Michael Jackson is Back


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
It is easy to say that MJ's behavior is not normal.
But I would definitely consider "normal" to be insane at least to a slight degree.

I would consider emotionally troubled behavior to be violence, agression, pettiness, ignorance, etc.

These are actually characteristics of a typical person you would find on the street. MJ is not so typical. His only emotional deficiencies seem to be his materialism. But so many rich people are the same if not worse. It's a disease of the rich to be unreasobably psychotic with their money. But do not the poor suffer from the same ailments? The poor squander their money on pure cap just as wholeheartedly as the rich do. Only not in such quantities.

Non-vioelnce, playing with kids, looking at the beauty and magic of the world are the opposite of insane. In fact, it is this outlook of appreciation that can turn society around from an agressive disdainful emotional wreck that we are.

Furthermore, I have never met a single parent in my entire life that has been so pefect. I have never met a parent in my life that has not done something as bad as hold the child over the balcony if not worse. Evry parent out there can think of something really dumb they did with their child. It's part of parenting, and part of learning.

Michael Jackson is the type of individual more people should stive to be. A gentelman, non-agressive, likes to have fun, friendly, generous, appreciates the beauty in everything, good heated, kind, not afraid to show love for others, affinity for humans adult and child alike, ignorant of any racial, gender, age, and other boundries.

Instead we are quicker to worship a total total retard of a jackass like Donald Trump. Did I mention what a complete jackass he is? Who would you rather be like?

WARNING: Do not bother reading or responding to any of Bell's posts. She simply argues by repeating her premise, throws in some ad populum, or closes the thread. HAHAHAHA!!!!
He is not insanse. MJ is one of the few people on this planet with a sound mind. One that actually knows who he is, what he wants, and what he is about. One that knows how to see the beauty of the world, and is dedicated to this.

Insanity is the normal person. The normal person has been driven insand through the daily circumstances and stresses in their life. They overeat, they are aggressive, they lash out, they are impulsive, they are ignorant, they have little control over themselves. This is what is called, normal behavior.

Abnormal behavior comes in 2 forms. Good abnormal and bad abnormal. The good abnormal is depicted by a high functioning behavior. Fulfillment and love. Creativity, and compassion. The bad abnormal behavior is basically the same as normal behavior, but to a greater degree.

Normal people are also crabs. This is part of why normal people are severely insane. When they see somebody doing good for others, they do anything to take the person down. Anything that is not on their level is a threat to them.

Normal humans are basically weak minded crab minded nutbags that worhsip ultimate jackasses like Trump. They see a guy who is just like them, and consider that a great person. They see a guy like MJ who is nothing like them, and consider him insane.

Who is the real insane one?
Shouldn't this thread be in the Art & Culture Forum?

Apparently Lix is saying that MJ is not insane. Hence why it is still in this forum.

He has been given a second chance when he refused to argue points made by others and myself that MJ is in fact insane. That thread was closed and moved. So this is his second chance. I am waiting to see how he reacts to anyone who might disagree with him again. If it is the same as last time, history will repeat itself.:)
MJ looks insane and proberly is but think of it this way people have actually gave him billions for his music in perspective I believe it's save to say that the intire world is insane.
MJ looks insane and proberly is but think of it this way people have actually gave him billions for his music in perspective I believe it's save to say that the intire world is insane.
That is exactly the type of behavior people use to cavile MJ. His spending habits. The typical so called "normal person" has insane spending habits. In this, MJ is no worse or any different from any other person.

NOTE: Everybody please refuse to argue points given by Bells. They are all invalid, and nobody has any obligation to argue her worthless points. Better not to even read them.



Lix, don't push me kiddy.

I have not participated in it or responded to you up till now. I won't allow flaming and trolling by you or anyone else. And at the moment, you are the only one actually flaming your own thread.

You were given a chance to re-open this thread and discuss the topic. So why are you discussing me more than MJ? No more warnings Lix, keep going as you are and I will close it and no more chances then. Either keep the post on topic or it goes, simple as that.
Get real. I am not discussing you more than MJ.

