Is Christianity a Great religion?

Sorry he could not be a Christian/

Well, he was baptized, went to church, claimed to be a Christian and professed to follow Christ. Even had himself a Martyr's Mass before going off to kill all those people. You don't get to "un-baptize" him after the fact.

A christian is a follower of teaching of Christ and Christ thought the follower , not to kill

Then why have so many Christians killed?
Well, he was baptized, went to church, claimed to be a Christian and professed to follow Christ. Even had himself a Martyr's Mass before going off to kill all those people. You don't get to "un-baptize" him after the fact.

Then why have so many Christians killed?

I was a christian baptized at the age about 18 I followed for a wile , then later I got married , the woman did not help me out sexually , I got other woman and I become an adulterer . At that point ,I did not called my self christian , I just went into the world and did what other people do in the world, satisfy my flesh, or desires . Then come time I abandoned doing what I did and started to follow again , Now I call my self a Christian again. So there are millions that have done like me. But one thing for sure I was avoiding at all cost not to take somebody's life.
@ Saint;

I was a Christian for a number of years, and my advice, if you are interested in pursuing the faith just for knowledge or for religious reasons, is to find a solid, introductory type of book that gives you an objective understanding of the religion. I'm no longer Christian, but I can tell you that there are redeeming qualities about the faith, that can potentially bring one peace. (Of course, this depends on one's 'view' or definition of ''God.'') I no longer practice Christianity however, because I found too many contradictions (and outright lies) within the Bible, and in time, realized that Chrisianity is a man-made religion, that most likely was designed to control societies. (my personal view)

If you have an interest in truly learning about this religion, you won't get a complete (and accurate) explanation of it, from anyone on this website. (no offense to anyone here/myself included) Instead, you will find yourself in the crossfire of an endless barage of arguments for and against Christianity, often biased on either side, that will just leave you confused. So, my advice would be to either go to your local library, or book store, and locate a book that will help you to understand what it is you are seeking with respect to Christianity. To answer your question, Christianity has a very volatile and violent history. It is one of those ''inconvenient truths,'' and I suggest that you google the ''history of the early Christian church,'' as you will be able to find these things out on your own.

I hope you find what it is you're seeking. :eek:
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What evil had Christianity done to human beings? Examples?
M*W: Here's my list of xian atrocities. It is not complete:

-The dominion over and subjegation of women (the first slaves)

-The Inquisition called for death to women, children, witches, midwives, and other innocents

-Violence against women and children

-Male-dominated writing and interpretation of the OT and NT and promoting it as literal and historic

-Starting holy wars, crusades, and other acts of terriorism, against non-xians

-Brainwashing and mind control of the masses

-Racism and anti-Semitism

-The Holocaust

-Promoting monotheism (idol worship)

-Formation and participation in xian hate groups (Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, etc.)

-Psychological abuse and condemnation of xians and all non-xians to a fiery death in hell for all eternity (LOL)

-Prejudism against other religions and sects within xianity

-Evil popes throughout history of the RCC

-Sexual crimes against men, women and children

-Pentecostal xians in rural America promote drinking poison and handling venomous snakes

I could go on, but you get the idea.
M*W: Here's my list of xian atrocities. It is not complete:

-The dominion over and subjegation of women (the first slaves)

-The Inquisition called for death to women, children, witches, midwives, and other innocents

-Violence against women and children

-Male-dominated writing and interpretation of the OT and NT and promoting it as literal and historic

-Starting holy wars, crusades, and other acts of terriorism, against non-xians

-Brainwashing and mind control of the masses

-Racism and anti-Semitism

-The Holocaust

-Promoting monotheism (idol worship)

-Formation and participation in xian hate groups (Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, etc.)

-Psychological abuse and condemnation of xians and all non-xians to a fiery death in hell for all eternity (LOL)

-Prejudism against other religions and sects within xianity

-Evil popes throughout history of the RCC

-Sexual crimes against men, women and children

-Pentecostal xians in rural America promote drinking poison and handling venomous snakes

I could go on, but you get the idea.

You must be a saint , since you are such an observant of others is because you are a pure holy woman.
M*W: Here's my list of xian atrocities. It is not complete:

-The dominion over and subjegation of women (the first slaves)

-The Inquisition called for death to women, children, witches, midwives, and other innocents

-Violence against women and children

-Male-dominated writing and interpretation of the OT and NT and promoting it as literal and historic

-Starting holy wars, crusades, and other acts of terriorism, against non-xians

-Brainwashing and mind control of the masses

-Racism and anti-Semitism

-The Holocaust

-Promoting monotheism (idol worship)

-Formation and participation in xian hate groups (Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, etc.)

-Psychological abuse and condemnation of xians and all non-xians to a fiery death in hell for all eternity (LOL)

-Prejudism against other religions and sects within xianity

-Evil popes throughout history of the RCC

-Sexual crimes against men, women and children

-Pentecostal xians in rural America promote drinking poison and handling venomous snakes

I could go on, but you get the idea.

