Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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What would Americans do to religious fanatics who burst in and dispossessed them violently? The West Bank settlements are all illegal under international law.

What would religious fanatics do if there was a territorial dispute with another nation? Hack their children to death with an axe? Oh, wait...
Ergo. "I do believe that this Palestinian man was behaving in an appropriate manner when he hacked these kids into fleshy cubes."

Come on S.A.M, just have the balls to flat out admit to it, instead of skirting around Cheski's question.

Nope. I blame the parents for putting their children in this position. Does the US army permit its troops to take children along when occupying other peoples lands?
Nope. I blame the parents for putting their children in this position.

Of course you do. Your Muslim terrorist heroes are never to blame for their behaviour! Even when Muslim psychopaths hack the fuck out of children in revenge, it's the fault of the Jew and the American!
Of course you do. Your Muslim terrorist heroes are never to blame for their behaviour! Even when Muslim psychopaths hack the fuck out of children in revenge, it's the fault of the Jew and the American!

Let me know how you react when you family is put in danger by a religious fanatic who decides god gave him your house.

The Israelis just killed 1300 people, 300 of them children. Surely you don't expect me to sympathise with them for occupying Palestinian land and suffering the natural consequences of oppressing others?
George Washington burned down the villages of the Iroqouis.

So? Relevance?

As compared to...the occupying settlers?

As compared to... hacking children to pieces with an axe?

"The United States and Israel made me slice the living flesh off those childrens' bones, boo hoo hoo!"

FUCKING PATHETIC. You're pathetic S.A.M, absolutely pathetic.
I'm pretty sympathetic to Israel, but these settlements are driving Palestinians crazy. They have to end. This in no way excuses axe-murdering though.
Both sides hurt eachother and inflict this kind of harm on eachother. Its sad, but not any sadder than the 100s of kids killed recently in Gaza. And it will continue until the international community gets its head on right
What? Would you hunt down his children while they are eating their lunch and hack them to pieces with an axe?

Murderous bitch.

If they were killing my family and friends on a regular basis? I don't know. People get deranged when their families are subjected to white phosphorus and their children end up with bullets in their heads on a regular basis.
Both sides hurt eachother and inflict this kind of harm on eachother. Its sad, but not any sadder than the 100s of kids killed recently in Gaza. And it will continue until the international community gets its head on right

The difference is this man chopped up a child with his bare hands...there is something to say about the cruelty of murder.
It's been Established.

S.A.M. believes chopping up innocent children is okay under certain circumstances.

I for one am sickened that anyone could harbor the man who did this...and equally sickened that other people justify him hacking children with his bare hands. If he used a gun...I would be less sickened...but the utter cruelty in his heart is unrecognizable to me.

Sadly; I am not shocked that a Muslim wouldn't just simply say "This is a horrible act no matter how you look at it." and move on.
If they were killing my family and friends on a regular basis? I don't know. People get deranged when their families are subjected to white phosphorus and their children end up up bullets in their heads on a regular basis.

Cry me a river with your hyperbole.

There are millions of Palestinians under 'oppression', but only a few take it on themselves to hack their 'enemies' children to death with an axe. If you don't think you could stop yourself from butchering kids when placed under stress, you should be concerned about your mental health. Obviously Islam isn't doing much for you when it comes to your morality.
Both sides hurt eachother and inflict this kind of harm on eachother. Its sad, but not any sadder than the 100s of kids killed recently in Gaza. And it will continue until the international community gets its head on right

Whoaaa, and right on schedule, another Muslim rides in on his dark horse to shift the blame off this murderous psychopath by bitching "Well, well, the Israeli armies kills kids too, so there!"

How... predictable.
I for one am sickened that anyone could harbor the man who did this...and equally sickened that other people justify him hacking children with his bare hands. If he used a gun...I would be less sickened...but the utter cruelty in his heart is unrecognizable to me.

Probably because you have never been in his position.
Cry me a river with your hyperbole.

There are millions of Palestinians under 'oppression', but only a few take it on themselves to hack their 'enemies' children to death with an axe. If you don't think you could stop yourself from butchering kids when placed under stress, you should be concerned about your mental health. Obviously Islam isn't doing much for you when it comes to your morality.

And here comes the Islam bashing :p. tell me, did you apply this same moral code to anyone who laughed and or encouraged bombing Palestinian children to 100s of pieces?
It's been Established.

S.A.M. believes chopping up innocent children is okay under certain circumstances.

I for one am sickened that anyone could harbor the man who did this...and equally sickened that other people justify him hacking children with his bare hands. If he used a gun...I would be less sickened...but the utter cruelty in his heart is unrecognizable to me.

Sadly; I am not shocked that a Muslim wouldn't just simply say "This is a horrible act no matter how you look at it." and move on.

Yes, the pure brutality of getting hacked up with an axe is repulsive. Most likely chunks of flesh would have been taken off these kids while still alive (well, one survived, but you get my point). *shudders*
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