Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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Not if the murderer is insane. Its called not guilty by reason of insanity.
Actually Bells is right: thats exactly what people like Cop want Muslims worlwide to do: when a Muslim commits a crime, were all supposed issue a statement about how sorry we are, even if we didnt know it happened or where it happened or never even met the guy. However, we arent allowed to ever make comparisons to what happens to Muslims.

Not that I know anything about it exactly, but unlike S.A.M, I had real life experience with Palestinians. I know something or two about the Palestinian population and that is why I allow myself to talk about it, because I've seen them celebrating for much more worse.
The terror attack in the Bat Ayin settlement, in the West Bank, which killed a 13-year-old and injured a 7-year-old boy, was simply a natural response to the Israeli "occupation," a Hamas spokesperson said on Thursday.

"This attack was committed in the framework of the resistance," Ayman Taha said. "This is a reaction to the continuing occupation and the continued building of settlements."

"This is a natural reaction," he said, "especially against the backdrop of Israel attacks. We are a people occupied, and it is our right to defend ourselves and to act in every way and with every means at our disposal in order to defend ourselves."

You see, they think killing a child in cold blood using an axe is somehow a natural reaction, an act of defence... they don't think it's barbaric, brutal or shameful.
Actually Bells is right: thats exactly what people like Cop want Muslims worlwide to do: when a Muslim commits a crime, were all supposed issue a statement about how sorry we are, even if we didnt know it happened or where it happened or never even met the guy. However, we arent allowed to ever make comparisons to what happens to Muslims.


What we *want* is just some sort of fucking acknowledgement from the Muslim community that they condemn such behaviour, or fuck, even that they dissociate themselves from it. What we *get* is Muslims such as you and S.A.M attempting to mitigate, ignore, or absolve the behaviour, shift responsibility onto the West, or try to minimise the behaviour by pointing out that the West isn't a shining star of virtue.

Essentially, what Muslims do is close ranks and bitch about the West. As a result, it appears to people such as myself that this is nothing more than a never-ending dispute between the 'Islamic brotherhood' and the non-Muslims.
Not that I know anything about it exactly, but unlike S.A.M, I had real life experience with Palestinians. I know something or two about the Palestinian population and that is why I allow myself to talk about it, because I've seen them celebrating for much more worse.

You see, they think killing a child in cold blood using an axe is somehow a natural reaction, an act of defence... they don't think it's barbaric, brutal or shameful.

Have they made a Tshirt about it yet? A kippa wearing kid with an axe sticking out of his head? And some tasteless jokes about brains falling out?
*stares in disbelief*

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Good one, Bells. For a moment you almost had me, but now I see that you're simply feigning obtuseness for a laugh. Whew, you almost had me.

I am not laughing.

If he is insane, is he guilty? At law, the answer to that would be a no.

Now I ask you, would a sane person take an axe and kill a child with it?

Wait, you're *not* joking? What the fuck...
Read through any thread on this forum and any other forum that discusses a crime that might have occurred.. a horrible and inexplicable crime and one of the resounding statements is 'he's got to be insane', etc. So no, I am not joking.

What the fuck?
It is not that hard to comprehend.

I never demanded such a thing. What the fuck?


You didn't demand or expect condemnation?

You were saying? "What the fuck"?

No? I re-iterate, what the fuck?
No? So pray tell, why do you expect them to condemn every single crime committed by a Muslim that happens to be reported in the general media? Why is it acceptable or 'okay' for the West to try to ask 'how, why' when someone in the West commits a heinous crime, but if a Muslim does the same, if they try to seek answers like we do when Westerners commit such crimes, they are condemned?

So next time a Westerner commits a heinous crime and anyone dares attempt to question the cause or reasons behind how or why he/she did what he/she did, you will be there demanding condemnation from them? Yes? No? Oh wait, it's not expected from Westerners, is it? Just from Muslims.:)
Not that I know anything about it exactly, but unlike S.A.M, I had real life experience with Palestinians. I know something or two about the Palestinian population and that is why I allow myself to talk about it, because I've seen them celebrating for much more worse.

You see, they think killing a child in cold blood using an axe is somehow a natural reaction, an act of defence... they don't think it's barbaric, brutal or shameful.

Wheres the cheering and or dancing in the street that you said they were doing? Wheres proof of that? Fact is that this killing is a result of the occupation. that is all thats stated. Ofcourse they think killing is wrong. But theyve been killed for ages and no one cares about them. Why should they find this killing any more sad or cruel than their own children that were killed?

What we *want* is just some sort of fucking acknowledgement from the Muslim community that they condemn such behaviour, or fuck, even that they dissociate themselves from it. What we *get* is Muslims such as you and S.A.M attempting to mitigate, ignore, or absolve the behaviour, shift responsibility onto the West, or try to minimise the behaviour by pointing out that the West isn't a shining star of virtue.

Essentially, what Muslims do is close ranks and bitch about the West. As a result, it appears to people such as myself that this is nothing more than a never-ending dispute between the 'Islamic brotherhood' and the non-Muslims.

Fuck off. The simple fact that everytime a Muslim does something you want teh Muslim community worldwide to acknowledge how bad it was is reason enough to call you retarded. You bitch and moan about how Sam only talks about how everything is the fault of the West, yet you do exactly the same thing when it comes to Muslims and Arabs.

What we *want* is just some sort of fucking acknowledgement from the Muslim community that they condemn such behaviour, or fuck, even that they dissociate themselves from it. What we *get* is Muslims such as you and S.A.M attempting to mitigate, ignore, or absolve the behaviour, shift responsibility onto the West, or try to minimise the behaviour by pointing out that the West isn't a shining star of virtue.

Essentially, what Muslims do is close ranks and bitch about the West. As a result, it appears to people such as myself that this is nothing more than a never-ending dispute between the 'Islamic brotherhood' and the non-Muslims.
You mean like the West closes ranks and bitches about the other side when their soldiers commit atrocities? Funny that, huh? Like when an Israeli soldier guns down women and children, they then blame the other side?

But this is what I do not understand. Lets just say we have a Muslim in the Middle East who commits a crime. Why should the Muslim community in Australia or the US (for example) be expected to make public statements to condemn it. Does every single leader in the West immediately step forward and condemn every single crime committed by all Westerners, even if it is committed on the other side of the world? The answer to that is no. So why do we expect not just Muslim leaders, but community groups and individuals to step forward and start issuing statements of condemnation?

There is an extreme double standard to this. When a Westerner commits a crime, we are allowed to question the motives and the possible sanity of the killer in question. But a Muslim commits a crime and if any Muslim dares question the motives or the sanity of the killer.. well.. they condone it. This is what this whole thread has been about.
Bells said:
But a Muslim commits a crime ...

Allegedly. There is no evidence that a Muslim has even committed a crime here. And we're still expected to apologise for it!
Have they made a Tshirt about it yet? A kippa wearing kid with an axe sticking out of his head? And some tasteless jokes about brains falling out?

Sam, Sam.. what makes you think you can make generalizations about Israelis with some low taste t-shirts?
Palestinians don't need slogans, just hand them a kitchen knife or a big axe, their "natural reaction" will do the rest.
I am not laughing.

I know. It's tragic that you're willing to ignore the facts simply to act as apologist for Muslims. How sad.


You didn't demand or expect condemnation?

You were saying? "What the fuck"?

Wow, your reading comprehension sucks ass. Since when does expecting condemnation of an action = wanting someone to feel guilty? If someone asks me what I think about some dude beating the shit out of his wife, you can bet your damn ass I would condemn it, and I would expect any reasonable human being to do likewise. But I certainly wouldn't feel guilty over it. And I sure as fuck wouldn't try to mitigate or absolve blame by going "Well, she was a bit of harridan, ya know, and he did have a rough childhood, and work was a bit stressful bla bla bla..." At the end of the day, only the individual is truly responsible for their actions, except in exceptional circumstances (genuine insanity, which is very rare).

No? So pray tell, why do you expect them to condemn every single crime committed by a Muslim that happens to be reported in the general media?

Nope. But if someone happens to raise the topic with a Muslim, I would expect the Muslim to condemn the atrocity, instead of trying to defend their brethen. However, whenever the issue of an atrocity committed by a Muslim is raised either on this forum or in real life, hoo boy, Muslims are first on the scene to spin their usual bullshit. "The West this" and "Oppressed that".

Why is it acceptable or 'okay' for the West to try to ask 'how, why' when someone in the West commits a heinous crime,

Why is it unacceptable to blame the victim of domestic abuse? Why is it unacceptable for police officers to try and justify the brutality committed by a fellow officer? Why is it unacceptable to try justify the excesses of a soldier because he was placed under the pressures of war?

Muslim apologists aren't engaging in honest enquiry, Bells, they are attempting to absolve the sins of their Muslim brethen. It's US vs. THEM. Note how they never attempt to ask 'how, why' when the West and/or atheists fuck up.

So next time a Westerner commits a heinous crime and anyone dares attempt to question the cause or reasons behind how or why he/she did what he/she did, you will be there demanding condemnation from them? Yes? No? Oh wait, it's not expected from Westerners, is it? Just from Muslims.:)

If a Westerner ever kills two innocent Muslim children with an axe, and anyone on this forum attempts to absolve him of his behaviour by blaming Muslims, I will go apeshit. I promise you that, Bells.
Sam, Sam.. what makes you think you can make generalizations about Israelis with some low taste t-shirts?

You mean like this?
Palestinians don't need slogans, just hand them a kitchen knife or a big axe, their "natural reaction" will do the rest

The solution is simple. Just give the Palestinians the same missiles and bombs so they can be more tasteful, like the Israelis.


123 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,487 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000
Nope. But if someone happens to raise the topic with a Muslim, I would expect the Muslim to condemn the atrocity, instead of trying to defend their brethen. However, whenever the issue of an atrocity committed by a Muslim is raised either on this forum or in real life, hoo boy, Muslims are first on the scene to spin their usual bullshit. "The West this" and "Oppressed that".

Surely you arent anoyed by that? People like you do the exact same thing, only against Arabs and Muslims.
You mean like the West closes ranks and bitches about the other side when their soldiers commit atrocities?

War criminals are brought to trial in Western countries, and if found guilty, are punished. They are not popular with the general public, either.

Funny that, huh? Like when an Israeli soldier guns down women and children, they then blame the other side?

*gasp* You mean Israelis close ranks as well? Nooo, I would never have thought it! :rolleyes: And your relevant point is...?

But this is what I do not understand. Lets just say we have a Muslim in the Middle East who commits a crime. Why should the Muslim community in Australia or the US (for example) be expected to make public statements to condemn it.

They don't have to. But if someone does happen to ask their opinion regarding the atrocity (such as often occurs on this forum), I would appreciate a 'I condemn it' response instead of a 'YOU AREN'T OPPRESSED YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING THROUGH HE ISN'T RESPONSIBLE THE ISRAELIS/USA CAUSED HIM TO SNAP. ANYWAY, THE WEST HAS DONE 10000000 TIMES WORSE MOTHERFUCKER, SO FUCK YOU!!!' response.

Does every single leader in the West immediately step forward and condemn every single crime committed by all Westerners, even if it is committed on the other side of the world? The answer to that is no.

No shit dipsy. However, if a Western leader is asked by a political commentator as to how they feel about X atrocity performing by Y Westerner, and the Western leader hums and haws and says 'Ya know John, it really wasn't *that* bad', people all over the world would be kicking up a fuss, and rightfully so. I mean, just imagine if the current prime minister of Germany said "Come on, Bob, the Holocaust really wasn't that bad, hahah! Man, most of those Nazis were only following orders anyway, and those Jews pretty much brought it on themselves."

So why do we expect not just Muslim leaders, but community groups and individuals to step forward and start issuing statements of condemnation?

*cough* Apologising to the Stolen Generation *cough* *cough* Aboriginal men apologising for domestic abuse of women*

There is an extreme double standard to this.

Yep. When a Westerner fucks up, he and his entire wretched civilization are culpable. When a Muslim fucks up, everyone except that Muslim and his religion are to blame, and every other Muslim will make sure to remind you of that 'fact'.
....these settlements are driving Palestinians crazy. They have to end. This in no way excuses axe-murdering though.
Especially the ax murdering of children. This guy was sick and pathetic. He couldn't even manage to actually kill the two unarmed children he attacked with the ax. Then, when confronted with an unarmed man, he was quickly disarmed and ran away. Pathetic. Sick. Cowardly.
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