I always encounter in my forays into the internet a certain way of talking and thinking about energy. The idea is that energy is a physical substance or field of forces that exists in itself like matter. Is energy really like this?
No, it's not really like that at all. That's a very common misconception.
Energy, ultimately, is just a number (with some units). It's a useful concept because it turns out that, in many processes, if we calculate the total value of the number at the start of some process and then again at the end of the process, we find that the total is the same before and after, even though the "system" under consideration has undergone various changes. We can use the concept of energy conservation as one more (very useful) method for making predictions about how systems will behave.
All of the following statements are essentially meaningless:
"Mass is a form of energy"
"Matter is just concentrated energy"
"Everybody has a soul that is made of 'pure energy'"
"When matter and antimatter come together, they annihilate to produce 'pure energy'"
"God is a being of 'pure energy'"
"Everybody has an 'energy aura' that surrounds them"
"E=mc^2 tells us that mass and energy are equivalent"
"Ghosts are beings that are 'pure energy'"
"Sunlight is a form of energy"
"Energy comes to my house through the electricity wires"
"My car runs on energy"