
The act of mansplaining is generally to over-explain something to someone, talking down to them, as if they have no clue, and as if anyone else likes the sound of their voice as much as they do.

My wife, for example. sometimes does that to me about things she knows a lot about, oblivious to the fact that I know quite a bit too and don't need to be patronized.

You’ve met your match :D
The act of mansplaining is generally to over-explain something to someone, talking down to them, as if they have no clue, and as if anyone else likes the sound of their voice as much as they do.

My wife, for example. sometimes does that to me about things she knows a lot about, oblivious to the fact that I know quite a bit too and don't need to be patronized.

your idea of the term is vastly different to how i have heard it used and applied by many women.

their meaning is quite precise and defines a process of applying false reason to something that asserts a lack of equilibrium to explain away the situation while leaning on a sense of gender discrimination.

i think your version is the political correctness variety used to pander to mansplainers.
their meaning is quite precise and defines a process of applying false reason to something that asserts a lack of equilibrium to explain away the situation while leaning on a sense of gender discrimination.
?? I have never heard it explained that way. Where did you get that?
The act of mansplaining is generally to over-explain something to someone, talking down to them, as if they have no clue, and as if anyone else likes the sound of their voice as much as they do.
In its original meaning, mansplaining refers specifically to a man talking down to a women, typically to "explain" to her about a topic in which she has demonstrably more qualifications and/or expertise than he does. If I recall correctly, the term originated in an article written by a woman writer who had just had the scholarly text that she had written "explained" to her by a man who presumed (a) that she didn't understand it, and (b) being a woman, she couldn't possibly know the subject as well as he did.

This is behaviour that is fairly commonly seen in men and only rarely observed in women. Hence the term.
Is misogyny among Moslems due to religion or to Arab culture?
Is misogyny in Christians due to religion or American culture?
Is misogyny among atheists due to (lack of) religion, or some cultural thing related vaguely to one's nationality?
This is behaviour that is fairly commonly seen in men and only rarely observed in women. Hence the term.
Agree. But commonality doesn't constrict applicability.

Once the act has been defined, it stands identifiably on its own, regardless of who invokes it, or upon whom it is invoked.

Obviously, that's arguable.

No mansplaining everrrr happens on SF.

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if people list their gender, then we know. That said, I can spot a mansplainer. lol :wink:
if people list their gender, then we know.
People put what they want you to think.

You can never be certain of the gender on public forums. So I guess the issue is mute on SF.

So, this is a good test of the applicability of the term.

If someone online with a username and avatar of, say, Chuck Norris were to...
... talk down to a women, typically to "explain" to her about a topic in which she has demonstrably more qualifications and/or expertise...
... we would be able to call it mansplaining.

If Chuck then revealed he was actually female - the talk would be retroactively stripped of its mansplaining label?

I do not think so. I think the label is dependent on the action, not the actor.
People put what they want you to think.
That's weird. I'm a female, so I list it. lol

So, this is a good test of the applicability of the term.

If someone online with a username and avatar of, say, Chuck Norris were to...

... we would be able to call it mansplaining.

If Chuck then revealed he was actually female - the talk would be retroactively stripped of its mansplaining label?

I do not think so. I think the label is dependent on the action, not the actor.

Maybe you'd feel differently if your entire gender was discriminated against throughout history, and laws needed to be changed to stop it from happening. Alas, it still goes on though. Not that men can't be discriminated against, but your entire gender has never had the same hardships women have had throughout history, so the term ''mansplaining'' is a way to highlight when a guy is likely sexist, and feels that all women need to have a man explain life to them.

Mansplaining to me anyway, is when a guy feels the need to 'splain life to ALL women. You mentioned that your wife sometimes talks down to you, when explaining something. Does she talk to all men in that way?
That's weird. I'm a female, so I list it. lol
Yes, but you're unusual in that respect.

It is not uncommon for women to not reveal their gender, or to fake being male online.
It is not uncommon for men to fake being female online.

... the term ''mansplaining'' is a way to highlight when a guy is likely sexist, and feels that all women need to have a man explain life to them.
Mansplaining to me anyway, is when a guy feels the need to 'splain life to ALL women.
There's no disagreement that men do the lion's share of mansplaining. I simply pointed out that the behaviour - and thus the term - is not exclusive to men.
Yes, but you're unusual in that respect.

It is not uncommon for women to not reveal their gender, or to fake being male online.
It is not uncommon for men to fake being female online.
On another forum in the past, I've seen this. More so with men pretending to be women. Usually a give away when their first few posts are sexual lol

There's no disagreement that men do the lion's share of mansplaining. I simply pointed out that the behaviour - and thus the term - is not exclusive to men.
Agree. But, I wonder if the term would have any relevance if it weren't for feminism. Mansplaining has gone on since the dawn of time most likely, but the difference now is that women aren't interested in being shrinking violets anymore to keep the peace.

Interestingly, men mansplain to other men, too. It's pretty prevalent on here; looks like intellectually ''flexing'' or something. :p
Agree. But, I wonder if the term would have any relevance if it weren't for feminism. Mansplaining has gone on since the dawn of time most likely, but the difference now is that women aren't interested in being shrinking violets anymore to keep the peace.

Interestingly, men mansplain to other men, too. It's pretty prevalent on here; looks like intellectually ''flexing'' or something. :p
I suppose. But this is a technical discussion forum, not so much a social site, and it involves the exchange of detailed ideas. It requires a certain length of explanation, otherwise, threads would be a thousand posts long, each consisting of short back-and-forth exchanges.
I'd say most science or technical fora are like this. Different from social fora.

I suppose. But this is a technical discussion forum, not so much a social site, and it involves the exchange of detailed ideas. It requires a certain length of explanation, otherwise, threads would be a thousand posts long, each consisting of short back-and-forth exchanges.
I'd say most science or technical fora are like this. Different from social fora.
Gotcha, that makes sense. I think when the ad homs fly though...:oops: