I can see minute internal molecules/particles in air with my NAKED EYES. what I do?

And makes you able to stand upside down.

But seriously, if the moon gets closer to earth, does it negate some of earth's gravity pull and make people feel "lighter", or "uplifted ?
Maybe the origin of the "full moon" effect on lovers?
Y'know, if it were almost anybody else, I'd be comfortable assuming you're kidding. o_O
Sorry about your migraines. Auras are just bullshit woo-woo.

Perhaps Loparz is talking about the auras like those associated with retinal migraines. My wife, who had been having migraines for many years, had this several years ago. She thought she was having a stroke. The doctor assured her that it was just an retinal migraine aura and that she should expect the typical migraine attack to come. She was spot on and it was a doozy.

Sorry about your migraines. Auras are just bullshit woo-woo.
Hadn't seen this comment before.

I don't know a lot about migraines but I suspect you're taking this word too literally in the context of migraines.

I believe aura simply means a sensory deficit one gets before the onset of a migraine. It's not meant to refer to some woo field surrounding the body or anything.

"...medical professionals have believed aura to be caused due to blood vessels in the brain constricting. However, more recent explanations point to the hyperexcitability of brain cells causing changes to the brain’s chemistry, which in turn affects peoples’ ordinary senses and perceptions."

"Auras are usually visual but can also be sensory, motor or verbal disturbances. Visual auras are most common. A visual aura is like an electrical or chemical wave that moves across the visual cortex of your brain. ... As the activation spreads during an aura, a person loses normal visual function. ...

The best known visual aura is called a fortification spectrum because its pattern resembles the walls of a medieval fort. It may start as a small hole of light or sometimes as bright geometrical lines and shapes in your visual field.

This visual aura may expand into a sickle- or C-shaped object, with zigzag lines on the leading edge. As it moves, it may appear to grow. Auras aren't the same for everyone, so you might also experience bright spots or flashes. Auras are sometimes accompanied by a partial loss of vision referred to as a scotoma. Auras commonly last 10 to 30 minutes."
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I have floaters, too.
Always wondered about them. Thought they were something on the surface of my eye, never thought they might be inside the eye itself.
I've had them for years. They look like little blurry strings.

Near-sighted, by the way.

Edit: Of course, GoldenEye might be a speed freak and looking at the dust in the air.

THEY ARE NOT FLOATERS. Golden Eyes, I SEE IT TOO! I always described it as little transparent bugs with lights on them squirming around in all different directions, and it is the molecules running around in UV Ray's. Not everyone can see them with their naked eye like we do, so most the time I'm called crazy for it. Again, THEY ARE NOT FLOATERS. Floaters are a different thing.
When I relax and sit back with my eyesight pointing towards the blue sky and try to concentrate very deeply I can literally see the minute internal molecules/particles moving in a rapid random motions in the air with my naked eyes and they are almost numerous and countless in numbers. I myslef is not very sure about the actual nature of these minute internal particles/molecules that moves very fast at a real high speed in random motions but I can see them very very clearly with my naked eyes for sure without any doubts. I am not doing this as any practice or as any personal interests of mine perhaps its like a God Gift to me which now I will like to share with this whole world to get well aware of and to see that this real God Gift of mine turns out useful in some or the other way discovering something really innovative for this entire world..

Kindly Have Your Say.. How I should move forward with this to make the best out of it for the sake of this entire world and mankind..

