Is midnight today or tomorrow?

How does looking at a zero-dimensional construct "make" the universe be anything?
It doesn't make anything be anything....
The paradox demonstrated is really just an extension of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.
....and forces one to realize that the universes existence relies on constant movement ( change ) which requires time duration to be greater than zero.
The implications of such are really quite profound IMO.
It suggests that the universe only exists as an outcome of a natural paradox ( re: ex-nihilo) . The paradox forcing the universe to exist as a way of resolving the impossible.
That being said, it can be concluded that it is impossible for the universe NOT to exist and that the universe has always existed and always will exist.
Just because t=0 does not mean distance is zero, only distance travelled is zero. A brick will still have three dimensions even if it is static.
In fact, each point in the universe has interactions only with other points of the universe has they existed in the past. So, there's literally no universe, only points. Our notion of a universe is a convenient fiction.
Once you realise that 24:00 or 00:00 has zero duration you can realize the only answer is neither today or tomorrow.
Mark 24:00 is a zero point and as such doesn't materially exist.
Objectively speaking, the 24:00 mark is a material point, and measuring time would be impossible without a material point.
If your theory contradicts the facts you know, then your theory is false.
Objectively speaking, the 24:00 mark is a material point, and measuring time would be impossible without a material point.
If your theory contradicts the facts you know, then your theory is false.
since when is a zero point "material"?


How can a zero point be material?
It depends when the present is. If it is before midnight, it is tomorrow; after, then it was yesterday. :biggrin:
The PRESENT begins today for archeologist for the purpose of carbon dating Sunday 1 January 1950

Currently the archeologist PRESENT is 69 years old

A better word for if you are referring to stuff going on now, would be NOW

NOW is in constant existence regardless of Minions arbitrary divisions and trying to split it up

since when is a zero point "material"?
How can a zero point be material?
As far as I know, nobody ever observed or measured a zero-dimensional point. All we seem able to measure for now at least are material things generally, like coli-flowers, turnips and carrots. The 24:00 mark on a clock is a material point. If you disagree with that, please provide a link to a report of the scientific observation of it.
The PRESENT begins today for archeologist for the purpose of carbon dating Sunday 1 January 1950

Currently the archeologist PRESENT is 69 years old

A better word for if you are referring to stuff going on now, would be NOW

NOW is in constant existence regardless of Minions arbitrary divisions and trying to split it up

Well, who want to talk to archeologists?
Here is the present definition of the word "present":
1. A moment or period in time perceptible as intermediate between past and future; now.​
But I would guess it's basically the same as it's ever been in the past.
Now has the potential to exist forever. :p :)
Well no

NOW is a concept

A reference name to describe a moment

It has no physicality, no detectable presence, no measurable aspects

Conclusion, something which does not exist cannot exist forever

It has the POTENTIAL to exist forever. Should nothing change with the person in question, they may remain forever. However due to a person's will, this rarely remains so. :)
It has the POTENTIAL to exist forever. Should nothing change with the person in question, they may remain forever. However due to a person's will, this rarely remains so. :)
Not sure where the change came about person in question

NOW = concept
Concept = non existent
Non existent = cannot become existent with a potential to exist forever

So I have lived my entire life in the present. I have no past. :D
HAD a past, even if born after 1950, since 1st January 1950 is only a marker for archeologist

Time DIDN'T exist until non-intervention. This gives humanity traction: a base from which to progress from. :)

TIME does not exist, period

Arbitrary markers within a items life measure and its age and the changes which occur

As far as I know, nobody ever observed or measured a zero-dimensional point. All we seem able to measure for now at least are material things generally, like coli-flowers, turnips and carrots. The 24:00 mark on a clock is a material point. If you disagree with that, please provide a link to a report of the scientific observation of it.
Are you saying that mark 24:00 is not a zero point?
If it has duration please provide the science to support it?
How long does 24:00 last for?