Yes, it is. Read the damn poll - it matches categories right down the line.
I did read the poll and no it does not match what you claim. Most get it for self defense and protection.
You stated something else.
So the issue here is: what is it about this gun issue that interferes with simple thinking, reading comprehension, that kind of stuff? You just posted a link to the total number of guns owned in the US. You did not post anything about how this ownership is distributed. I made a claim about how it is distributed. It went like this: Most people in the US own no firearms (you can see that in your second, Vox, link, btw) ; of those that own firearms, a majority own one or two.
If you consider nearly half being the "majority", then sure, knock yourself out. They don't
own one or two guns.
Almost half (48%) of all individual gun owners reported owning ⩾4 firearms.
Now while this claim could be wrong, a link to a news report about the total number of guns in the US doesn't show that. It's all but irrelevant, in fact. Yet you seem to think it's evidence against my claim. You are insistent, insulting, imperative on the point. And this is just another in a whole string of such posting from you.
I am insulting? You have called me and others stupid, and a lot of other choice terms when you have been addressed politely at each turn. I think to say that you have a cheek to accuse anyone of being insulting would be an understatement. From the get go, you have decided to personally attack people in this thread and for what? Having a different opinion to you about guns and gun control. Well I've had enough.
You have made no claim except spurious claims that are not only unsupported by fact, but were solely tantamount to your attempt at chest thumping. You have been pulling things out of your proverbial backside, despite studies proving you wrong and all you have done has been to whine and complain about gun control advocates, refer to people who believe in gun control as extremists, call us stupid and several other offensive terms and you have made arguments that made you sound like a flaming bigot.
Like this: And I repeatedly provided it - as again, right there. So we see a clarification (of what was already clear to anyone reading in good faith, for meaning), and the response to that clarification is the same as it was to earlier rephrasings and rewordings and expansions (the stuff that honest people find clarifying): that the clarifying post makes no sense, and I need to provide "clarification".
Did you? Because all I saw was you acting and posting like an abusive twat with no clarification whatsoever.
The reason it makes no sense to you guys is that it conflicts with your boneheaded misreading of the original - which was itself a kind of clarification or expansion of a point made earlier, and misread then.
I can't "clarify" in any way that agrees with your misreading. And you deny comprehension of anything that doesn't - three times now explicitly ("not making sense").
Are you aware that you have made few actual points in this thread and all you have done has been to insult and abuse people. You have discounted the use of any study to support arguments, you have not supported any of your claims - despite this being a science sub-section.
By appearances, you still don't know what it is.
Look at this: This kind of abusive stupidity is impossible to reason with. I've pointed out that you misread that. I've posted several rephrasings and expansions and clarifications, so you can join the argument and participate in discussion. And you will not.
And - key - you are not alone here in this pattern. It's factional. It's seen on "both sides". So what is the problem? Why is gun control uniquely afflicted like this?
This stuff is not that complicated. My posts are not that hard to figure out. The arguments are basically simple. The realities are not hidden. And look at this thread.
And as I noted, all you have been has been insulting, condescending and frankly downright rude. And then you have the temerity to whine about "abusive stupidity"... It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
People believe in gun control. Yes, this is a discussion forum and yes, we are free to voice our opinion. If you disagree, well frankly, you can shove it if all you are interested in is to abuse and insult people. Your arguments were not arguments. They were personal insults. You have made no argument in this thread. You have not supported anything you have said in this thread with anything scientific or anything at all. I am sick and tired of your attitude. For example:
There is a serious thinking disorder kicking in here, on the side that in most issues is the one bringing the sanity and the facts. And it has ruined the discussion of gun control, not only here but in the US realm of public discourse generally. We have a "both sides crazy" situation, and the reasonable folks cannot stand in the rip.
It's a bloody forum you dolt. You are accusing us, many of us non-Americans, of apparently having ruined the discussion of gun control in America. If that was not laughable enough, you then decide to label gun control methods that work and continue to work in other developed nations as being panicking and being bloody insulting in the process. Get your head out of your proverbial backside, iceaura. You are the only one acting like a crazy and rabid extremist in this thread, while supposedly and allegedly arguing for "gun control" and then in the same paragraph, whining about gun control measures that people believe might work.
Hence my recommendation: to reduce gun violence in the US choose another way in, an issue on the table and actually open to discussion and beneficial change, one that offers a way to do that. Approach gun violence reduction from some other direction, in some other way, via some other issue, than gun control.
This makes no sense at all. You want gun control measures that are not gun control. Considering you have been suffering from verbal diarrhea in this thread at any measure suggested for change and you have literally trolled and shat on every discussion in this thread to suggest change or to even try to have a discussion with your insults and abuse, I find your "recommendation" hypocritical.
So given the thread title, at least one poster has advanced a list of such issues that seem usable. This is a discussion forum, no?
Yes it is. So perhaps you can allow people to discuss it without acting like a an abusive tool and calling them abusive and insulting names for their suggestions.