Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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Sounds Wonderful!

Do they also then abort their own race by the millions so there are no lasting responsibilities or consequences?

Or are these animals better than us?

What would scientists think if they came across a group of thousands of them...

...where the females, just before birth, use sticks, push them inside themselves, pull out their own babies place them alive on a rock, and then start pulling their arms and legs off, sometimes with the help of males, encouraged by the females of course, then they bash their own babies heads in, to make sure they are really dead!

you enjoy this
it makes you feel powerful

this means you are a sadist(p.s sadism is a human developmental stage)
you feel envy jealousy and lust
you now covet the ability to control life and death that women have been gifted by god
you covet that soo much that you dislike women for it
but you cant come out and say it
you must wrap it up like a bloody weapon inside a velvet glove
delivered on a pretty plate for others to feel some type of twisted comfort with.

do you feel proud of your self for being able to manipulate such grotesque machinations of human existence to become your own bloody play thing ?

is this what you serve children in bible class ?

"this" is your godliness ...
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Regarding the forum, I recall a point you once made about the abstract proposition that certain politics might be actively promoted, and ideas antithetical thereunto actively suppressed, with such censorship justified on the basis of certain political positions; it happened to go along, on one or another occasion, with the bit about mature adults, and all that. And toward that, yes, it's easy enough to declare we find this proposition very problematic, unless that happens to be what we are doing.

What stands about your present iteration is that you wrote what you did not so long after I covered that point with you; so just to remind you:

• It's like when you see the word "dangerous", and start sneering about people getting triggered and needing protection from controversial subject matter: You never gave a damn about certain other triggers that matter. Most of us have seen stupid advocacy of dangerous behavior, before; what Sciforums doesn't need, nor anyone else for that matter, is others finding comfort and justification in those posts. That, too, is what dangerous means.​

In a way, no, of course I'm not surprised to find you here putting your needs onto everyone else. Seriously, you even got the bit about, "There is always the option not to read". What was it I said? Oh, right, that a certain kind of annoying, why-did-he-waste-his-time post, with its decision to respond or pass over, is the kind of unnecessary hostility we get for setting such low and antisocial bars.

And we should probably take the moment: While the idea you saw the note and went on to write that is something of a headscratcher, the flip side is that you're just that predictable.

Not irrelevant: Several years ago we revised the rules. Why did we bother? Or, more directly, we retained language about rational discourse. Why? Was it just too difficult to come right out and say it, then, that standards of rational discourse are anathema? Did something change 'twixt then and now? Why bother with the pretense? Compared to the rules we posted, did any of the moderators ever stand a chance? They thought they were trying to enforce the rules to help build an intelligent community for rational discussion. It turns out they seem to have been offending your aesthetics. Most of them didn't sign on for a place to catalog the lowest valences of effort willful antisociality could manage.

For the most part, they played along in good faith. And they tried. And then there's you, who apparently can't tell the difference between behavior and a political view. And tilts windmills.

Like this, which is your own make-believe, and for years, now. We can't even discuss behavioral questions because of this. And here's the trick: If someone is behaving poorly, you are the one who thinks them incapable of behaving any better. That's the key to your appeal about silencing people.

So, let's go ahead and clear this part up: If one is forbidden to behave in a deliberately provocative manner, how is that person silenced? (Is that person incapable of not behaving in a deliberately provocative manner?) If one is forbidden lying and misrepresentation of sources, how is that person silenced? (Is that person incapable of not lying and misrepresenting?) We even have some breathakingly self-indulgent make-believe, and, okay, it's true, in one case if we told the member to stop behaving like a delusional, offensive prig, he probably couldn't, but it's not entirely clear what political view would be silenced, since it changes so often.

To the one, you never really did enumerate what political views you thought you were protecting; to the other, you made it kind of clear, anyway. But the sum effect of needing it here, James, even if it's full of shite, is that Sciforums is known as a place that needs it.

To engage this behavior in discourse can be futile, because it has, by your insistence, no obligation to good faith. People can choose to not read, and try to continue discussions disrupted by provocative behavior; in that case, the problem is invested in other people who didn't choose to not read, refused or saw no reason to leave the behavior alone. One can certainly try putting as many people as they need and can on ignore until it the willful antisociality doesn't reach them. At that point, we will have sacrificed pretty much everything about being a discussion board unto the altar of free speech, or whatever, creating a safe space to catalog cheap supremacism and antisociality.

