MOND Dwarf Galaxies Closer To Host Also Closer To Plane Of Rotation Hypothesis


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Some excellent results for the modification of Newton's simple assumptions on gravity have been achieved just recently: MOND predicts dwarf galaxy feature prior to observations: Also indicates gravity fields vary where dark matter presumes uniformity

CLEVELAND —A modified law of gravity correctly predicted, in advance of the observations, the velocity dispersion—the average speed of stars within a galaxy relative to each other—in 10 dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way’s giant neighbor Andromeda.

The relatively large velocity dispersions observed in these types of dwarf galaxies is usually attributed to dark matter. Yet predictions made using the alternative hypothesis Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) succeeded in anticipating the observations.
The paper’s calculations using MOND also reveal subtle differences in the gravity fields of dwarfs near and far from the host galaxy Andromeda. The gravity fields of dwarfs far from the host appear to be dominated by stars within the dwarf, while the gravity fields of dwarfs close to the host appear to be dominated by the host. No such distinction is expected with dark matter.

I would like to make the speculation that dwarf galaxies nearer the host, Andromeda, are also closer to it's plane of rotation. Isn't it quite possible that there is an additional force of attraction on the plane of rotation of a galaxy which would explain these results? It would also have imminent potential for explaining the spiral galaxy rotation curve enigma. Aren't the best ideas often the simplest?


Dear sense,

Love your picture! "Dark Matter" has been widely accepted by the professionals. Their evidence seems convincing: fast-moving galaxies in clusters; stars in galaxies; gravitational lensing; dark "halos" around bright bodies. If it exists, I think it would be neutrons in a special form... But you may doubt its presence. If so, why would two types of gravity exist? We then would have MOND and N-E. Which mechanism would be involved- Black Holes or other kinds of unseen matter? Perhap cryogenic hydrogen? No matter the hypothesis, the answer seems elusive...
Hi quarklet - thanks for the vote of confidence. I believe fluid neutron matter to be exotic matter, so we have something in common there. Why two types of gravity? I propose an emitted mechanical spinning Archimedes screw particle which transmits the force from one entity to another. There are two possible types: right-handed clockwise spinning helical particles and left-handed anti-clockwise spinning particles. It's simple, yet a perfect fit imv.

Professor Stacy McGaugh was kind enough to reply to my email with some interesting information:

Re: Thank you for your excellent work on MOND and dwarf galaxy predictions‏‏

The plane of the disc of a galaxy like Andromeda does have an effect on the dynamics. For example, a thin disk rotates faster than the equivalent spherical mass distribution. This example is a purely geometric effect that is well understood.
We don't understand how this would influence the dwarf satellites. It might, but I don't know how. Many (not all) of the satellites are themselves arranged into a relatively thin disk, but this is tipped with respect to the plane of Andromeda. They are also rather far away from the disc of Andromeda itself, even the closer ones.
The simplest ideas usually are the best. But I simply don't understand what is going on here!


Professor Stacy McGaugh
Department of Astronomy
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Here's my response:
Hello again,
Thank you for the additional information. I do have an idea as to what might be happening. If exotic matter exists at the center of galaxies which interacts with one another primarily on their plane of rotation, then these could be tilted with respect to the plane of the visible stars. The Milky Way's exotic matter core could be influencing the plane of Andromeda's own exotic matter which then influences the plane of it's dwarf galaxies. The plane of Andromeda's visible stars could be trying to 'catch-up' with the plane of it's dwarf galaxies.

I started this way of thinking by coming up with a unique solution for the many problems associated with ice age theory. The main 100kyr cycle found in ice cores also correlates with the Earth's inclination cycle with respect to the orbital plane of Jupiter. If exotic matter exists at the center of Jupiter which interacts on it's plane of rotation with the exotic matter around Earth's core, then additional earth-tides could be created. Additional bottom ocean currents would create warm currents tending from the equatorial regions towards the polar regions. Additional precipitation could result in extra snow fall which accumulates enough to stay during the summer months. The albedo effect then leads to global cooling in a feedback loop.

Thank you for listening,