So what?
The big bang theory did not predict that I would be stuck in meetings for 7+ hours yesterday. Nor did it predict that, miracles of miracles, the final company that came by this morning to give a bid on foundation repairs to my house said I didn't really need to do any foundation repairs at all (previous bids: $7,000, $15,000, and $16,000). That it failed to predict either does not in any way falsify the big bang.
I see your point , but a poor point
You do not understand how science works.
yes actually I do
What would falsify the big bang would be for it to make a prediction of something we should see if the theory is correct, but then we see something completely different. In other words, the only way seeing old, old stars in our own galaxy would falsify the big bang theory is if the big bang theory says that we should not see such stars in our galaxy.
and BB does say just that
does BB not say that the further one observes into the Universe the older the galaxies and stars should be ?
yes it does
The big bang theory says nothing of the sort.
of course not because the theory expected every galactic body to be older the further out one observes
now all of a sudden we find that throughout the Universe all observations have no significance as far as distance goes
and that contradicts BB , which fundamentally says that the further you observe out into the Universe the older the galaxies and therefore stars are
that puts BB into question in my mind
if the Universe is generally homogeneous in its age , then there is no point of expansion , meaning that , if the Universe was brought to a single point , no matter the size , then there is no point within that single point which is older or younger than any other point
which is not possible
the closer you get to the center of the point , the younger the matter is , as compared to the outer point