How much effort should anyone put into trying to figure why you want it that way? Seriously, though, it's kind of useless, at this point, to keep pretending otherwise.

Still, I'm in a room where even the ostensibly enlightened are obliging people to kill. It's not that our little corner of bedlam is the only place that could ever happen, or anything; it just happens to be the room I'm in, and creating the sort of atmosphere and ethos in which these outcomes occur does require some effort.
Yeah, you're trying to change the subject too.
If you say so.
How passive-aggressive can you get? Why don't you have a private discussion with James?

Why do you keep using the term "anti-social"? You are the one, it appears, who would like to silent any opinion that you don't happen to agree with by dramatically trying to psychoanalyze them to the point where you can find a reason to censor them.

This isn't "your" discussion forum.
Because words like "bigotry", "racism", and, "misogyny" apparently offend delicate sensibilities.

And, besides, they are, in the end, antisocial behaviors.

• • •​

As I see it, no.
You know that the only reason you judge me so harshly, even though veiled in your passive-aggressive language (like you use with James) is that I sometimes call out your name calling when you are lecturing others about name calling and because I comment on your pretentious, to wit, ergo, 'twixt you and me, Bill Buckley language.

Many other posters provide far less content, are actually anti-social and misogynists but get no such notice but they don't question the soup nazi. Be real about it. My "ego" isn't the problem. That's why you don't like James as well.

If this was your site it would be run exactly like the nazi soup kitchen.1

1 Nazi Soup Kitchen, an episode of Steinfeld.
The Bible says explicitly to kill homosexuals. And in case you didn't get how important that was in Leviticus, the end of that passage confirms it - "their blood shall be upon them." No way to misinterpret Leviticus 20:13 as anything else.

So ... that's it?

Let us, then, get a couple of easy points out of the way.

We could try John 8.7↱.

Or, hey, we could try following Lv. 20.13 as you would have it. Let's head on down to any of a number of nondenominational, popular ministries, and talk to Pastor. First, though, go read Leviticus 20.2↱°.

That said, however, I did say Matthew, and that really is all it takes, because, let's face it, any Christian who wants a way around not being Jewish can make one up.

Matthew 5.43-48↱:

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Matthew 25.31-48↱.

"When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the King will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to thee?' Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

The part about loving one's enemies is tied to the requirement that one shall (must, is to) be perfect. The part about whatsoever one does or not, and those who go to punishment or life, is pretty straightforward. These are the sorts of reasons why the homicidally inclined Christian arguments rely on anything and anyone in the Bible except Christ Himself.

Matthew 5 tells what it means to be an Apostle°°. Matthew 25.31-46 instructs the believer how to be saved.

Meanwhile, the Christian who attends you, decides you're right, and kills a queer, gets turned away unto death at Judgment.

Two birds, one stone? Or had you just not thought it through?


° Next, please consider that in 2014 and 2015, Republican primaries in conservative strongholds racked up death tolls of a particular kind. One was Tea Party organizer in Mississippi, who allegedly broke and entered a nursing home to photograph a patient without consent as part of an advert hit; after being charged with crimes, he died by suicide. The next year, in Missouri, the primary cycle claimed two deaths by suicide. Spence Jackson never recovered from the death of his boss, Tom Schweich, who also died by suicide; one of the stressors that destroyed State Auditor Schweich was his belief that opponents in the 2016 Republican gubernatorial primary had accused him of being Jewish.

So, yeah, go down to Arizona, or, you know, any somewhat racist place that, well, isn't Missouri, and ask Pastor Anderson, or whomever, maybe even in front of the congregation, if he is a Jew. And let me be clear about why that's sarcastic: They probably won't kill themselves, but I can't promise nobody would try to harm you; nor can I tell you how to predict when it won't be a grave insult, but if they're post-reform populists, it's a real risk, and from there flip a coin on the question of fighting words.

