Miracle combined with science


When driving back from a fishing trip with his brother, Ernie Johnson experienced chest pains that turned into a full cardiac arrest. As reported by WCMH NBC 4 the brothers were near Dublin, Ohio and pulled off of U.S. Route 33 when Ernie said, "All of a sudden, my eyes rolled up behind my head, and I fell directly backwards…Then, all the miracles start to happen.”

While Ernie was lying in the grass, Dublin Methodist Hospital CPR certified patient support assistant, Ann McElfresh fortunately pulled over. She knew exactly what to do and recalled, "I shook him and I yelled at him and I was like, ‘He's full arrest,’ and I started the most aggressive CPR I've ever done in my life." Then an off duty police officer arrived and happened to have a pocket mask with him. Ann instructed the officer to breathe through the mask. Then the Marysville Police Department and a state patrol officer were on the scene. Despite not being able to detect a pulse, Ann and the other first responders were persistent, “We've got a chance, and we never stopped. We never, ever stopped."

Once the patient arrived at the Dublin Methodist Hospital emergency room things were not looking good. "I didn't have a heartbeat for 30 to 45 minutes. I was literally dead," Ernie said. Dr. Brian Weeks said that the patient responded when vasopressin was administered. Ernie was then rushed to Riverside Methodist Hospital for hypothermia treatment, which was used to preserve his brain and slow down his body. After a month in the hospital and rehabilitation, Ernie made a full recovery and said, "You know how we all run around and we all think whether we're loved or not. I found out I was, and it's such a good feeling."

More information: WCMH
I see the science, but I don't see a miracle. What part is a miracle?
I see the science, but I don't see a miracle. What part is a miracle?

The right person passed by and stopped and give CPR and give instruction for the Cop to keep on. O course you would consider this is coincidental
The right person passed by and stopped and give CPR and give instruction for the Cop to keep on. O course you would consider this is coincidental

LOL. Yes, that was coincidental considering how many people do not survive CPR after experiencing full cardiac arrest.
Is this what you mean by a miracle combined with science?

LOL. Yes, that was coincidental considering how many people do not survive CPR after experiencing full cardiac arrest.

I am sure for those who survive it was a miracle , for those who don't it is a coincidence
I am sure for those who survive it was a miracle , for those who don't it is a coincidence

Hilarious. You do realize you just insulted every single person who has not survived cardiac arrest? Well done. :bravo:
Hilarious. You do realize you just insulted every single person who has not survived cardiac arrest? Well done. :bravo:

I am sorry for my words , but since they did not survived and are death so they don't feel my so called insult.
I am sorry for my words , but since they did not survived and are death so they don't feel my so called insult.

The fact that you insulted them does not equate to them feeling that insult.

There is something called "probability", ever heard of it?

In other words, there is a probability some folks will survive full cardiac arrest, just as there is a probably others will not. This has nothing to do with miracles and everything to do with biology.

Your insult is no different than the woman who proclaimed that Jesus saved her as she was pulled from the rubble of a toppled building while hundreds lay dead around her.
The fact that you insulted them does not equate to them feeling that insult.

There is something called "probability", ever heard of it?

In other words, there is a probability some folks will survive full cardiac arrest, just as there is a probably others will not. This has nothing to do with miracles and everything to do with biology.

Your insult is no different than the woman who proclaimed that Jesus saved her as she was pulled from the rubble of a toppled building while hundreds lay dead around her.

How broad or narrow would you allow me to make my bell shape curve ?
When i was kid who had just learned to ride a bike, i needed two dollars to rent it for an hour( i didnt have my own bike) , I prayed to God that he will leave me 2 dollars on the way and walked towards the store, and just like i asked i found the 2 dollars on the way there. Do u call that a miracle? I don't.
Medical science combined with a bit of luck. It's a miracle in some sense of the word, in that it was an unlikely series of events, but I couldn't call it a religious miracle.
I have meat several gang banger and I visit them from from time to time ( Hispanic and Blacks ) and I here the comments that their mother prayed for them . several of them are for murder, they tell their mother are great full that god saved their son for keeping them a life in prison otherwise they would go to the cementery. So for their mother God have answered their prayer by keeping their son a life .
You can rationalize any way you want but for the mother there is an intervention of God
I have meat several gang banger and I visit them from from time to time ( Hispanic and Blacks ) and I here the comments that their mother prayed for them . several of them are for murder, they tell their mother are great full that god saved their son for keeping them a life in prison otherwise they would go to the cementery. So for their mother God have answered their prayer by keeping their son a life .
You can rationalize any way you want but for the mother there is an intervention of God

LOL. Hilarious, it's hard to believe you would actually write something so callous and cold as to completely ignore all those sons who died.
LOL. Hilarious, it's hard to believe you would actually write something so callous and cold as to completely ignore all those sons who died.

It is not callous people repent , The young punk in the 17 to 25 who at that age commit crimes , after 30 years in prison they are different people, as you would say they are brain modified . Think about how reckless you and I we have been.
I am sure for those who survive it was a miracle , for those who don't it is a coincidence

So...if a person survives a heart attack, it is divine intervention. If the person doesn't survive, that had nothing to do with God.

God made man in his image or did man create God...in his?
It is not callous people repent , The young punk in the 17 to 25 who at that age commit crimes , after 30 years in prison they are different people, as you would say they are brain modified . Think about how reckless you and I we have been.

I am not reckless am not a punk or have committed crimes or had my brain modified. You have insulted those who died and their families with your remarks. But, you probably don't care about that because it conflicts with your god beliefs.
So...if a person survives a heart attack, it is divine intervention. If the person doesn't survive, that had nothing to do with God.
To take this fable as fact, it means that God made a deliberate decision not to intervene.

Although... these days if a person survives a heart attack, it is often due to human intervention. Perform CPR or apply a defibrillator, get the EMTs there within three minutes [my estimate, I'll let Asguard correct it], and there's a good chance of surviving with no brain damage.

[BTW, I recently read that coughing to restart your heart, or at least to cause pulses of blood pressure to pump a bit of fresh oxygen to the brain, doesn't work. Anybody got an authoritative take on that? It was in Parade--the magazine with the largest circulation in America because it comes with everybody's Sunday paper--and their stuff is usually very well vetted.]

God made man in his image or did man create God...in his?
It's often been said,
"God created man in his image, then man returned the compliment. Or vice versa."​