A lot of those things are true of barbarians in general. The Romans committed atrocities like these.

As for handling venomous snakes, I've always thought it was a cool and bold way to express one's religious faith, but I wouldn't recommend it to others. Furhtermore, Christians are not the only people in the world who have handled snakes.
Atheists can and will try to create an atheist version of religion; it is a simple fact that religion feeds our spiritual nature in a way that pure science cannot. So let the atheists try, and we will all see what happens. While Christianity is very powerful, it is also oppressive against gays and lesbians. In contrast, New Age religions are much more loving and tolerant, but they are not as strong, and are easily watered down. I have been asked by spirits: which religion is better? I honestly don't know. I believe that Christianity is strong and it allows smaller more tolerant religions to exist. I believe that atheist versions of religion will be tried, but will ultimately fail because they lack the most important ingredient: spiritual power.

There are already atheist religions. Buddhism, some sects of Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism, and in modern times, Raelians.

And I just found out about one more:

The Religion of humanity was described by Thomas Huxley as "Catholicism minus Christianity". In addition to a holy trinity of Humanity, the Earth and Destiny, it had a priesthood. Priests were required to be married, because of the ennobling influence of womanhood. They would conduct services, including Positivist prayer, which was "a solemn out-pouring, whether in private or in public, of men's nobler feelings, inspiring them with larger and more comprehensive thoughts." The purpose of the religion was to increase altruism, so that believers acted always in the best interests of humanity as a whole. The priests would be international ambassadors of altruism, teaching, arbitrating in industrial and political disputes, and directing public opinion. They should be scholars, physicians, poets and artists. Indeed all the arts, including dancing and singing should be practiced by them, like bards in ancient societies.​

I believe that people have spiritual experiences. I'm also confident there isn't a god. So these experiences will continue to happen just by virtue of being human. Places of worship do serve a purpose, even if the god virus vanishes. So I can see where people might create institutions to gather on a weekend and practice spirituality in the traditional way, with plant based hallucinogenic compounds, music, dance, chanting, feats of endurance, fasting, quiet contemplation, etc. You are so arrogant to think that your young upstart monotheism is the only path.
I believe that people have spiritual experiences. I'm also confident there isn't a god. So these experiences will continue to happen just by virtue of being human. Places of worship do serve a purpose, even if the god virus vanishes. So I can see where people might create institutions to gather on a weekend and practice spirituality in the traditional way, with plant based hallucinogenic compounds, music, dance, chanting, feats of endurance, fasting, quiet contemplation, etc. You are so arrogant to think that your young upstart monotheism is the only path.

More than likely, there will be atheist churches that spring up, that try to copy religion. In the absence of a real God to worship, it is these atheist "religions" that will turn to hallucinogens to fill the void.

As an atheist, I'm surprised that you never considered that a belief in God (experience of God) is NOT created by man; but rather, is a survival strategy that works. What if Christianity is actually one of the best survival strategies? If that is true, then atheism would be a losing survival strategy.
Great does not necessarily mean good. Great is a term of scale, of breadth. And indeed Christianity is tremendous in its size and scope; it is probably the single greatest influence upon the development of Western civilization. It dominated it so thoroughly for over 1500 years such that the West can be broadly identified on that basis alone. Without Christianity, the West would not look the same at all.
Whether this was for good or for ill depends on your perspective. Whether Christianity espouses good ideas is up to you. I personally am not a fan of its tenets, though I understand the appeal it had originally. My beliefs lie elsewhere, however, and are incompatible with monotheism. But regardless of what I think and feel, I cannot deny the dramatic weight Christianity has held in Western culture.
Great does not necessarily mean good. Great is a term of scale, of breadth. And indeed Christianity is tremendous in its size and scope; it is probably the single greatest influence upon the development of Western civilization. It dominated it so thoroughly for over 1500 years such that the West can be broadly identified on that basis alone. Without Christianity, the West would not look the same at all.
Whether this was for good or for ill depends on your perspective. Whether Christianity espouses good ideas is up to you. I personally am not a fan of its tenets, though I understand the appeal it had originally. My beliefs lie elsewhere, however, and are incompatible with monotheism. But regardless of what I think and feel, I cannot deny the dramatic weight Christianity has held in Western culture.

I was listening to a podcast about Ghengis Khan. It got me thinking that, in a universe without a God, it is the most ruthless leaders who dominate. The more you kill without remorse, the more powerful and influential you become. At least that is what history teaches us. I hate to look at the world that way, but in a universe without God, what choice have I? I would have preferred nobleness, honor, integrity, love, loyalty, spiritual healing, Christ consciousness; but atheists tell me those things are childish, and that the world doesn't work that way. Atheists tell me that love, peace and spirituality are forms of insanity and are highly suspect. Atheists afterall are the smartest people in the world; if atheists say that feeling God, feeling goodness, feeling virtue, love and kindness are forms of insanity, then who are we to argue with the intellectual elite. We should live our lives as cousins of apes, as primates. According to atheists, we should pick our butts and fling poo like other primates do.
More than likely, there will be atheist churches that spring up, that try to copy religion. In the absence of a real God to worship, it is these atheist "religions" that will turn to hallucinogens to fill the void.

