Is Science a value system?

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It is quite clear from the above discussion that at present time human life has become totally dependent on science and technology. Science has contributed to every aspects of our life and has become one of the basic human necessities for existence. We believe that, to satisfy all human physical needs, novel inventions will always get their ways to the future. Every new scientific idea, invention and product, deemed beneficial for humanity, must be communicated around the world irrespective of race, religion or region. Science should be free from politics and should not be the prerogative of specific class of society.
It is quite clear from the above discussion that at present time human life has become totally dependent on science and technology. Science has contributed to every aspects of our life and has become one of the basic human necessities for existence. We believe that, to satisfy all human physical needs, novel inventions will always get their ways to the future.

A simplistic and totalitarian manifesto for unbridled technological progress at best, totally consistent with scientism's dream of a futureworld dominated by machines and sterile mechanistic thinking.

OTOH let us consider the subtleties of "ethics in technology". Surely even in all your unabashed cheerleading of science and technology, these issues were not totally lost on you:

"Ethics in technology
is a sub-field of ethics addressing the ethical questions specific to the Technology Age. Some prominent works of philosopher Hans Jonas are devoted to ethics of technology. It is often held that technology itself is incapable of possessing moral or ethical qualities, since "technology" is merely tool making. But many now believe that each piece of technology is endowed with and radiating ethical commitments all the time, given to it by those that made it, and those that decided how it must be made and used. Whether merely a lifeless amoral 'tool' or a solidified embodiment of human values "ethics of technology" refers to two basic subdivisions:-

  • The ethics involved in the development of new technology—whether it is always, never, or contextually right or wrong to invent and implement a technological innovation.
  • The ethical questions that are exacerbated by the ways in which technology extends or curtails the power of individuals—how standard ethical questions are changed by the new powers.
In the former case, ethics of such things as computer security and computer viruses asks whether the very act of innovation is an ethically right or wrong act. Similarly, does a scientist have an ethical obligation to produce or fail to produce a nuclear weapon? What are the ethical questions surrounding the production of technologies that waste or conserve energy and resources? What are the ethical questions surrounding the production of new manufacturing processes that might inhibit employment, or might inflict suffering in the third world?

In the latter case, the ethics of technology quickly break down into the ethics of various human endeavors as they are altered by new technologies. For example, bioethics is now largely consumed with questions that have been exacerbated by the new life-preserving technologies, new cloning technologies, and new technologies for implantation. In law, the right of privacy is being continually attenuated by the emergence of new forms of surveillance and anonymity. The old ethical questions of privacy and free speech are given new shape and urgency in an Internet age. Such tracing devices as RFID, biometric analysis and identification, genetic screening, all take old ethical questions and amplify their significance."===

A simplistic and totalitarian manifesto for unbridled technological progress at best,

lol!! Another cop out! :)

OTOH let us consider the subtleties of "ethics in technology". Surely even in all your unabashed cheerleading of science and technology, these issues were not totally lost on you:

Surely in all your unabashed science bashing, the unquestionable issues of how science in general has benefited human kind have not been totally lost on you.
On second thoughts, delusions are delusions, and hard to overcome, especially when brought about by some deep seated personal resentment.
MR....You have made a totally unsupported statement in the OP, especially with regards to astronomy.
Is this just to tone up your debating technique? Or has something in your past given rise to this fanatically stupidly inspired philosophical nonsense you are infesting the forum with?
And for the umpteenth time, you have not answered my question about my proposal.
I had this situation with another anti science nut just recently, expecting that to ignore such probing questions into such nonsense, will make it go away.
It won't you know.
You have made a totally unsupported statement in the OP

Here's my OP. Which "statement" are you referring to?

"Are certain values advanced by science over others? Whether it should or not, typically it often seems too. The way people use science as a banner for some agenda such as atheism, skepticism, positivism, and environmentalism, you'd think being scientific equated to being somehow more noble and stoic than the normal human being. A certain elevation of science as the hard-earned suffered-for cause of truth. But why should that be so? Is science REALLY the sole means of discerning truth in our experience? And how does one determine the validity of these values presupposed by scientific progress? Certainly not scientifically.."
And for the umpteenth time, you have not answered my question about my proposal.
I had this situation with another anti science nut just recently, expecting that to ignore such probing questions into such nonsense, will make it go away.
It won't you know.

Reported for insult...
Global military expenditure stands at over $1.7 trillion in annual expenditure at current prices for 2012.
That's the wrong stat and you know it: You purposely switched your stat from miltiary R&D to total military expenditure because you realized you were wrong, so now you're trying to misdirect. That's lying and trolling. You're doing an excellent job working toward your next ban. billions are spent by big pharmaceutical corporations on R&D and drug trials? What does this say again about the USE that is made of scientific data?
The use of scientific data such as for pharmaceuticals doubled the life expectancy of humans in the past 120 years or so. That's a pretty good use. Now you're just trolling/flaming science in general, regarless of any connection to the original issues of the thread. You're trolling and this thread should be cesspooled.
Ethics in technology is a sub-field of ethics addressing the ethical questions specific to the Technology Age.
Yes, scientists and engineers endeavour to be ethical. That's a good thing, MR, not a bad thing.
Reported for insult...

