iam said:
You have a common one-track mind and an inability to think outside the box.
What are you talking about? My ideas are completely outside the box. What do you suggest? Postulate that we come from aliens? :bugeye:
This is not necessarily so. Evolution needs "resources" only.
Aha. How intelligent. So what does "resources" mean in your little mind? :bugeye:
It does not necessarily need paul from africa and jenny from europe to get its job done.
Oh reaaaaaally!
That is as absurd and stupid as saying chinese food is not real food or as nourishing because it is not italian, french, etc etc.
This is a ridiculous analogy that has absolutely nothing to do with whatever I said.
Chinese have evolved the way they have because of their environment and resources and it blows your theory smack out of the water because they have been doing "exceptionally" well compared to what you refer to as 'genetic diversity'.
What are you talking about?
You are being racist and prejudicial towards asian
That's silly- I'm obviously the very opposite.
and not only that but insinuating and implying that asians are not as 'evolved' which is a pathetically slimy and stupid observation from you significantly because closer to the real truth is that it is probably the other way around!
I never insinuated they are less evolved. I said they have evolved in a different way, that's all. What I'm doing is encouraging diversity. Racist people discourage diversity as much as they can. I do the very opposite.
Did you say that you were brazilian??? Of all the "races" on this planet, the overall hispanic population are known to be a combination of all three races, negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid but no one in their right mind would consider them at the top of the human food chain?
You are retarded. The food chain has nothing to do with this discussion. The food chain hasn't been an accurate measurement of human evolution for millenia!
So why is this? What's the excuse according to your brilliant theory and brainpower?
Your brainpower is not much greater then a parasite's.
lol, I guess just because a whole lotta this and that is thrown into a pot its not necessarily going to turn out better? huh?
Well, that's evolution. And it is proven. How about you give any evidence of the crap that is coming from your mouth.
Do I detect a bit of jealousy turned into nitpicking and condescension to compensate.[?]
Looks like the jealousy is coming from the other side of the screen.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
You should be ashamed of posting such pointless and ridiculous post in the internet! You haven't done your homework. Please go away and don't come back until you actually have evidence. In fact, get an argument before you get any evidence, genius!!
How about an analogy of the daimond. I think its fitting.
Yes. You cannot find a diamond by a road. So, you, for example, are far away from being anything close to that.
Boast not of an art you know nothing of. Comprende
Oh, wow! Sounds so Shakespearian! You are a genius!
I ran out of rolleyes a long time ago...
You are such a pathetic teenager! Incredible!