the Muslim dress code for women.

I have seen a lot of women coming to the school dressed in head to toe black only showing their eyes . Is this what they call a burqa ?
Does it have to be all black? because some of them use a patterned material for the head part. I saw a woman today with a black and white checkered head scarf and the rest all in black.

What is the difference between a head scarf that shows the face, compared to one that completely covers the face? Does it have to do with religion? or from what regions they come from? :shrug:

What kind of shoes should be worn? Does it matter? I see a lot of them in wearing running shoes like this one woman today with NIKE AIRS... Frankly it looks absolutely ridiculous.
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I don't think there is a universal Muslim women dress code, two of my fellow lab mates are Muslim, one is completely modern in her dress code. Another one wears a Hijab, usually very flamboyantly colored and decorated hijabs at that.
I agree. I see no point in drawing attention like that. A Muslim womans dress code is whatever she chooses it to be. From this in Saudi Arabia:


to this in Iran:


to this in India:

A Muslim womans dress code is whatever she chooses it to be.

So a woman that is covered from head to toe only showing her eyes, could show her face the next day? :shrug: Or do they stick to one particular way of dressing.
Its whatever they culturally consider as normal. I remember one Bedouin woman asking me why in the west, where it is cold, woman want to be naked like poor tribals. :D
Well here in Canada we wonder how the Indians can wear only flip flops in the winter.
I think it cultural norms, but I don't know, lets see
Turkish Graduate student = Completely Modern
Malaysian Graduate student = Flamboyant Hajab

but two sample does not make a survey, next would be to try to find surveys and compare of women in predominantly Muslim countries. Another effector could be Muslim in non-muslim dominated countries may be more lacks on average in dress code, or maybe it only coverts over with 2nd-3rd generation immigrants.
I have seen some of the daughters with the women with only the eyes showing. Their daughters wear the black head scarf but not over the face. Do they only start covering the face at a certain age?
I have seen some of the daughters with the women with only the eyes showing. Their daughters wear the black head scarf but not over the face. Do they only start covering the face at a certain age?

Yes and No depending on place and culture.
I have seen some of the daughters with the women with only the eyes showing. Their daughters wear the black head scarf but not over the face. Do they only start covering the face at a certain age?

Heard on the news this morn on the way to work that a Saudi cleric has called for a burqa that covers everything except for one eye..reason is that he feels some women are using makeup on their eyes and this is offensive.I guess only one eye showing,even with makeup would be preferable.

Some say this is strictly cultural but it really seems like a extreme religous interpretation of the Quaran as opposed to those who take a liberal interpretation.Like many of the women I worked with a few yrs ago that were from Iran..they seemed much more liberal in their dress code and said they had come to the west to escape the extreme religous b/s in Iran.
I have seen some of the daughters with the women with only the eyes showing. Their daughters wear the black head scarf but not over the face. Do they only start covering the face at a certain age?

I have seen Saudi women in Mumbai without niqab, so I guess it pretty much depends on the individual. There are some families in India where no one wears any face covering or burqa then one girl in the family will adopt it for personal reasons, this is also something increasingly common in western countries where women are wearing the hijab to defy what they see as ridiculing of Muslims. I would have done it too, but my family has yet to recover from the last time I wore it.
I love how Sam portrays it as if it was all the women's idea to dress like Sand People from Star Wars...Ha!

"It's whatever she wants it to be!"

Yeah, except when she walks outside showing some elbow and gets stoned to death for it. Or raped and told by the courts she had it coming.
I've lived in Saudi Arabia, only women who have lived outside of it are comfortable without niqab. The Saudi women are offended if you ask them to take it off. One of them told me, if I am so liberal, I should take off my shirt! :D

Uh please, I've been places in the US where I am the only one [apart from little kids] wearing a two piece bikini. I've never seen such prudes!

Yeah, except when she walks outside showing some elbow and gets stoned to death for it. Or raped and told by the courts she had it coming.

Can you tell me who was the last woman stoned for showing elbow? The rape thing is not very unusual. I've read of a case in Australia? where a man who raped an 11 year old was let off because the judge decided she was wearing "provocative clothing" and had it coming

The muttawas only have their way because the people don't like to go against the king [it is a dictatorship]. Sorta like Americans have no idea how to close down the torture camps their government operates.
The rape thing is not very unusual. I've read of a case in Australia? where a man who raped an 11 year old was let off because the judge decided she was wearing "provocative clothing" and had it coming
What? Provide me with a link for this story please.

If that happened here the judge and the rapist would be lynched.
Oh alright, it was in the UK.

Judge Hall said: "It is an absolute crime because she was only 10.

"In my experience this has been the most difficult sentencing exercise I have ever had to decide on. The circumstances in this case are exceptional.

"It is quite clear she is a very disturbed child and a very needy child and she is a sexually precocious child. She liked to dress provocatively.
Wow, what a nut job, oh will if one western judge says it so then it must be a universal truth in the west! So I'm going to go out and rape a women just because I like how she dressed, and if anyone has a problem with it, its her fault. Rrrrrrrrrriiight, and mean while in secularized countries women at least think they have the freedom to dress how ever they want and not be blamed as the victim, a status equal to men.
.. and he wasn't let off either Sam.

He was "given concurrent two-year and 18-month sentences, but could will be free in months after spending eight months in jail on remand."

That is discraceful anyway. Castrate him.... and the judge.