LOLHow would know? You don't know what socialism is.
Your example of socialism was a volunteer fire-department. Give me a break. Talk about weaseling. That's not the socialism you want. You want a Nation State so that you can have a Government with a Central Bank to sell T-Bonds on the future labor of the unborn. You want the State's militant arm to shoot Citizens in the head if they don't 'Pay their fair share' and resist their confinement in a cage.
AKA: Your socialism, is where others pay for your free shit.
We're in this mess right now, because of Progressive 'Democratic' Socialism. And if you go back to the late 1800s and early 1900s you'll hear all about the free-shit GiverMint is going to provide the poor. Oh, and it was only the 'rich' that would pay the tax. What happened? The rich paid shit all, the poor starved to death in a Central Bank caused Great Depression and then go to fight and die for 'freeeedom' (what a joke) in WWII.
Anyway, we have our poster child:
Sadly, the lesson learned. It won't be not to engage in State Authoritarianism. Nope. My guess is. We'll see the rise of Nationalism and Fascism. More State Authoritarianism. And guess what? They'll justify their violence with arguments like 'This is Basic Econ 101' and 'History shows....'.