I have made my points about MJ. None of your posts within this thread have anything to do with the topic. I suggest you exit. You are only trolling in here instigating conflict. Not a single post you have made has anything to do with the topic, so do not claim I am the one trolling when I am only warning others from responding to your posts.
Either stick to the topic or it gets closed. Simple as that.:)

You have gotten more leeway than any other member would have. So either stick to the topic at hand or I will close it.
Either stick to the topic or it gets closed. Simple as that.:)

You have gotten more leeway than any other member would have. So either stick to the topic at hand or I will close it.
What the hell do you mean either stick to the topic I am the only one here sticking to the topic. As stated, not a single one of your posts in this thread is on topic. Why not just exit the thread, and stop harassing the topic? In other words, STOP TROLLING.
It is easy to say that MJ's behavior is not normal.
But I would definitely consider "normal" to be insane at least to a slight degree.

I would consider emotionally troubled behavior to be violence, agression, pettiness, ignorance, etc.

These are actually characteristics of a typical person you would find on the street. MJ is not so typical. His only emotional deficiencies seem to be his materialism. But so many rich people are the same if not worse. It's a disease of the rich to be unreasobably psychotic with their money. But do not the poor suffer from the same ailments? The poor squander their money on pure cap just as wholeheartedly as the rich do. Only not in such quantities.

Non-vioelnce, playing with kids, looking at the beauty and magic of the world are the opposite of insane. In fact, it is this outlook of appreciation that can turn society around from an agressive disdainful emotional wreck that we are.

Furthermore, I have never met a single parent in my entire life that has been so pefect. I have never met a parent in my life that has not done something as bad as hold the child over the balcony if not worse. Evry parent out there can think of something really dumb they did with their child. It's part of parenting, and part of learning.

Michael Jackson is the type of individual more people should stive to be. A gentelman, non-agressive, likes to have fun, friendly, generous, appreciates the beauty in everything, good heated, kind, not afraid to show love for others, affinity for humans adult and child alike, ignorant of any racial, gender, age, and other boundries.

Instead we are quicker to worship a total total retard of a jackass like Donald Trump. Did I mention what a complete jackass he is? Who would you rather be like?

WARNING: Do not bother reading or responding to any of Bell's posts. She simply argues by repeating her premise, throws in some ad populum, or closes the thread. HAHAHAHA!!!!

He may not be evil, but it's too naive. What kinda person lets kids, random kids at that, sleep in his bed? Where was his security camera? You mean to tell me the man was not smart enough to put cameras in his house just to protect him for when one of these random kids accuse him of rape? He was accused before and didn't learn a damn thing, he stayed naive, he did not install security cameras.

I don't think Michael Jackson is a pedophile, I just think it's too fucking naive. So while you are right, maybe hes a decent man, hes also an insanely naive man, with no self esteem whatsover.So he wanted to help kids? Why did he only choose to help sick kids? Publicity? his image? Why did he not choose to help kids in his own country? We have kids in ghettos in this country, why did he not help those kids? Why did Michael Jackson put himself in an unsupervised situation, among groups o f kids, in a bedroom?

That was just disgustingly stupid. If you are going to be in a bedroom with kids, make sure your security camera catches every moment. In fact, if you are going to be in a bedroom with any person, make sure your security camera catches every moment. He is rich, he had absolutely no excuse for his stupidity. All he had to do is install security cameras in his bedroom and set it to record 24/7 365, everything any of these kids did would have been tracked on camera and stored forever in Michaels Archieves, which Michael could have used to protect himself from being accused or rape. Michael was just plain stupid, he was smart enough to make a documentary but stupid enough not to just leave the camera on FOREVER.
What kinda person lets kids, random kids at that, sleep in his bed?
Yes this is EXACTLY the kind of stupidity that is considered "mormal". Who is more sane and less sane. People who hate kids and do not want them to sleep with them, or people who like kids and llow them to sleep with them. The western culture is the only culture that creates a problem out of this. In fact, the USA specifically is the only set of morons that create a problem out of this.

He should not have o install security cameras. I would think less of him if he did not let kids sleep on his bed. Furthermore, MJ constantly allows kids from the Ghetto to enjoy his estate. This is his time he could devote to anything he wants, but he devotes this time to innercity kids in California. Allowing them to come to his home, and give his time for their sake. This is part of what makes him a good person.

