Jews antisemitism and sciforums

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I don't think its racist to look at Judaism and its adherents in the same manner as everyone else is examined.

But you don't, that's part of the problem. You must have some kind of crazy set of corrective lenses that tones down all the Judaism talk before it reaches your eyes.

If it is racism then it should be banned for all, not just for Jews.

100% agreed. I've seen a few folks posting disturbingly inciteful things about Islam on occasion, not sure if I've reported them in the past but I'll start doing it in the future. The vast majority of the posts from Islam's critics seem reasonable on the whole though, IMO.

If you're not willing to ban it for all, then its hypocritical to pick out Jews and treat them differently.

It's hypocritical to protect Jews from criticism that would be deemed acceptable against other racial groups. If someone wanted to complain that Toronto's Jewish community hasn't done enough to integrate into the city, for instance, I don't see how that could be taken as racist- they're criticizing an action ascribed to a sizeable but not all-encompassing portion of the community, and then suggesting a socially-inclusive solution to help solve the problem.

It's also hypocritical to focus on the actions of Jews in Israel and worldwide, to criticize their actions and call for severe exodus-scale punishment, but to ignore the actions of the other 99.8% of the world and the reciprocal punishments they would also have to accept for their own actions.
Agreed. What I found most interesting in reading many accounts of the book Sophies Choice [fiction] is that many people did not realise she was Catholic. Which was odd, since that was the whole point.

You're not doing much examining - just baiting and trolling and provoking.
You tell me:

Ah so I am examining them the way that others are examining Muslims, Christians and atheists.

Can you show me an example of what you consider a proper examination of the others and an improper one and how you decide what the difference is?

If you can't recognise trolling after 60,000 posts on an internet forum (and that's just this one), then you're unlikely to learn what it is from my trying to explain it to you.
It's also hypocritical to focus on the actions of Jews in Israel and worldwide, to criticize their actions and call for severe exodus-scale punishment, but to ignore the actions of the other 99.8% of the world and the reciprocal punishments they would also have to accept for their own actions.

i gotta be versed in all the injustices that occur in the world?
comment on them at the same frequency as i would do israel?
failing to do so would indicate a bias?

If you can't recognise trolling after 60,000 posts on an internet forum (and that's just this one), then you're unlikely to learn what it is from my trying to explain it to you.

Is that an example of baiting and trolling and provoking or an examination?

You see, my problem is that I'm not buying your Little Miss Innocent act. You are constantly starting threads solely in order to fish for an angry reaction as you either directly or more often indirectly insult groups that you do not like, such as Jews, Westerners, Americans, atheists or whoever else is on your hate list.

As far as I can tell, you've ceased being interested in real discussion. Instead, you're here primarily to preach on your pet topics or to troll, preferably both at the same time if you can manage it.

Your constant lack of good faith shows in your inability to directly answer any question that you find too difficult or too inconvenient. Instead, your modus operandi is to answer questions with questions, to change the subject when you get into difficulties, and above all else to inject your agenda into every thread, regardless of how tenuous the connection.

You're unlikely ever to find out anything interesting from anyone if you're not open to actual, honest discussion. If you attack, people will defend. When you troll, chances are that you'll get plenty of bites but nobody will come out with a new perspective or a changed mind.

What you're doing, SAM, is wasting your intelligence on hate. It's a pity. You could do so much better.
Mostly I let people know how I see their treatment of Muslims and theists here. The same people who preached endlessly to me how I should expand my horizons to embrace intolerance under the pretext of freedom of expression. What is ironic is that I use ONLY their own sources to support their own principles. And get branded a bigot.
Don't know any Jews I hate personally as a matter of fact.
Huh? As opposed to hating Jews as a group? Please tell me that was just a clumsy sentence..

If a Jew says, we Jews stick up for each other, we can point out that its a generalization . Can't we?
The Jew that says it is generalizing.

And why can't I be a cunt or a bitch? Isn't the right to offend what everyone is defending here? Or is that only a platitude that is mouthed for offending other people but ignored when you are the one being offended?
If you want to be a bitch that's alright, but expects some reactions.
Not at all, don't lock or cesspool my bitchiness when you let the others roam free. Many of your arguments with theists for example are more bitchy than mine.
Not at all, don't lock or cesspool my bitchiness when you let the others roam free. Many of your arguments with theists for example are more bitchy than mine.

Would you consider the inconsistency to be a form of bitchiness towards you personally ?

Edit: Ok, that was my 17th post today. I'm off..
No because it preceded me here. In fact, I have to say that my reactionary posts have toned down the bitchiness towards Muslims though the anti-theists still troll the forums.

In fact, I have to say that because I am a dark female Muslim, I probably get leeway to say more about Jews than any white male here would [or even white female]. People have been banned for antisemitism here for making really silly posts which were more idiotic than offensive.
Why are sciforums mods and admin so touchy about threads on Jews?

The IDF organ trade thread was closed, the questions on what is Judaism was closed.

Why is is alright to parody, make fun of or demonise [and call names] all religious and areligious groups except Jews?

Whats with the special treatment? Why can't Judaism be treated like any other belief system is treated on sciforums?

SAM you repeat the same crap over and over again, you have no evidence to make most of the claims you make and in essence these sorts of posts are more about your own agenda than anything to do with any of the content you put forwards.

Do you ever take a break from this regurgitation cycle of sputum?

I'll explain my view simply, I'm not a Jew, I've never met a Jew, I not a Nazi or ever met a Nazi either. What I am is fed up with hearing the same shit over and over again. This is why your threads and posts are occasionally closed, it's just no ones ever told you out of politeness. So to be fair to you, You post shit. Happy now?
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