I guess I'm out of it. But what does MBTI, etc. stand for?
Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

Famous personality test. Technically, the test is private, so you won't find an official test online, but there's plenty of knockoffs of varying quality.

Perhaps someone here will point us to a definitive free test.
INTJ here.
I guess I'm more of an INTP then J. So, Logician, rather than Architect.

My S/N and J/P scores are right near the middle.

I've just discovered that there's a good way to narrow it down when in doubt.
I Googled 'differences between INTJ and INTP' and there's pages of stuff that help me refine my Type. Definitely lean toward INTP.

I'd suggest anyone who takes a/the test: look to see if any of your pairs are right near the middle between poles - then just Google "differences between..."
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This is just a random thread about MBTI.

i would quite like to take the test
i have before but i forgot what result i got.

$50.00 us$ online & im not going to pay for anything

16 types ... etc ...
there is only soo much binary path ways to define basic premise to form interactive material judgement
so conditions are hedged
16 is a nice number to give definition with out getting too lost in complicated angles.

subjective experience & personal expression define us uniquely
while many trait's seek to have us all become the same as everyone else

humans have a genetic drive to seek conformity
but once you get into the mind & the upper end of intellectual expression it all goes in many different directions i guess it may potentially stereo type into a double set,
soo like maybe 32 basic variations like strong conservative or strong experimental
but that wont detract from the base drive matrix


Also, what usually happens on this site? Is it just random people having random conversations pretty much?

nonsense science chaos & confusion
cluttered coagulates
framing delusion
fragmented artifacts installing munitions
of thoughts past & present
in no formal infusion

(its a bit quite so dont be afraid to shout your opinions more free expression & diversity = better)
[[when everyone agrees on everything its time to panic]]

What is your personality type and how does that influence how you behave/interact/think?
There is a way to start off the conversation.

i like your question
my personality type is "F-cked-up"
& im not sure it influences my self expression(artistic expression/creativity) but im sure it influences my actions & behaviors
but im a bit of a disaffected sociopath(satire) :eek::D:p(with a touch of reality)

ive read extensively on Jung & Freud :)

I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time.

i think it would be easy to undermine Myers Briggs with modern science.
however the range of types & the functional value would still be maintained based on generic cultural & developmental aspects
when we look at most semi-modern 1st world societys, they are still very old worldy conformist in their construction of the childs mind.

easy example the smacking debate

& another is the
helicopter parent
versus the

when you factor that alongside religious conformity of thought & mind control which is used by a majority
you have a ever decreasing circle of personality variation by starvation of brain growth

so culture must change to allow children to become more intelligent
food(very critical)
environmental toxin & stimulation etc

etc etc

so on one hand you can say its a bit like calling apes monkeys
a lot of humans tend to render down to collective dumbing & group think conformity for personal power & fear.

as long as the world is maintained as dangerous violent & unfriendly
that system will remain self validating & producing the same lower order functionality.

what influences peoples choices in testing ?
that's probably worth a paper
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Which usual descriptions of the personality types do you generally conform to?
I guess that, if the Myers-Briggs system has any validity (and I'm aware of quite a lot of debate about that), then I suppose I conform to the usual descriptions of the type a lot of the time
Certainly, I make no special efforts to conform to the type descriptions.

to survive
children are forced to conform
conform to eating
not sitting on a fire
not jumping off a cliff

etc etc into culture
group clan tribe trading partners every season
etc etc

we all conform
but we are now in the age where we can communicate the upper intellectual theory of what non conformity is in a intellectual paradigm.
scares the shit out of a lot of people
like a child learning what to be scared of & what not to be scared of
toilet training going to sleep alone etc ... what-ever ...
What do you mean the "function stack"? And what do you mean by outside, inside, top and bottom, in that context?

I mean the cognitive function stack, of sensing feeling intuition and thinking for each personality type. Below in this context means less preferred. Also, vice versa. Outside means either having no fuction below it or no function above it in the function stack. Inside means having 1 fuction above it and 2 functions below it, or vice versa, 2 functions above it and 1 function below it.
I mean the cognitive function stack, of sensing feeling intuition and thinking for each personality type. Below in this context means less preferred. Also, vice versa. Outside means either having no fuction below it or no function above it in the function stack. Inside means having 1 fuction above it and 2 functions below it, or vice versa, 2 functions above it and 1 function below it.
Are you saying they have a specific hierarchy? That's news to me - but I haven't read up on it in decades.

I always thought they were four properties that could be independently set on each of four axes.
I always thought they were four properties that could be independently set on each of four axes.

there was an original type that had that
im wondering if they have updated it

keeping in mind having a test that tells you, that you have serious issues & need urgent therapy is probably not going to fly
& because it needs to remain functional & accepted to stay useful
it needs to deliver a bit of a warm fuzzy
instead of a catastrophic life crisis
The difference of course, is that the outcome is entirely based on your input to about a hundred questions, rather than something external.
Regardless of you or your horoscope maker giving the input you will pick out stuff you consider good (you)and stuff you consider bad (not you)

Seen a few test where people have been given the results and asked to gauge accuracy

Then swap with another person and did the other person fit what was on their result paper?

Kicker - everyone in the room had been given the same assessment

Horoscopes have been swapped around to appear different in different newspapers

Perhaps ½ cm above horoscopes is to high :)

Regardless of you or your horoscope maker giving the input you will pick out stuff you consider good (you)and stuff you consider bad (not you)

Seen a few test where...
You haven't taken the test so you're really just painting everything with the same broad brush of your preconceptions. There's an irrational fear in there somewhere.

In fact, you are erecting a strawman (horoscopy and "other" tests with no input) and knocking that down. And they are terrible comparisons.
You haven't taken the test

To put in context a bit clearer. Have not taken the test on the link I provide

In the RAAF took quite a few. As a RN came in close contact with many patients undergoing various assessments

Not impressed with most

I asked Mr Google for free MBTI online test and this came up


Not done the test. I consider them about ½ cm above horoscopes. What ever you are told is reasonably vague so you agree it could be you and inclusions outside of your view of yourself minor aberrations and don't mean anything

Good luck finding yourself

Thanks M... good test... i thank i Aced it.!!!

ENTJ - The Commander

ENTJs are strategic leaders, motivated to organize change. They are quick to see inefficiency and conceptualize new solutions, and enjoy developing long-range plans to accomplish their vision.


INTJ - The Mastermind

INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves.


ENTP - The Inventor

ENTPs are inspired innovators, motivated to find new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious and clever, and seek to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround them.