Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Do you think when black children were first integrated into white schools that didnt produce some messed up kids? Should we have just not allowed the parents to integrate their kids to protect them?

Why should black children be integrated into white schools?

Why not the other way round?
bu tthe thing is -gay adoption isnt such a necassary thing (in my opinion) the segregation of 2 halves of the wolrd was fairly intense but gay couples not being able to adopt (while annoying to them) doesnt seem such a pressing issue to me. I have given my view take it or leave it.
bu tthe thing is -gay adoption isnt such a necassary thing (in my opinion) the segregation of 2 halves of the wolrd was fairly intense but gay couples not being able to adopt (while annoying to them) doesnt seem such a pressing issue to me. I have given my view take it or leave it.

Because gays dont deserve the same rights as any other american?
bu tthe thing is -gay adoption isnt such a necassary thing (in my opinion) the segregation of 2 halves of the wolrd was fairly intense but gay couples not being able to adopt (while annoying to them) doesnt seem such a pressing issue to me. I have given my view take it or leave it.

Heh, "two halves of the world" while referring to white and black Americans. Hilarious.
Because gays dont deserve the same rights as any other american?

That's an interesting way to put it. It's really more of a question of "gay couples not deserving the same rights as straight couples". And I honestly wouldn't be sure how to answer that. Rather, I think the question should be, "Why not"?
That's an interesting way to put it. It's really more of a question of "gay couples not deserving the same rights as straight couples". And I honestly wouldn't be sure how to answer that. Rather, I think the question should be, "Why not"?

I agree, and I dont think that "bullying" is a valid answer, but i do understand that some people do. I just fail to see it being that big of a problem, and tend to think that Religion may have a hand in it.

Just so you know: the spread of AIDS in Africa is almost entirely a heterosexual affair.
Sooooo heres a question... if gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt, what do you do about those that have thier own children either from previous relationships or artificial insemenation?
we need to avoid cases with: previous relationships and artificial insemination

however in both of these cases...the children needed to be treated with respect and taught that it is a proper way to live a heterosexual life married and not the way it happened with them. An excuse can be, such is a Gods plan...or something like that.
we need to avoid cases with: previous relationships and artificial insemination

however in both of these cases...the children needed to be treated with respect and taught that it is a proper way to live a heterosexual life married and not the way it happened with them. An excuse can be, such is a Gods plan...or something like that.

You just keep following me around this forum, huh?

Though I accept the fact that you are clearly ignorant of knowledge regarding a wide variety of topics, it is a waste of my eyesight to see even glance across your posts. They contain nothing even closely pertaining to any truths, and tend to be hatefilled, bigoted and discriminatory. I honestly am suprised you have no been banned from here by now for your comments.

Thank goodness for the IGNORE button!
dragon said:
proper way to live a heterosexual life married and not the way it happened with them. An excuse can be, such is a Gods plan...or something like that.

That may be what you think is the "proper" way, from my point of view that would be called being dishonest, which is wrong to me as I believe lying, omitting information, and being dishonest is poor behaviour and requires modification. This line of reasoning would not be tolerated and inappropriate in my household.

I believe that a couple regardless of orientation, race, religon that has the capabilities to adopt or foster should be able to do so, I am not sure what the process is outside of my state or the US but I know that there are stringent guidelines(i.e.; background reports, home visits, psychological testing) put into place prior to an adoption being made legal. My opinion is that if you have the resources available to adopt a child you will have the necessary resources to provide that child with any care that is required, including psychological care if need be. There is a need for adoptive parents that can offer many children a safe, nurturing environment.

Why should any child suffer due to another parents lack of good parenting and inability to teach acceptable social behaviour? In my opinion you should educate your child on how to deal with bullies especially so they know when to ask for assistance and also know what is acceptable behaviour. Self respect, empathy, compassion, and tolerance are things every parent should teach a child. I find this bullying "reasoning" insignificant in regards to opposing homosexual adoptions as this is a problem every parent will deal with when having a school aged child. I believe Orleander proved this in an earlier post regarding her child. Thanks!

James R said:
Just so you know: the spread of AIDS in Africa is almost entirely a heterosexual affair.

I was actually getting ready to post some data regarding this topic, thanks for beating me to it, I could post some reference if anyone is interested in high risk hetrosexual HIV/AIDS transmission.
There are many homeless children in the world, maybe there is nothing wrong with homosexuals adopting these children.
You just keep following me around this forum, huh?

Though I accept the fact that you are clearly ignorant of knowledge regarding a wide variety of topics, it is a waste of my eyesight to see even glance across your posts. They contain nothing even closely pertaining to any truths, and tend to be hatefilled, bigoted and discriminatory. I honestly am suprised you have no been banned from here by now for your comments.

...what have I said wrong? You wanted my opinion...I gave it to you. This thread is dedicated to the discussion of effect of gay parents on children...I am discussing it here. I am not following you around, I post many replies and this is one of the threads I post the replies in.
...what have I said wrong? You wanted my opinion...I gave it to you. This thread is dedicated to the discussion of effect of gay parents on children...I am discussing it here. I am not following you around, I post many replies and this is one of the threads I post the replies in.

There IS not affect on children with gay parents.

One of my friends of the family, who is gay in a relationship and has been for nearly 40 years, adopted at kid. Due to the laws at the time, the adoption agency did not know of his sexual orientation or relationship status. As far as they knew, he was a single white male who made a good living. The child (a boy, we'll call him "Jake") was just over 1 year old at the time of adoption. Today that same kid is now a 31 year old man who, like is father, became a well respected, good hearted man. He is one of my closest friends. However UNLIKE his parents, he is a STRAIGHT man, now married with a second child on the way. If you did not know he was from a same-sex family, you would never guess because you can't tell. I've known "Jake" for most of my life back to my childhood and can tell you first hand that his bringing up in a same-sex home had little, if no effect at all on his childhood or adulthood. He's always known that he was attracted to the opposite sex and has always been comfortable with the fact that he has two fathers. There's alot less confusion that one may think.

So for those of you that think that being raised in a same sex home can make a child gay or have issues later on in life, please explain this case.

And by the way, I had posted this a while ago and no one responded.
I'd think that a lesbian couple would make good parents, If they choose to adopt.

If its a boy, the Oedipal complex may not develop properly. If it's a girl, the Electra complex may not occur.
Either way, the children grow up with a more open mind than any other child has. Straight from childhood.

Provided of course, that the couple are decent individuals. Dad and Dad wouldn't work, because I believe that males are more likely to neglect children.
So for those of you that think that being raised in a same sex home can make a child gay or have issues later on in life, please explain this case.

Couldn't the child attempt to copy the parents behavior?

A question for you:

Do you want children?

If so, why?