Insult??? I have asked you to answer a question?
Are you afraid it will invalidate what you are so fanatically hypothesising?
Of course I am making a comparison, as the similarities are, well, similar to another anti science nut.
What can I say?
If the cap fits, wear it.
Insult??? I have asked you to answer a question?
Are you afraid it will invalidate what you are so fanatically hypothesising?
Of course I am making a comparison, as the similarities are, well, similar to another anti science nut.
What can I say?
If the cap fits, wear it.
Don't worry - by calling attention to his thread, he only hastens its demise.
That's the wrong stat and you know it: You purposely switched your stat from miltiary R&D to total military expenditure because you realized you were wrong, so now you're trying to misdirect. That's lying and trolling. You're doing an excellent job working toward your next ban.

Uh no. It was a response to ex-chemist's post: "Global pharma alone is running at $145bn, apparently:" If he's going to quote global expenditure on pharmaceuticals, then I'm going to quote global expenditure on military advancement.

The use of scientific data such as for pharmaceuticals doubled the life expectancy of humans in the past 120 years or so. That's a pretty good use. Now you're just trolling/flaming science in general, regarless of any connection to the original issues of the thread. You're trolling and this thread should be cesspooled.

Well, since you're not in charge of cesspooling or closing anything around here, what you want is totally irrelevant to me.
Uh no. It was a response to ex-chemist's post: "Global pharma alone is running at $145bn, apparently:" If he's going to quote global expenditure on pharmaceuticals, then I'm going to quote global expenditure on military advancement.
That number is for global pharma research and development. It says so right in the text of the link - you didn't even need to click it to know it! And you had already opened the door for your bait and switch in your previous post when you cited the total value of US military spending. You're lying again.
Well, since you're not in charge of cesspooling or closing anything around here, what you want is totally irrelevant to me.
You shouldn't think of it as what I want, just what I predict. And that should matter to you, since I've usually been right about what will happen to you and your threads.
Well, since you're not in charge of cesspooling or closing anything around here, what you want is totally irrelevant to me.

And similarly, what you pontificate so pretentiously about science is totally irrelevant to the world and the real benefits that have been, are being, and will be gained.
You shouldn't think of it as what I want, just what I predict. And that should matter to you, since I've usually been right about what will happen to you and your threads.

Right. Every thread I post you drag down into your petty bitching and insulting, which is what gets the thread shutdown by Kitt who apparently can't stand your obnoxious offtopic ranting. Seeing that's what you're trying to do again here, consider yourself ignored from henceforth.
Right. Every thread I post you drag down into your petty bitching and insulting, which is what gets the thread shutdown by Kitt who apparently can't stand your obnoxious offtopic ranting. Seeing that's what you're trying to do again here, consider yourself ignored from henceforth.
Since you're the one who always gets banned, clearly the mods disagree about who is doing the trolling. And that's all this thread is about: another opportunity for you to troll about your distaste for science.

And I see you ignored the rest of my post -- did I discover that you accidentally trolled yourself with your own lies? You should tell the truth: it is much easier to keep track of the truth than lies since it doesn't change as much.
Since you're the one who always gets banned, clearly the mods disagree about who is doing the trolling. And that's all this thread is about: another opportunity for you to troll about your distaste for science.

I said "thread shut down", not banning. My bans in the past had nothing whatsoever to do with you nor with anything you have ever said should happen.
I said "thread shut down", not banning. My bans in the past had nothing whatsoever to do with you nor with anything you have ever said should happen.
I've predicted both and some of both have happened in part due to my pointing out your multitude of infractions. Anyway, again:

And I see you ignored the rest of my post -- did I discover that you accidentally trolled yourself with your own lies? You should tell the truth: it is much easier to keep track of the truth than lies since it doesn't change as much.
I've predicted both and some of both have happened in part due to my pointing out your multitude of infractions.

No you haven't. You CAUSED the threads to be shutdown by your incessant bitching. Pointing out infractions would have nothing to do with shutting down a thread. And as I said, my bans had nothing to do with anything you've ever said. So take your trolling and lying elsewhere.
No you haven't. You CAUSED the threads to be shutdown by your incessant bitching. Pointing out infractions would have nothing to do with shutting down a thread. And as I said, my bans had nothing to do with anything you've ever said. So take your trolling and lying elsewhere.
And I see you ignored the rest of my post -- did I discover that you accidentally trolled yourself with your own lies? You should tell the truth: it is much easier to keep track of the truth than lies since it doesn't change as much.
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