Meanwhile jackasses persecute him for doing these things for kids while they venerate idiot rich people that would never do anything to personally show kids a better life.
First of all, there are alot more things a person with that kind of money can do for kids. Either way he is not obligated to do anything. At least he is doing something. But anytime somebody tries to do something good for others, the masses like to twist it in order to put a stop to it. I live in the ghetto, and I know what the kids in my neighborhood experience on a daily basis. In fact, many of them have seen nothing more of the world beyond this hell hole than what appears on tv. They live in a crappy environment that stresses them every day. Take an electric poker at a monkey, and shock it everyday as you watch it go insane.

Now if there was anybody out there to pull them out of this life, generously take them into a nice environment, and be a good influence on them in terms of portraying attitudes of kindness and peace. That would be great. Unfortunately, there is nobody that does it around here. The person in California that does it is persecuted for it by the ignorant masses.
Yes this is EXACTLY the kind of stupidity that is considered "mormal". Who is more sane and less sane. People who hate kids and do not want them to sleep with them, or people who like kids and llow them to sleep with them. The western culture is the only culture that creates a problem out of this. In fact, the USA specifically is the only set of morons that create a problem out of this.

He should not have o install security cameras. I would think less of him if he did not let kids sleep on his bed. Furthermore, MJ constantly allows kids from the Ghetto to enjoy his estate. This is his time he could devote to anything he wants, but he devotes this time to innercity kids in California. Allowing them to come to his home, and give his time for their sake. This is part of what makes him a good person.

Meanwhile jackasses persecute him for doing these things for kids while they venerate idiot rich people that would never do anything to personally show kids a better life.

You are as naive and stupid as he is. You cannot trust random kids or any random people from anywhere. You should protect yourself at all times if you have his sorta money.
You are the naive one. You should not trust anybody from anywhere, and yet you still have no point. You probably live in an isolated cage of overexagerrated paranoia.
You are the naive one. You should not trust anybody from anywhere, and yet you still have no point. You probably live in an isolated cage of overexagerrated paranoia.

Seriously, why should you trust complete strangers if you are rich?
Yes this is EXACTLY the kind of stupidity that is considered "mormal". Who is more sane and less sane. People who hate kids and do not want them to sleep with them, or people who like kids and llow them to sleep with them. The western culture is the only culture that creates a problem out of this. In fact, the USA specifically is the only set of morons that create a problem out of this.

He should not have o install security cameras. I would think less of him if he did not let kids sleep on his bed. Furthermore, MJ constantly allows kids from the Ghetto to enjoy his estate. This is his time he could devote to anything he wants, but he devotes this time to innercity kids in California. Allowing them to come to his home, and give his time for their sake. This is part of what makes him a good person.

Meanwhile jackasses persecute him for doing these things for kids while they venerate idiot rich people that would never do anything to personally show kids a better life.

There's more to it than this. The guy has never dealt with his own abuse at the hands of his father. His relationship to himself and children has unpleasant and unreal vibes, regardless of whether he ever touches them inappropriately. He is using these children to compensate in some way for stuff he is not dealing with in himself. Does that mean he's a pedophile? I don't know that he is or that he isn't. The guy has not protected himself, another warning sign, that 1) he was abused adn 2) he is pissed off and cannot show it directly. How does he not protect himself? This was not the first time he was accused of abusing a kid. Any person with a healthy set of boundaries would have been vastly more careful that MJ was. I am not assuming and kid's were touched int he wrong way. Still, he has nto taken care of himself.

Add to all this the self-abuse in his plastic surgery, which is a clear sign of self-hatred and we have someone who is radically not taking care of themselves and who is not dealing with his own childhood. Taking a step back and dealing with his own shit before hanging out with other people's children would be a great idea.

And that scene on the balcony with his own child. It shows a loopy person. Loopy because he is on drugs. Loopy because he has severe emotional problems, I don't know.

This man should not be around children. Not now. And I say this whether or not he is a pedophile.

Look, i used to love the guy. Just that single scene with his kid on the balcony and how he comes off in interviews shows me someone who is not dealing with his shit and has an unhealthy relationship with his own emotions. He should have been terrified for his own child's safety. He should know how to express anger. He wasn't and he doesn't.

None of this takes away from the man as a performer or creator or from whatever his intentions are (in his own mind or in reality) when he helps children.

He's a danger to himself and children.