Is Immortality Possible?

Kumar said:
It may be good to change the(worn out) mind also alongwith. :D But why mind do not remains similar on cloning?

The mind is not genetically programmed: it is the sum of one's lessons and experiences since birth. (Though it may be that some basic aspects of one's temperament, and one's innate IQ, are set by genetics). Recreating the body from a DNA template will not reproduce the mind - any more than building a new computer from the blueprints of an old one will automatically duplicate all its software and hard disk data.

That said, the information stored in a computer can be duplicated easily. One day, the same may be possible with human brains. Though this is far from certain - for all we know at this time, each individual brain may have its own unique system of neural "encoding" which will have to be deciphered from scratch, like a whole new programming language. Brains are undoubtedly far less standardized in design than machines.
John Connellan said:
It is, it is almost identical!

Is it so? Then, what is the problem in getting the immortality? :D Btw, which body cell we take for cloning?
In theory, any cell which has a full genome: the only ones which don't are red blood cells and eggs or sperm.

There's no current theory, however, which would allow a cloned human body to grow any faster than a normal baby. It would take 18 years or so to reach physical maturity - if you wanted a new body ready and waiting for when your current one expires, the clone would have to be brought up just like your child. In other words, he (I assume you are male, Kumar) would have a fully-developed mind & personality of his own. Transplanting your mind into him would effectively mean killing another person - or, at best, giving him multiple-personality disorder!
Starthane Xyzth said:
The mind is not genetically programmed: it is the sum of one's lessons and experiences since birth. (Though it may be that some basic aspects of one's temperament, and one's innate IQ, are set by genetics). Recreating the body from a DNA template will not reproduce the mind .
Interesting, Something God has kept with him. ;) It means all or most that we have in mind is just current life-time's 'environmental' effects not genetic. Anyway, we can be taught the same & I think learning it may be easier in cloned person than his children. DNA template: is it similar in all body cells other than as you mentioned? Had we tried brain cells?
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Kumar said:
Btw, how much egg is responsible for differance in children.

As I tried to explain during each conception of individual child different genetic material of mother and father are combined. No sibling will therefore ever be the same.

identical twins are bascially natural clones and there genetic material is the same. And even though twins are raised in the same environment they do not have the same mind. This should suggest that you cannot clone your mind.
Kumar said:
body's environmental/pHs changes>>effects on both genotype & phenotype so genetic changes.

Not all environmental changes have an effect. You assume here that pH does. you would have to establish the effect and in this case I postulate that they will be negible.
Kumar said:
Is it so? Then, what is the problem in getting the immortality? :D

The problem is, the clone is not YOU!

When u kill yourself u will experience NOTHING, the black void u "experienced" before u were ever born.

The other clone will however continue to exist and do the exact same stuff u used to do :eek:
Ok if I were to extract your consciousness while your sleeping then kill your body, who is to say the extract is not you?
spuriousmonkey said:
As I tried to explain during each conception of individual child different genetic material of mother and father are combined. No sibling will therefore ever be the same.
identical twins are bascially natural clones and there genetic material is the same. And even though twins are raised in the same environment they do not have the same mind. This should suggest that you cannot clone your mind.
Thanks. The above indicates that each genetic material of every person is differant. In other words all sperms or ova are differant as evident in identical & fraternal twins. Can we say that each genetic material is differant but cell's DNA not, since they make similar trait clone by every cell in body. Is it ok? Btw, is there any role of blank egg(Egg minus female genetic material) in the development of personality trait or environmental/phynotype?
spuriousmonkey said:
Not all environmental changes have an effect. You assume here that pH does. you would have to establish the effect and in this case I postulate that they will be negible.

What Causes DNA Mutations?
Mutations in DNA sequences generally occur through one of two processes:

DNA damage from environmental agents such as ultraviolet light (sunshine), nuclear radiation or certain chemicals
Mistakes that occur when a cell copies its DNA in preparation for cell division.
Does the body's pH changes when we are exposed to environmental agents or are in between the above two processes?

Are the body's pHs changes(including GIT's) heriditory?
WellCookedFetus said:
Your obsession with pH change is bizarre.
We have already tried/searched "everything" or "something" or "most of the things" or "senses" except which looks like "NOTHING" or "ABSENSES" or "NON-SENSES". We may therefore [ONLY] find "SOMETHING" or "OTHERTHINGS" or "SOME SENSES" in them. :rolleyes:
Kumar said:
We have already tried/searched "everything" or "something" or "most of the things" or "senses" except which looks like "NOTHING" or "ABSENSES" or "NON-SENSES". We may therefore [ONLY] find "SOMETHING" or "OTHERTHINGS" or "SOME SENSES" in them. :rolleyes:

That reply is even MORE bizarre :D
WellCookedFetus said:
Ok if I were to extract your consciousness while your sleeping then kill your body, who is to say the extract is not you?

U can't extract consciousness because it depends on the material matter that is your brain!

Only religious people believe in extraction and they call it "The Soul" :D
John Connellan said:
That reply is even MORE bizarre :D

What about this:-
And if our pH is unbalanced, what is the result? Well, by now you should start having a good idea. Pick your disease, choose your unbalance. Cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, chronic fatigue, allergies, obesity, just name it. If you don't feel good, one of the basic things that stands between you and perfect health is your body's pH. Your basic metabolic body balance.
spuriousmonkey said:
Not all environmental changes have an effect. You assume here that pH does. you would have to establish the effect and in this case I postulate that they will be negible.
Aims: To show TOP2 is involved in acidic pH-induced DNA damage. Suggest possibility of TOP2 mediated DNA damage contributing to acidic pH induced Carcinogenesis
It is bit technical for me but does it suggest pH effect on mutations?
John Connellan,

we could slice your brain up and record the position of every neuron and synapse, emulate the mapping in a AI and those "extract" your consciousness and memory in a AI, how dare you think I was talking about a spiritual soul! :mad:
WellCookedFetus said:
John Connellan,

we could slice your brain up and record the position of every neuron and synapse, emulate the mapping in a AI and those "extract" your consciousness and memory in a AI, how dare you think I was talking about a spiritual soul! :mad:

To map and record the entire structure of a human brain in that kind of detail - down to the direction and intensity of the ionic gradient across every axonal membrane - would probably require dozens of man-years work, and more computer memory than half the Internet contains.

I dare say a computer could cut down the work time required. :bugeye:
Ancient & spritual litretures, mentions memory transfer, cloning, self cloning(just refereshing/reloading) etc. So some logic or chance can be thought. But even if, brain memory is copied & tranferred, people may still like his origional body or not like to leave it.Cloning with mind & without mind then make no much differance (even cloned entity can also be taught all or most). We may therefore, have to much concentrate on immortality or longevity or self cloning/cloning within. How much & what the regular & continious practice of deep or deepest positive & specific thoughts with fullest concentration(self hypnosis type) for long time can do in getting somewhat self or cloning with-in? :)
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The combined data alone would be equal to a couple thousand terabytes, nothing a computer several decades from now could not handle.