Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In the end, this debate is opinion based. It will never be "WON" only rehashed in different ways over and over. It's good to share views, and when one believes that there mode of thinking is correct they can only hope that there words gave insight to others. I have nothing against those who are homosexual. I have also found the views of others here informational. thanks. bye. :)

So, having a fetish makes one unable to care for children? FYI, heteros have plenty of fetishes too.
If my opinion on "any man that assaults a boy in a sexual manner IS homosexual" is correct, then those numbers are staggering.

Well, duh, any man that assaults a boy in a sexual manner is homosexual because it's an act taking place between two of the same sex. Same way any woman that assaults a young girl is a homosexual too. What about a man that assaults a girl or a woman that assaults a boy in a sexual manner? Oh, that's just pedophilia, so it's not as bad or what? All those cases are pedophilia cases, and you're so paranoid that nobody should be able to adopt, I guess. And "daddy's little girl" has existed long before "daddy's little boy".

- N
I did a quick search and what I found was " there are 281.7 times more pedophile attacks on male children then female in (non-incest) accounts.

If my opinion on "any man that assaults a boy in a sexual manner IS homosexual" is correct, then those numbers are staggering.

It's also totally irrelevant here & misleadingly used out of context. The research found that according to self-report by unincarerated sex offenders those who abused boys had more victims (averaging 281.7 incidents) than did those who abused girls (averaging 20 victims). The same study found

Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual. Nearly 80 percent of the men who molested little boys were heterosexual or bisexual, and most of these men were married and had children of their own.

Statistics reporting interfamial sexual abuse (what you're talking about regarding adopted parents or step parents for that matter) are not even included in reports of pedophiles for most States. When you look at interfamilial childhood sexual abuse rates the victims are over twice as likely to be female.
I see no problem with gay couples being able to adopt, as long as they provide a safe and healthy enviroment for the child.
American Psychiatric Association, 2004, "Research shows that homosexuals suffer from more mental illness than heterosexuals".."homosexuality is no longer considered a disorder in its self". "ego-dystonic homosexuality is still considered a disorder", 'homosexuality is now listed as a fetish", fetishes are still considered abnormal sexual practice.

Women are also more likely to suffer from a mental illness than are men, are they abnormal too?

Also, homosexuality is not listed by the APA as a fetish--I suspect this is another case of you selectively quoting something out-of-context.
Could you please provide a link and author?


This is the study I believe he's referring to:
Gene Abel et al., “Self-Reported Sex Crimes of Nonincarcerated Paraphiliacs,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2 (March 1987): 3-25.

As I said elsewhere, he's misquoting the findings.
This is the study I believe he's referring to:
Gene Abel et al., “Self-Reported Sex Crimes of Nonincarcerated Paraphiliacs,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2 (March 1987): 3-25.

As I said elsewhere, he's misquoting the findings.

I'll have to retrace my steps before I list the sources I read, give me a bit, as for Journal of Interpersonal Violence being " my " source lol. those stats are listed in several different locations, you see its published then people use it, here are some examples that use those ratios ALL FROM the very FIRST search page. Guilty of not doing research like I would for a formal paper, yes, At most I did not compare all the papers to come to a universal fact, but misrepresenting data, no. you, on the other hand are very quick on the character assassination trigger. think before you speak/write.

Meridian Magazine ::In Defense of Marriage


Rumination's - My opinions and thoughts

Sexual Orientation

No Second Chances for Murderers, Rapists or Child Molesters Act of ...
you, on the other hand are very quick on the character assassination trigger. think before you speak/write.

It's not about character assassination--it's about poor research and using second hand data from questionable sources. If you say it's an honest mistake, fine, but I would suggest being a little more critical about the sources of your informations.
I read through the references you cited and unfortunately am not in agreement with the opinions reached by the authors. I was hoping for something less religious based and a bit more scientific in a peer reviewed article.Thank you for the links, I appreciate it.

Here is an article from Pediatrics:
Are Children at Risk for Sexual Abuse by Homosexuals?
Carole Jenny, Thomas A. Roesler, and Kimberly L. Poyer
Pediatrics 1994; 94: 41-44.

This is from the abstract:
"In 82% of cases (222/269), the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child. Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community."
I wouldn't bar homosexuals from adopting, I'd just give preference to heterosexual couples. I think the best environment for a child is with a mother and a father. But if a particular child can't find a match, he/she would probably be better off with a homosexual couple than no parents at all.
recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community."
Interesting. You often hear figures like 10% being thrown around, which I always thought was high.
I wouldn't bar homosexuals from adopting, I'd just give preference to heterosexual couples. I think the best environment for a child is with a mother and a father. But if a particular child can't find a match, he/she would probably be better off with a homosexual couple than no parents at all.

What sort of an effect will homosexual parents have on children? (particularly younger children)

Are the children more likely to become homosexuals themselves?

Out of all relationships, how much of them are homosexual relationships? what is the rough percentage? I don't think it can't be that high. Is it fair on a child to be raised in such a household?
Well if homosexuality is not a choice the there is absolutely no reason to think that Gay parents will produce a gay adopted child.
Well if homosexuality is not a choice the there is absolutely no reason to think that Gay parents will produce a gay adopted child.

If homosexuality is not a choice...

Imagine a young child being raised by a homosexual couple. Imagine how confused s/he would be. Imagine the kid seeing all the other children at school with a mum and dad. I think that would do alot of damage to the kid.
If homosexuality is not a choice...

Imagine a young child being raised by a homosexual couple. Imagine how confused s/he would be. Imagine the kid seeing all the other children at school with a mum and dad. I think that would do alot of damage to the kid.

Most doctors/psychologist agree that homosexuality is not a choice. But for your sake lets just say it is, and that kid ends up gay, should we not allow children to be adopted my muslims because the majority of our population is not muslim? We do seem to have a fear of muslims as well as homosexuals prevalent in our society right now, so why should we let these poor children be subjected to and influenced by these awful choices? Furthermore what is actually wrong with being homosexual? besides the fact that certain religious groups view it as wrong. They also view false prohpets as wrong, so no adopted kids for Mormons as well!

I mean if homosexuals cant adopt children because interaction could cause the children to be gay, then why not jsut ban homosexuals from having any contact with children?