

Valued Senior Member
Strict Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all seem to be misogynist. For instance, Orthodox rabbis, Catholic priests, and Moslem imams are all men. Why? Is this true of other religions as well?
Most are, to some degree. Even Sikhs, who profess equality of the sexes, in practice keep the other sex in the background.
I suspect it's a function of organized religion - or rather, religious organization. Women are too practical and co-operative to fit neatly into a rigid hierarchy.
Plus, they're distracting and insist on pointing out when a man makes an ass of himself.
Cardinals don't like that - they prefer to believe that parading around in a robe and dunce-cap is dignified.
Interesting article in NYTimes today (Feb 22, 2019) about ISIS. Because of recent setbacks, they are becoming less misogynist, using women as fighters.

"daddy is home" is an American language term
it means several things but is interpreted to mean
the power authority is now in control

it is innately misogynistic as a form of power & control authority culture of the domestic family unit.

it has been sexualised by many people to become a sexual domination expression.

some people use it in a manner that they feel is not misogynistic but like a white male calling his best friend out loud in public a N_gger"
picture standing in the middle of a busy family fast food shop
and a young white male says loudly as a hello gesture to his young white male friend who walks in
"Hey My N_GGER!" !
so all the customers can hear him.

the expression "Daddy is home" is the same
Misogyny is visible and it's quite palpable, in certain sects of various religions, but atheism seems to be having a problem with it, as well. How men are raised to view women by their parents/role models, usually is what creates the foundation of how they will treat women, as adults. Their personal experiences with women, and other social factors also play a role. I believe that most men who use religion to hurt women, would probably be hurting women if they were secularists. Religion becomes their catalyst, is all.

I don't necessarily liken misogyny to bold sexism, which is rampant in both religious and secular circles. Misogyny is about hatred, a general disdain for women, and religion doesn't really teach that, as much as it promotes a blatant type of sexism. (which is wrong, but I'm just sharing the distinction) The media misuses the term ''misogyny'' to mean everything from women experiencing wage gap discrimination to sexual harassment. An easy way to remember the distinction is that not all sexists are misogynists, but all misogynists are sexists. Misogynists usually compete with women, and feel threatened by them. Some sexists might be like this, but definitely not all. I'd say serial rapists are misogynists, as well as Harvey Weinstein, as examples. Men who are both threatened by women, and seek to blame and hurt them, carry the main characteristics of a misogynist. I don't think misogynists can change their ways, but sexists can. (wow, sorry for the tangent) :oops:

It's important to remember, that ancient religious texts like the Bible, Torah and Qu'ran were all written during a time when the cultural norms were to treat women as second class citizens. That doesn't mean God ordained it. (which many people construe as to why God could be the ultimate misogynist)
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Misogyny is visible and it's quite palpable, in certain sects of various religions, but atheism seems to be having a problem with it, as well.
How does any of what follows relate to atheism?

Sure, people can be atheist can be sexist at the same time, but that isn't a correlation. You might as well say blue-eyed people have a problem with misogyny.

Pretty sure there's no atheist out there who thinks 'Because I don't believe there is a God, I therefore don't respect women.'

As Candy said, above: that's just a people problem.
How does any of what follows relate to atheism?

Sure, people can be atheist can be sexist at the same time, but that isn't a correlation. You might as well say blue-eyed people have a problem with misogyny.

Pretty sure there's no atheist out there who thinks 'Because I don't believe there is a God, I therefore don't respect women.'

As Candy said, above: that's just a people problem.
I never suggested there's a correlation between atheism and sexism, etc. Not even close. lol

Better stated, the atheist movement has pockets of sexists, not atheism. (bad word choice) But, again, I'd never suggest that atheism leads one to becoming a sexist. That doesn't even make sense. But, religion doesn't, either. It's just a catalyst, and I'm of the opinion that men are introduced to sexism as children, usually by seeing the dynamic play out between their parents.
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How does any of what follows relate to atheism?Sure, people can be atheist can be sexist at the same time, but that isn't a correlation. You might as well say blue-eyed people have a problem with misogyny.
Right. But she didn't even say that. She said (to use your example) "blue eyed people have a problem with misogyny. So do people without blue eyes."
Perhaps I mistook your words.

The phrase:
"...atheism seems to be having a problem with it..."

reads to me analogous to "the Vatican seems to be having a problem with pedophiles." in the sense that it is a problem the Vatican is having internally.

Is that not what you meant?

Maybe you meant "atheists take issue with sexism in religion".
I clarified it above. No worries, my word choice was sloppy. I meant that within atheist circles or the atheist “movement,” there exists sexism. It’s not a byproduct of religion, as much as it’s a symptom of other underlying issues and experiences, in my opinion.

I would go as far as to say religion attracts sexists, unfortunately. It gives an already narcissistic/sexist type of guy, an excuse to stay that way.
I clarified it above. No worries, my word choice was sloppy. I meant that within atheist circles or the atheist “movement,” there exists sexism.
OK then I didn't misunderstand you.
1] There is no such thing as an atheist movement. Every atheist comes to their own personal conclusion for their own personal reasons.

2] It is as significant to say there exists sexism within the group of blue-eyed people. Unless you think there is a correlation between sexism
and specifically atheism. If so, I'd be curious as to the relationship you see.
1] There is no such thing as an atheist movement. Every atheist comes to their own personal conclusion for their own personal reasons.
Everyone comes to EVERY conclusion for their own personal reasons. That's not unique to atheists (or any religion, really.)
OK then I didn't misunderstand you.
1] There is no such thing as an atheist movement. Every atheist comes to their own personal conclusion for their own personal reasons.

2] It is as significant to say there exists sexism within the group of blue-eyed people. Unless you think there is a correlation between sexism
and specifically atheism. If so, I'd be curious as to the relationship you see.
There is no correlation, there simply exists sexists within atheist circles. Sexism isn’t relegated to religious people lol I’m surprised you are questioning this.
Everyone comes to EVERY conclusion for their own personal reasons. That's not unique to atheists (or any religion, really.)
No. Religion is organized and taught.

I'm not suggesting that religious people are brain-washed, just that they are taught the ways of the religion (as opposed to, say, spiritualism, which could be an individual thing).

No one teaches organized atheism.
There is no correlation, there simply exists sexists within atheist circles. Sexism isn’t relegated to religious people lol I’m surprised you are questioning this.
So you mean sexism exists within human circles.

You know theism or atheism aren't the only options, right?
That’s not really the gist of the OP, is it?
Well, you seemed to be making a statement that atheism has its own correlation with atheism. I'd say that's an implication I thought I'd correct for readers.

For example, is there sexism in agnostic circles?
Well, you seemed to be making a statement that atheism has its own correlation with atheism. I'd say that's an implication I thought I'd correct for readers.

For example, is there sexism in agnostic circles?
Nah, I think you’re inserting an argument that’s just not there. I never suggested that atheism and sexism is correlated. Are you an atheist and have you ever been accused of being sexist? You seem like you’re taking this personal.