As an atheist, I'm surprised that you never considered that a belief in God (experience of God) is NOT created by man; but rather, is a survival strategy that works. What if Christianity is actually one of the best survival strategies? If that is true, then atheism would be a losing survival strategy.

I think you have it backwards, in the absence of plant based hallucinogens, religion turned to lesser forms, like stained glass. And listening to a priest instead of seeing god themselves with entheogens. You might think that's a joke, but I'm totally serious about this. You can read McKenna's "The Archaic Revival" for a complete theory.

I do know that Christianity wasn't invented by any one man, like many religions, it evolved over time, borrowing from other religions. This evolutionary process did result in a meme or mind virus that is quite virulent. It gives it's host something in return, I wouldn't deny that. Just like Islam was a successful survival strategy for a militant empire. But it's time is fading, it's usefulness is becoming a liability. It's proponents stand opposed to new emerging realities like the civil rights of homosexuals, the science of climate change, reproductive rights, you know the issues. People seem to like churches and shared religious experience, I'm sure something will fill that void. Even if it's just Burning Man.
I was listening to a podcast about Ghengis Khan.
Hardcore History by Dan Carlin?

It got me thinking that, in a universe without a God, it is the most ruthless leaders who dominate. The more you kill without remorse, the more powerful and influential you become. At least that is what history teaches us. I hate to look at the world that way, but in a universe without God, what choice have I? I would have preferred nobleness, honor, integrity, love, loyalty, spiritual healing, Christ consciousness; but atheists tell me those things are childish, and that the world doesn't work that way. Atheists tell me that love, peace and spirituality are forms of insanity and are highly suspect. Atheists afterall are the smartest people in the world; if atheists say that feeling God, feeling goodness, feeling virtue, love and kindness are forms of insanity, then who are we to argue with the intellectual elite. We should live our lives as cousins of apes, as primates. According to atheists, we should pick our butts and fling poo like other primates do.
Atheists don't say that, that's just your own prejudice in equating religion with all the other good things you admire. Atheists like Sam Harris are always writing about how atheism does not deny the spiritual component of human life. Certainly we don't deny love and kindness, those things don't depend on your fantasy daddy figure.
I was listening to a podcast about Ghengis Khan. It got me thinking that, in a universe without a God, it is the most ruthless leaders who dominate.

Yet, gods have been purported to exist for centuries and ruthless leaders have dominated societies for just as long. Obviously, you have it backwards.

The more you kill without remorse, the more powerful and influential you become. At least that is what history teaches us.

Are you referring to the Crusades or the Inquisitions?

I hate to look at the world that way, but in a universe without God, what choice have I?

To be unbiased and look at reality for what it is?

I would have preferred nobleness, honor, integrity, love, loyalty, spiritual healing, Christ consciousness; but atheists tell me those things are childish, and that the world doesn't work that way.

The world can work with those traits, but unfortunately, religions don't allow it.

Atheists tell me that love, peace and spirituality are forms of insanity and are highly suspect.

No, that is not what atheists are telling you.

Atheists afterall are the smartest people in the world; if atheists say that feeling God, feeling goodness, feeling virtue, love and kindness are forms of insanity, then who are we to argue with the intellectual elite.

Sorry, but atheist are not telling you they are the smartest people in the world, or any of those other things, either.

If you feel the need to fabricate lies, then you're starting from false premises.

We should live our lives as cousins of apes, as primates. According to atheists, we should pick our butts and fling poo like other primates do.

More lies. If you can't be honest about anything, what is the point of your posts?
More than likely, there will be atheist churches that spring up, that try to copy religion. In the absence of a real God to worship, it is these atheist "religions" that will turn to hallucinogens to fill the void.
You have it backwards; the origin of religion lies in the shamanistic experiences in altered states of consciousness. Hallucinogens were, and are, some of the most powerful ways to achieving these mystical states.
You have it backwards; the origin of religion lies in the shamanistic experiences in altered states of consciousness. Hallucinogens were, and are, some of the most powerful ways to achieving these mystical states.

Fair enough. :)
Hardcore History by Dan Carlin?
Yup! I really like his compassionate tone and his respect of his audience.

Atheists don't say that, that's just your own prejudice in equating religion with all the other good things you admire. Atheists like Sam Harris are always writing about how atheism does not deny the spiritual component of human life. Certainly we don't deny love and kindness, those things don't depend on your fantasy daddy figure.
And yet, Christians have had 20 centuries to show that, but have failed miserably.

Why can't we blame the violence of Christianity on the Romans? The Romans crucified thousand of innocent people. And then one day, a religion is born that adopts the Crucifixion of its founder. Atheists should be blaming the Romans for the violence of Christianity.