Courage... lol your sad if you believe as such. The invasion of Iraq was cowardly, a super power vs. a defiled raped and pillaged nation. Rationalization of evil is wrong, hey I could rationalize just about anything. Shall we rationalize Hitler as well? So you don't feel guilty that is the purpose of rationalization.
Yeah, nico, that
would be cowardly.
If we had targeted Iraq's infrastructure intentionally, as a way of intimdating them into supporting us, if we had taken all of their oil without paying for it, if we had brought in an American dictatorship to rule every aspect of Iraqi life, diverting every penny back to the states, we would be cowards.
If we had used Iraq to cover a personal scandal, we, our rather GWB, would be a coward.
If we had destroyed Iraq, civilians and all, and reduced it to rubble, attempting to intimidate our enemies, we would be cowards.
If we had been pressured into doing it by our allies who had wanted it done but didn't want the trouble, over threat of blackmail, we would be cowards.
Yet, if we had made a deal with the Iraqis that stipulated attack if broken, and they had broken it, and we made good on the promise, deposing their despotic leadership, to eventually win, and begin to work for the Iraqi's benefit (albeit a few dollars short) and attempt to break the cycle of authoritarianism in the ME by forming a democracy, for our own benefit as well as theirs, we would
not be cowards.
Even if we awarded all of the contracts to American companies, we are not cowards, because we are merely benefitting off of a situation we have created, while hurting
no one.
Practically, this war may not have been in America's best interests, seeing as this insurgencey has occurred. Pre-emption may also be a flawed doctrine.
However, the moral intent is not one of repression but of benefit. Evil must be proven, nico, and I would like to see you prove that a war in which the occupied and the occupier benefit is evil.
You have made bizzare cases against Democracy in the ME, even for tyranny. I would like to see you skew some more facts and attempt to prove that this war was evil- a war that will end sanctions, tyranny, and religious persecution and open the floodgates of capital into Iraq.
And as to arms-
I don't see your point, at all.
So the US has secured the arms market. People can buy arms anywhere, yet they buy them mostly from the US. We must have a lot of people very talented in making weapons.
And 1/3 of those exports go to Israel, SA, and Egypt.