HEllo, :bugeye:
Light is not exactly a wave or a spiral. The way light is taught is completly inaccurate and misleading. The way light is graphed on paper is a wave. This graph is like most graphs. Take the measurement of how many apples grows on a tree after a certain time.
The apples grow so that more and more apples are on the tree, then the apples are picked or fall off and less apples are on the tree for winter. After winter the cycle continues. The graph of this is a very rough sinusoidal wave just like light. This does not mean that apples vibrate or move in wave or spiral patterns, it just shows a pattern.
With Light the graph is time on the x axis and intensity on the y axis. The only fact is, people dont know much about light or anything closely related to electro-magnetic forces. The double slit expirements do not exactly make perfect sense in their hypothesis, because if it were a "wave" then the light would be all over the place with the detector detecting more light in the center and gradually less light as you move away from the center. But this is not the case, bands are created that are much more telling of bouncing and reflecting than wave interference.
What is fact is that the "wave" part of light is the fluctuation in intensity and pole. What I (and probably everyone) do not understand is what the intensity is phisically. It could be just a generically stronger magnetic force, which would hold up the wave theory, since forces can interract much like waves, or that the intensity is made up of less or more particles. Probably it is a combination of both, not exactly surprising when dealing with light (im reffering to the "wave-particle duality" theory). This would mean that the particles that create the intensity actually transmit the force, which is the theory in quantum mechanics that include gluons (for gravity), but i don't exactly rember or know what the electro-magnetic counterpart of the glueon is. Although this may make sense it still leaves the question to be answered as to how the particles transmit a force that pulls or pushes things depending on the pole of the item.
An interesting thing to note is that both particles vibrate mechanically and "waves" flux intensity. The brownian motion of a particle might create the property of intesity flux or the opposite, the intesity flux of light may actually create the brownian motion. A test should be done measuring brownian motion in a "wave"-less chamber.
WELLL, I hope what I've said is understandable and endurable (sorry i write too frikkin long). Rember that WE DONT KNOW everything about phisics. The Famous Einstein theories are chalk full of discrepencies and contradicitions, not to mention einstein couldn't even touch gravity in any theory he put to thought. Quantum mechanics still has a very many theories and ideas that are accepted, but not exactly prooved. Many things scientists take to be truth are just theories that have not been contested.
DAH, make me shut up.
Ill be looking forward to replys.