Updated tracking list
1.0 Scenario (Complete)
2.0 Methodology (Complete)
3.0 Calculations (Active)
4. Summary and reflection (not started)
1.1 - Coordinate dependence vs. coordinate independence (Resolved)
1.2 - Definition of rods T1 and T2 (Resolved)
1.3 - Definition of points A and B (Obsolete)
1.2 - Definition of rods T1 and T2 (Resolved)
1.3 - Definition of points A and B (Obsolete)
2.0 Methodology (Complete)
2.1 - Tach's proposed measurements (Complete)
2.3 - Measuring remote events using background Rods and Clocks (Complete)
2.1.1 - Transverse doppler effect (Complete)
2.2 - Pete's proposed measurements (Complete)2.3 - Measuring remote events using background Rods and Clocks (Complete)
3.0 Calculations (Active)
3.1 Calculations for Pete's method (Active)
3.1.1 Lorentz transformation of vectors (Active)
3.1.3 Angle between surface and velocity in the low velocity limit (Galilean spacetime) (Pending)
3.2 Calculations for Tach's method (Pending) Lorentz transformation of displacement vectors (Active)
3.1.2 Orientation of rod T1 (Pending) Lorentz transformation of $$\hat{P_t}$$(Active)
3.1.3 Angle between surface and velocity in the low velocity limit (Galilean spacetime) (Pending) Rindler's proof of angle invariance (Pending)
4. Summary and reflection (not started)