Seems this thread has been dead since January, but given the very limited discussion about this subject on the web, as a whole, I felt that I must comment. I have this condition, whatever it may be, as well. It is exactly how many people have described it: an innumerable amount of sparkling molecules on random paths when looking at the sky. Only the sky. For instance, it can’t be seen when looking at a sky colored sheet of paper. Exchemist is correct; they are most certainly not molecules. However, this is likely the best descriptor when trying to relate what we see to other people. It is NOT floaters. I have floaters and this is different. It is NOT an “aura” preceding migraines. I do not get migraines. It is NOT the flashes that occur occasionally when standing or exerting yourself. I get this, as well, and describe it as how the sun might shine on spider silk, except many of them in all directions with the light moving slowly in a straight line. It is NOT a retinal tear. I have healthy, undamaged eyes. I feel strongly that what is occurring is not inside the eye or the conjuring of a damaged brain. I’ve been able to easily “see the air” my entire adult life, roughly 20 years, and probably during my childhood, though I cannot remember it specifically happening then. So, my fellow air seers, I beg of you, what now? I would be interested to know any information about this. Groups, threads, websites, etc.? I would love to discuss this with others that can “see the air” too.