Is it right for homosexuals to be able to adopt??

should it be?

  • Mum and dad?

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Dad and Dad?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mum and mum?

    Votes: 2 11.1%

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  • Poll closed .
I agree totally. No one ever said that being gay or having gay parents was an easy way out lol. It's not.

Living in fear for your life every single time you walk out of your house, every day of your entire life because you don't know who or when will be the next homophobic person to attack you or even try to kill you is a difficult life to live.

So is it right for homosexual people to be able to adopt (threadtitle) ?
I'm finding it difficult to answer the question.. if not impossible.
kids copy their parents

Oh Draq come on.. lol
Did you have sex as a kid ? Stupid question really.. lol
Sorry, to bring it up again but it's seems fairly obvious that your parents had sex while you have not.. YOU didn't copy your parents..
Oh Draq come on.. lol
Did you have sex as a kid ? Stupid question really.. lol
Sorry, to bring it up again but it's seems fairly obvious that your parents had sex while you have not.. YOU didn't copy your parents..

I did not know they had sex when I was a kid. I learned of it only when I was in 7th grade...and not because I saw it but because it was the only rational explanation for my birth and also because a kid next to me was watching porn! he spoiled my purity of eyes for the rest of life.
Mod Hat - Lighten up

Notes on the following :

Reiku, Schichimenshyo:

Such responses are inappropriate. In order to be fair, we must allow petty bigots to conduct themselves as hatefully as they see, and with as little official restraint as possible. Recent disputes between the membership and moderators have established that we are expected to give preference and protection to politically-conservative viewpoints. They are a minority here, and feel persecuted by such things as the truth. Of course posts like these by Sly1 and Draqon are repugnant and suggestive of hateful and low character, but at present, while it is acceptable for political conservatives to show hatred toward entire classes of people, it is inappropriate to call it hatred. You might, after all, hurt someone's feelings by pointing out the truth.

In the end, we face a couple of difficult circumstances. Yes, rational thought and decent expression do seem to be too much to ask of folks like Draqon and Sly1; it would appear they are incapable of such conduct. Thus, we must accommodate their diverse ability set, so as not to discriminate against our alternatively-abled neighbors.

As I've noted before,

Use your ignore lists, people. Please? I don't care if you have to think of it in terms of, "At what point would I actually beat up the retarded kid?"

If that's how you have to think of [them], that's fine with me.
Seriously. If they can't help it, they can't help it. One thing people have made clear in recent months is that our conservative members should be handled with kid gloves. We don't throw people overboard for being differently-abled. We must attempt reasonable accommodation of their special needs.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter

lol :D

hahah I think ive been pretty decent with what I've said so far. I dont think anything I said could have come off overly offensive...... I haven't said anything other than my opinion and confusion over the homosexual phenomena.......and where I stand on the matter of wether or not they adopt.....which was the point of the thread no?

Over sensitive maybe?

regarless im done with the thread.
Take my word for dont what to bring "nature" into homosexuality.......because nothing about homosexuality is natural......they are a doomed phenomena because they cannot reproduce and secure their place in the future.......

homosexuality is a anomoly and I wont get into what causes it........because I dont know......however I know that life on this planet has a way of reproducing itself......homosexuals however do not.....

Ah, but you see, it is found in nature in many animal cultures... you surely can't get anymore natural than that.
I did not know they had sex when I was a kid. I learned of it only when I was in 7th grade...and not because I saw it but because it was the only rational explanation for my birth and also because a kid next to me was watching porn! he spoiled my purity of eyes for the rest of life.

So how would a child of gay parents know his/her parent are having sex then ? Do you imagine they do it in front of the child :confused:
So is it right for homosexual people to be able to adopt (threadtitle) ?
I'm finding it difficult to answer the question.. if not impossible.

I don't think its a matter of "right" and "wrong". Right and wrong are merely our own personal judgements.

To some, eating shrimp is wrong, to others its right. It really all depends on ones personal vendictions.

Rather, I see this as a question of how we can allow a homosexual couples to adopt while simutaneously providing them certain indemnifications to protect them from the, more often than not, violent ramifications of social illiberalities and vindications. (Which can seem impossible in itself)
So how would a child of gay parents know his/her parent are having sex then ? Do you imagine they do it in front of the child :confused:

well when in 7th grade like me...he will find out...he's gonna be like "wait a minute...what da? my parents are homos?" Are they even my parents?! Were is my mommy?!!!!!
Women go through their lives switching boyfriends and companions back and forth while men roam most of their life in solitude or in pursuit of love from women.
I've always been under the impression that it was the other way around.:shrug:perhaps your perspective depends on your sex.
I've always been under the impression that it was the other way around.:shrug:perhaps your perspective depends on your sex.

I would say American women are like that...switching boyfriends all around.
As for Russian women...they don't do that.
I don't think its a matter of "right" and "wrong". Right and wrong are merely our own personal judgements.

