really, you think that anyone with a maths degree can work out how to put together public policy which will reach its target and have the disired effect?
Where enforcement is nessary and where public infomation will work?
where to best spend the money?
I have done ONE unit of sociology and epidemology as part of my degree, there is no way in HELL i would concider myself in ANYWAY qualifided to be able to forumlate public policy in this area
Well I haven't got a sociology degree and I I do write these policies. Its not about havng a sociology degree but using good research and good research influences good policy. Studying sociology merely gets you through the door; you still have to win the advocacy argument and obtain the funds to spawn these huge social marketing campaigns. In fact all the 'ologies' are included in the policy formulaton!
How many professional philosophers do you know Asguard? I think they are few and far between. I think most of them derive income from teaching or writing, not for being a philosopher.
never herd of an ethictist?
as i said they work on ethics commites of ALL hospitals, and in alot of goverment departments. Then there are the philosophers who work in the legal sector as well (had one of them as a lecturer who specilised in biolaw)
ok, a person is lying in a persistant vegitive state and cant tell you there own wishes (and has left no documentation as to what they would want done). Her husband wants to remove the feeding tube, the parents say that she would want to live.
What do you do?
A child is born with no conection to the world around them (i cant rember the name of this condition but they have no sences and as far as we know, no ability to feel pain), is it ethical to use the child as an organ donor?
A 7 year old child has lukimea, they have already had one bone marrow donation and the second only has a 3% chance of working. Without any treatment they will have 2 months to live, with chemo alone maybe a year, with a second transplant unlimited. The downside is that if the transplant DOESNT work they will have no quality of life until they die. The child says that they dont want the transplant, just chemo, the parents do want it. Who do you surport?
And there are 1000's more cases i could make up off the top of my head
Not to mention that ethics commities were established as independent bodies unconected to the clincial staff because of incidents like the Green affair leading to the Cartwright Inquiry.
Most degrees from most so-called colleges and universities are functionally worthless, judging by those who possess them. Even ones outside the humanities.