°° See also, Luke 6.20-38↱; the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-6) is delivered to the Apsotles in seclusion; the Sermon on the Plain (Lk. 6) is delivered in the presence of the disciples, near Capernaum, after Jesus and the Apostles came down from the mountains.​

Weigle, Luther, et al. The Bible: Revised Standard Version. New York: Thomas Nelson, 1971. University of Michigan. 10 August 2019.
dramatically trying to psychoanalyze them
How often do you interject sex where that isn't the subject at all?

soo... there is no sex involved in re-production of the human species ?

hypocrisy ...
even though veiled in your passive-aggressive language

judgemental much ?

soo much for "free speech" huh

If this was your site it would be run exactly like the nazi soup kitchen.1
This isn't "your" discussion forum.

your being aggressive by asserting passive aggressive as a victimization process & being the judge of what is aggressive and then labeling Tiassa as the offender when Tiassa was replying to james post.

you seem to have lost the plot of what was said by whom about what.

now imagine trying to moderate a site to allow free speech & it not turning into some extremist platform

here is the header
Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?
how often do you make the point of having sex that is not fun ?
How often do you interject sex where that isn't the subject at all?
soo... there is no sex involved in re-production of the human species ?

hypocrisy ...

judgemental much ?

soo much for "free speech" huh

your being aggressive by asserting passive aggressive as a victimization process & being the judge of what is aggressive and then labeling Tiassa as the offender when Tiassa was replying to james post.

you seem to have lost the plot of what was said by whom about what.

now imagine trying to moderate a site to allow free speech & it not turning into some extremist platform

here is the header
is it normal and good for feel self doubt before you go up to a hot guy in a club to ask him if he wants to have sex with you ?

sexually ?
In response to "are you confident".

I don't have time to find all the occasions where you drop this kind of thing in the oddest places. Just own it rather than playing coy.
Just own it
own the thread header ?
Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

you want to play mix n match with posts in different subjects about different topics to assert your passive aggressive bullying style of forced narrative ?

hows that free speech thing working out ?
Just own it
rather than playing
the coward game again ?

what subject are you talking about ?(you appear to be confused between different thread subjects)

you seem to be more interested in getting into personal theatrics of personality rather than discussing the subject.
if you are not really interested in the subject then maybe you could add such a comment to your posts.
you appear to be carrying some type of emotional issue that you try and play out.

projecting your own drama at others, even if by accident, still renders your own result of implied absolutes.
personal drama of the echo chamber ...

while it is nice to be able to allow ones' self to be carried away, being carried away easily & to often tends to change your view of the position of where others stand.

have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to
(knowing where it might possibly lead)

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Two birds, one stone? Or had you just not thought it through?
Since you seem to be violently agreeing with me, I'd say we probably both have.
Meanwhile, the Christian who attends you, decides you're right, and kills a queer, gets turned away unto death at Judgment.
That's certainly more likely than him getting a free pass because he followed Leviticus.
Women are not sexist when they oppose abortion.
Men are not sexist when they oppose abortion either.

Both are just trying to protect innocent human life from a brutal and violent death.

Women are not sexist when they oppose abortion.
Men are not sexist when they oppose abortion either.

Both are just trying to protect innocent human life from a brutal and violent death.
Abby Johnson had two abortions.

She's like most right wingers - she wants the right to do X, she just doesn't want other people to have the same right.
It’s not helpful to distort others’ responses. It isn’t sexist for men to verbally oppose abortion, but it’s sexist and oppressive to believe that men should have the right to dictate to women, what they should do if faced with an unwanted pregnancy.

It’s also hypocritical to not oppose the death penalty and be okay with kids living in cages at the border, but act holier than thou when it comes to abortion. If you’re pro-life, that should extend to the born, not just the unborn.
From Abby’s website...

“Thank you for stopping by! My mission - and my team's mission - is simple: We're in the fight for life because we're pro-love. We see that every life, from the child in the womb, to the elderly - and in between, including the abortion clinic worker's life, have incredible value and worth. We believe that abortion strips women of their dignity. We believe that motherhood is empowering. We believe that not conforming and giving into societal pressures when it comes to femininity is empowering.

We believe that justice applies to every single human being on this earth. We believe in redefining the pro-life movement to include everyone, every age, race, gender, religion and every job.”

From me...

Join with Abby and rescue the human race from the mass genocide that is taking place all around the world, through abortion, from the growing Depravity of mankind.

Join the Rebellion and defeat the Dark Side!
Together we can end the genocide!
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Since you seem to be violently agreeing with me ....

I find it significant that you are down to make-believe.

But, back to the question: Both a dead queer and a condemned Christian: Is that what you were after, or did you fail to think it through?

What in the world is worth encouraging people to murder? Especially—

That's certainly more likely than him getting a free pass because he followed Leviticus.

—given that you would acknowledge the basic reality.

As a functional lesson, though, again: This is a danger of letting people you know are wrong set terms of discussion.
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