If the media is really liberal biased, how did conservatives let this happen? and why haven't they fixed this yet?
Conservatives, especially economic conservatives have an incredible amount of wealth.
They claim to be smarter than liberals.
I mean what is it that puts them in this victim position. "Oh, poor us, it's so unfair, our ideas are not given respect, we are marginalized. Boo hoo."
Conservatives are always pointing out that YOU CAN MAKE IT IN SOCIETY IF YOU TRY. And yet they are always whining about the fact that they are victims of the liberal media. Well, what are you going to do about that? Why are you acting like the whiny special interest groups screaming for special rights that you hate so much?
Couldn't more of you go to college and get journalism degrees? (aren't you smart enough?)
Couldn't more of you buy newpapers or start them? (oops they are already did this)
I mean what is your problem?
If a black man says he's had trouble getting a good job in his field you would tell him, well, affirmative action is bad, he should try harder, stop whining, slavery was a long time ago, and so on.
Well, why aren't you conservatives out there fixing this problem instead of whining like vicitims? Be men and women and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.
You can show us all how it's done.