More Liberal-Controlled Media BS

Why do dimocrats like to pretend the Iraq Liberation Act was never signed?

The dimocrats love the concepts of nation building and spreading democracy to the heathen nations as their idols Wilson and Roosevelt did.
angrybells said:
Are you suggesting that Hitlery isn't a liberal?
Hillary is a Right, Authoritarian, corporate and business oriented politician. She always has been. Her health care plan (for example) carefully tended to insurance company profits and powers, and drug company needs for market protection and guaranteed profits - it set up privatized, not socialized, government-paid health care.

The fact that Barack is a bit further economically Right than Hillary, even, may partly explain his surprisingly solid support in the business and media corporate world.
Video: NBC reporter admits it’s “hard to stay objective” when covering Obama:

Obama is the liberal media's messiah, rock star, knight in shining armor.... They couldn't be anymore obvious if they tried. :rolleyes:

Olberman defiles the GOP candidates and soils himself over the liberals. :(

You want more? I got plenty....

so you have one guy who goes after conservatives olberman who i watch and pretty much lets them defile themselves. one person does not make the media liberal
so you have one guy who goes after conservatives olberman who i watch and pretty much lets them defile themselves. one person does not make the media liberal

These were just a few examples. If you don't know that the Americans' drive-by media is liberal, there isn't much I can say or do to convince you. I don't care. I know what I know.
These were just a few examples. If you don't know that the Americans' drive-by media is liberal, there isn't much I can say or do to convince you. I don't care. I know what I know.

and what you know is wrong. what i want is not isolated events but something showing the "supposed" widespread liberal bias. You know something showing like percentage of positive and negative stories devoted to liberals and conservatives
If the media is really liberal biased, how did conservatives let this happen? and why haven't they fixed this yet?

Conservatives, especially economic conservatives have an incredible amount of wealth.
They claim to be smarter than liberals.

I mean what is it that puts them in this victim position. "Oh, poor us, it's so unfair, our ideas are not given respect, we are marginalized. Boo hoo."

Conservatives are always pointing out that YOU CAN MAKE IT IN SOCIETY IF YOU TRY. And yet they are always whining about the fact that they are victims of the liberal media. Well, what are you going to do about that? Why are you acting like the whiny special interest groups screaming for special rights that you hate so much?

Couldn't more of you go to college and get journalism degrees? (aren't you smart enough?)
Couldn't more of you buy newpapers or start them? (oops they are already did this)
I mean what is your problem?

If a black man says he's had trouble getting a good job in his field you would tell him, well, affirmative action is bad, he should try harder, stop whining, slavery was a long time ago, and so on.

Well, why aren't you conservatives out there fixing this problem instead of whining like vicitims? Be men and women and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.

You can show us all how it's done.
If the media is really liberal biased, how did conservatives let this happen? and why haven't they fixed this yet?

Conservatives, especially economic conservatives have an incredible amount of wealth.
They claim to be smarter than liberals.

I mean what is it that puts them in this victim position. "Oh, poor us, it's so unfair, our ideas are not given respect, we are marginalized. Boo hoo."

Conservatives are always pointing out that YOU CAN MAKE IT IN SOCIETY IF YOU TRY. And yet they are always whining about the fact that they are victims of the liberal media. Well, what are you going to do about that? Why are you acting like the whiny special interest groups screaming for special rights that you hate so much?

Couldn't more of you go to college and get journalism degrees? (aren't you smart enough?)
Couldn't more of you buy newpapers or start them? (oops they are already did this)
I mean what is your problem?

If a black man says he's had trouble getting a good job in his field you would tell him, well, affirmative action is bad, he should try harder, stop whining, slavery was a long time ago, and so on.

Well, why aren't you conservatives out there fixing this problem instead of whining like vicitims? Be men and women and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.

You can show us all how it's done.

see they know the media is conservtive but by whining it is liberal they can make it more conservative
I would say the liberal atheists have control of this place. That's ok. It's their board. This is not a public news media.