Is "anything truly possible " ?

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If you mean "is the logically impossible possible", then no. The logically impossible is a contradiction. There can be no such thing as a square circle, because squares and circles have definitions that are mutually exclusive.

the sqaure circle does not exist.
therefore there is a sqaure circle which is subject to non existence.
therefore the sqaure circle exists also.
If you mean "is the logically impossible possible", then no. The logically impossible is a contradiction. There can be no such thing as a square circle, because squares and circles have definitions that are mutually exclusive.
the sqaure circle does not exist.
therefore there is a sqaure circle which is subject to non existence.
therefore the sqaure circle exists also.
Wow, you managed to misspelled "square" all three times there, bud.

That's an obvious logical contradiction, which means you probably don't understand the basics of logic to begin with.
[...] Therefore is " anything is possible " a true statement ?

Providing the existential character of a supermental world is impossible since any materialization of perception, feeling and thought processes falls under the classification of mental or related labels. This includes technical descriptions outputted by reasoning / inferential activity which are blatantly representational to begin with; and historically might have been perversely claiming at times to be capturing the essence of non-mental being or a metaphysical realm. Symbol mediated procedures/affairs have to be manifested (consciousness) like anything else as evidence that they are even occurring, not to mention requiring intellect to create and manipulate signs obeying rules.

The proposal of a supermental world can be made and asserted for _X_ reasons, but it has to remain empty in terms of how it would exist minus outer appearances, sensations, and descriptive representations of humans (and animals?). No "psychological" contamination.
Anything is possible, should we have everything.

God gave us everything by doing NOTHING.

He was the first, and by taking no part in society, we are trapped like fish in a barrel. It gives us everything, and therefore anything.
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Anything is possible, should we have everything.

God gave us everything by doing NOTHING.

He was the first, and by taking no part in society, we are trapped like fish in a barrel. It gives us everything, and therefore anything.

H2O , is not uranium . To your first statement . Regardless of everything we have now and into the far future .

Water can not suddenly become a mineral .
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Not to me , but many others might think , give an example of otherwise .

A mountain is not made of water . Grass is not concrete etc .

Therefore is " anything is possible " a true statement ?

Pluto has mountains made of ice, so there must be mountains made of water ice somewhere in the universe. Now, if we define "mountain" too specifically to include them, then okay...but that's either semantics or the No True Scotsman fallacy. I don't think "anything is possible" but I do think water mountains are. (A square circle certainly isn't nor is there going to be a universe filled entirely with superintelligent e coli bacteria).
Hmm... I'm going to , blow some minds here , but the square is in the lines of the circle , NOT WITHIN the circle . But the lines . The delineation .

Now can the reverse be true , can in the lines in the square be a circle ? No . Because the square has only one possible shape . Except for the corners perhaps ?
Is "anything truly possible " ?

Philosophy ?
Linguistics ?
Psychology ?
Physics ?

"Truth" = Truly = ? philosophy or psychology ?
If it is mathematically allowed, not only will it be possible, it will be inevitable (99.999999999% probability), given sufficient time and space.

The fractal function is an expression of mathematical probability. It affords an infinite set of mathematically allowed shapes.

p.s. It just occurred to me that in a Dynamic World there must be a mathematical requirement of equal opposites.
"Formally stated, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.).
This essential metaphysical mathematical requirement is clearly observable in all universal functions.

Examples of Interaction Force Pairs
A variety of action-reaction force pairs are evident in nature. Consider the propulsion of a fish through the water. A fish uses its fins to push water backwards. But a push on the water will only serve to accelerate the water. Since forces result from mutual interactions, the water must also be pushing the fish forwards, propelling the fish through the water. The size of the force on the water equals the size of the force on the fish; the direction of the force on the water (backwards) is opposite the direction of the force on the fish (forwards). For every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction force. Action-reaction force pairs make it possible for fish to swim.
Consider the flying motion of birds. A bird flies by use of its wings. The wings of a bird push air downwards. Since forces result from mutual interactions, the air must also be pushing the bird upwards. The size of the force on the air equals the size of the force on the bird; the direction of the force on the air (downwards) is opposite the direction of the force on the bird (upwards). For every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction. Action-reaction force pairs make it possible for birds to fly.
Consider the motion of a car on the way to school. A car is equipped with wheels that spin. As the wheels spin, they grip the road and push the road backwards. Since forces result from mutual interactions, the road must also be pushing the wheels forward. The size of the force on the road equals the size of the force on the wheels (or car); the direction of the force on the road (backwards) is opposite the direction of the force on the wheels (forwards). For every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction. Action-reaction force pairs make it possible for cars to move along a roadway surface.