To some, eating shrimp is wrong, to others its right. It really all depends on ones personal vendictions.

Rather, I see this as a question of how we can allow a homosexual couples to adopt while simutaneously providing them certain indemnifications to protect them from the, more often than not, violent ramifications of social illiberalities and vindications. (Which can seem impossible in itself)

Hmm I was approaching to question from the point of view of the child though while keeping in mind the rights of the parents.
well when in 7th grade like me...he will find out...he's gonna be like "wait a minute...what da? my parents are homos?" Are they even my parents?! Were is my mommy?!!!!!

No, the child will perceive the parents as his/her real parents. Questions come later and can be dealt with as with adopted kids that are adopted by straight parents. Maybe you are against adoption in the first place ? But that's a whole other topic.
Honestly, I think gay couples need to be smart when raising a child.

This includes living in areas/regions/countries where it is seen more as socially acceptable. If one raises a child in the middle of region where it tends to be closed-minded to this issue, than that is just asking for trouble.

And as far as harrassment in schools and on the streets, that is something that cannot be completely avoided unless local laws strictly prohibits that kind of discrimination. And even then, there will still be people that do not look or act kindly upon this topic.
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat - Response

Reiku said:

So stupid of me, but its as if you are promoting such behaviour, by saying we need to allow it

Funny thing is that I agree with you. This used to be a place where we could fight tooth and nail until someone lost an eye. And then we had to cool off and start over. But we can't, anymore. I know. It sounds unreasonable, but this is what our conservative neighbors need in order to feel fairly treated. My advice is to enjoy the irony.

• • •​

Draqon said:

So I am now a:

petty bigot

hateful and low character

alternatively-abled neighbor

all because I don't thinks homosexuality is moral

To reiterate:

Of course posts like these by Sly1 and Draqon are repugnant and suggestive of hateful and low character, but at present, while it is acceptable for political conservatives to show hatred toward entire classes of people, it is inappropriate to call it hatred.​

Posts such as yours suggest hateful and low character. However, as I noted, it is not so:

Yes, rational thought and decent expression do seem to be too much to ask of folks like Draqon and Sly1; it would appear they are incapable of such conduct. Thus, we must accommodate their diverse ability set, so as not to discriminate against our alternatively-abled neighbors.​

I am trying to remind your fellows to accommodate you. If you would like to be treated as a fully-capable grown-up, that's fine with me. You just won't be allowed to post such crap on my watch.

So ... which is it, Draqon? As a matter of fact, I'll give you three options:

(1) Keep your specific protection and special rights
(2) Take the heat as your neighbors crucify your bigotry
(3) Recognize you won't be allowed to post such thoughtless, bigoted tripe​

Any of the three is fine with me. If you wish to continue demeaning an entire classification of people for no good reason, thereby obliquely insulting many of your neighbors, I can either hand out warnings and, eventually, vacations, or I can let them take their shots. At least your neighbors had the stones to address you directly. You, on the other hand, apparently need to pretend that if you just slam entire groups of people, you're not actually insulting anyone.

And that ain't gonna fly, Draqon. If you wish to insult entire classifications of people, you need to have some reasonable basis for doing so. That way, when people complain about being insulted, you actually will have a defense for your conduct.

• • •​

Sly1 said:

I dont think anything I said could have come off overly offensive

Of course you don't.

I haven't said anything other than my opinion and confusion over the homosexual phenomena

Actually, you made a pretty sweeping generalization:

I would give the child to a loving heterosexual family......they exist ya know. (#174)​

As I noted in advising your neighbors to lighten up on Draqon, it would seem you guys can't help yourselves. And as I noted above, of course you don't understand what's so offensive about portraying an entire classification of people as devoid of familial love.

Quit whining. I'm trying to make your time here easier.
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I know many many homosexual couples that do home-schooling to avoid as much social conflict as possible. Do I agree with it personally? No. I believe that public schooling provides the child to establish proper social behavior. But at the same time, it does protect the child from possibly being mentally or physically harmed.

your choices are flawed since they identify my opinion as bigotry.

I say it oncemore, gay people are a dead end to human civilization because as a result humans either contract HIV which is much much more prevalent amongst gays and end their lineage...or stop reproducing.

If everyone was heterosexual...would humans be alive? YES
If everyone was homosexual...would humans be alive? NO

Honestly, I think gay couples need to be smart when raising a child.

This includes living in areas/regions/countries where it is seen more as socially acceptable. If one raises a child in the middle of region where it tends to be closed-minded to this issue, than that is just asking for trouble.

And as far as harrassment in schools and on the streets, that is something that cannot be completely avoided unless local laws strictly prohibits that kind of discrimination. And even then, there will still be people that do not look or act kindly upon this topic.

So if you had the power would you
-allow adoption by gay parents
-not allow adoption by gay parents
-be undecided