If it is mathematically allowed, it is possible. If not mathematically allowed it is impossible.
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Anything is truly possible yet some things seem too unlikely to contemplate. My human thinking at the beginning lacked doubts. I didn't know any need couldn't be met and sobbed, expecting the gods in my life, parents, to fill them. Learning and experience gave me more and more doubts.
Anything is truly possible yet some things seem too unlikely to contemplate. My human thinking at the beginning lacked doubts. I didn't know any need couldn't be met and sobbed, expecting the gods in my life, parents, to fill them. Learning and experience gave me more and more doubts.
Remember, human thoughts are only "best guesses" by the brain. It is capable of imagining things that cannot mathematically exist. That's how we can write science-fiction.....:cool:
If it is mathematically allowed, not only will it be possible, it will be inevitable (99.999999999% probability), given sufficient time and space.
No. There are lots of mathematical constructions that have no apparent relation or application in the "real world".

The fractal function is an expression of mathematical probability. It affords an infinite set of mathematically allowed shapes.
First of all, there's not just one "fractal function". Second of all, fractals aren't really generated by functions, but rather by recursive procedures. Third of all, fractals are deterministic, not probabilistic.

p.s. It just occurred to me that in a Dynamic World there must be a mathematical requirement of equal opposites.
That's meaningless word salad. What on earth is an "equal opposite"? For instance, what's the equal opposite of a tomato?

This essential metaphysical mathematical requirement is clearly observable in all universal functions.
What is a "universal function"?

You seem to put great stock in Newton's third law of motion for some reason, but that law is only about one thing: physical forces. It is not a general law that says things like "For every black, there's an equal and opposite white" or "For every tomato there's an equal and opposite anti-tomato".
Would you do anything for someone? Would you be perfect? Yes. Suffering and evil are easily nothing.
No. There are lots of mathematical constructions that have no apparent relation or application in the "real world".
No doubt, but they are "possible", albeit "probabilistic", dependent on time and space?
First of all, there's not just one "fractal function". Second of all, fractals aren't really generated by functions, but rather by recursive procedures. Third of all, fractals are deterministic, not probabilistic.
I was thinking of this;
In this chapter fractal functions are considered (ie, functions whose graphs are fractal sets and which are generated by certain classes of iterated function systems). The term fractal refers to the fact that the graph of such a function has, in general, a nonintegral dimension. It is shown that these fractal functions may be used for interpolation and approximation purposes, and are in this way analogous to (parameterized) splines.
That's meaningless word salad. What on earth is an "equal opposite"? For instance, what's the equal opposite of a tomato?
It was a poor choice of words.
I meant to describe a "zero state" universe. A "whole" consisting of two "opposite" halves
The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly canceled out by its negative energy in the form of gravity.[1][2] Some physicists, such as Lawrence Krauss or Alexander Vilenkin, call this state "a universe from nothingness" but, the zero-energy universe model requires both a matter field with positive energy and a gravitational field with negative energy to exist.
What is a "universal function"?
The way the universe functions. For one, the "wave function"?
A universal function is a function that can, in some defined way, imitate all other functions. This occurs in several contexts: In mathematics, a universal function is one that contains subregions that approximate every holomorphic function to arbitrary accuracy. The Riemann zeta function (and some others) have this property, as described in Zeta function universality.

The mechanics of the universe?
Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences. Essential in this respect is the extensive use of mathematics in theories, as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them
You seem to put great stock in Newton's third law of motion for some reason, but that law is only about one thing: physical forces.
I did cite the context ; "Examples of Interaction Force Pairs"
It is not a general law that says things like "For every black, there's an equal and opposite white" or "For every tomato there's an equal and opposite anti-tomato".
For every particle there is an anti-particle?
or more subtly; It’s possible that there is a “mirror universe” where time moves backwards, say scientists, January 18, 2016
The two-headed arrow of time
While their theory is far from universally accepted, it did generate excitement and attention in the field. And now, New Scientist reports, two other physicists—Sean Carroll from California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and Alan Guth from Massachusetts Institute of Technology—have created a similar particle model that shows time moving in two different directions, in two parallel universes, from the Big Bang. Their model is currently unpublished, but the physicists say that it is even more simplified than Barbour’s as it does not rely on gravity or particles being in a confined system. Instead, it is based on the concept of entropy alone, and no other preconditions, and so it applies to particles in infinite space rather than only self-contained systems.
Based on their model, half the particles expand outwards, increasing entropy. The other half converge and become highly compact, decreasing in entropy, until they pass through the system’s central point and create entropy in the opposite direction. Imagine, as a crude analogy, a pile of balls on a trampoline: Half of the balls rebound upward, while the other half converge in the middle, and break through the trampoline to create a messy pile on the other side. And so the big bang leads to entropy going in two different directions, in two different universes.
“We call it the two-headed arrow of time,” Guth tells the New Scientist. “Because the laws of physics are invariant, we see exactly the same thing in the other direction.”
Interesting juxtaposition; Current events happen going forward in time, history can be traced going backward in time...:)
Not for humans, but for God, anything is possible, river. If you believe in God, of course. :wink:
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