It happens to me too in the day time sky! They are NOT floaters! They are molecules running around. It occurs in UV rays/lights and people aren't supposed to see them with their bare eyes but I see it too. It always looked like little transparent bugs with lights squirming around or dancing in all different directions. I also see zooming black shadow things the longer i dont blink the faster they get and multiply. Also sometimes it looks like transparent finger prints melting down with some rainbow... NOT FLOATERS. I also see static of lots of colors that don't even exist 24/7 it has always been there and doesn't stop for a second. I told people about it years ago in a mental institute, but just recently in 2017 or 2018 it was discovered as Visual Snow Syndrome. That is something else though, not what we are talking about here.
i use to see such things very frequently as a child.
it had to be certain conditions.
sun light directly coming into an area with high dust particulates
my opinion though i have never desired to discus it before, is some type of electrostatic field which is being charged by the heat with dust circulating.
circulating with the dust appears to be objects that act like single celled objects swimming under an electron microscope.
like tiny sea creatures moving about in various directions, in mid air.
some going in circles, some single directions etc.
mostly the main content is what appears to be dust circulating in the heat pattern caused by the direct line of sunlight contrasting against a cooler area where it appears to be creating thermal currents.

i recall talking about it and explaining it as a child.
only occasional objects appeared to defy the lifting heating air mixing with the cool air, and those 1 or 2 tiny objects appeared to be flying around slowly. very small, about roughly 1 quarter size of a pin head, maybe smaller.

as a rough guess because children's peripheral vision may have a higher rate of direct data to the visual processing it may make it easier for them to see smaller objects in motion, while an adults mind is programmed to block them out or looses them amongst the various blank spots in vision.

for best results you want the edge of a shade from a tree with fairly bright sunlight casting a shadow on medium to long grass that has been undisturbed for many days.
sit down right next to it slowly so you dont knock the grass about.
then gently lie down looking up into the blue sky but without the sun shining into your vision.
you need to be looking through the sunlight being cast across the shadow while looking into the blue sky to get the conditions correct.
gently push some of th elong grass and you will see pollen and various other things mix around and rise up.
the air temp needs to be a little cool to get the correct balance of heat from the sunlight casting the shade onto the long grass.

visual processing speed would also count so those with variant normal different conditions are more likely to see smaller things that other people wont.

as for shadows...
sleep deprivation of excess vitamins matched with dehydration cause the eyes to see shadows where none exist because the eye and mind is trying to track something that it sees in a glance.
as the mind attempts to make sense of the sudden object it has seen it drags the image and creates a shadow.
the same with lights.
the mind being still running very fast, yet the brain is fatigued and cant process soo quickly.
the optical data is then replicated into a different place adjacent to the actual object or dark spot in vision.

anything more than that is outside my point.
THEY ARE NOT FLOATERS. Golden Eyes, I SEE IT TOO! I always described it as little transparent bugs with lights on them squirming around in all different directions, and it is the molecules running around in UV Ray's. Not everyone can see them with their naked eye like we do, so most the time I'm called crazy for it. Again, THEY ARE NOT FLOATERS. Floaters are a different thing.
What is for sure it they are not molecules.

Molecules are far smaller than the wavelength of visible light, so they cannot reflect light to form a visible image. The same goes for UV light, which nobody can see in any case.
What is for sure it they are not molecules.

Molecules are far smaller than the wavelength of visible light, so they cannot reflect light to form a visible image. The same goes for UV light, which nobody can see in any case.
From the tone of the post not sure your reality will be understood

From the tone of the post not sure your reality will be understood

I realise that. We're dealing with a sufferer from Greengrocer's Apostrophe, which is usually a bad sign:rolleyes: . I've just decided that, as this place calls itself a science forum, I am going to inject a bit of science into these threads where I see an opportunity to do so. Maybe someone, somewhere, will read it and get something out of it. Or a crank will arrive to tell me I'm wrong, which can sometimes be fun :D .

.....Or even that a real physicist will arrive and tell me the same thing, in which I shall have learnt something new. Which is good for me.:wink:
I am going to inject a bit of science into these threads where I see an opportunity to do so

The puzzlement for me
Science forum = just the place I should talk about
I can see minute internal molecules/particles in air with my NAKED EYES

How stuffed up is the health system? that this is a option?

Plus see minute = molecules/particles
= great self diagnosis
Sused out small and are molecules (because you know molecules are small right) but to inject a little bit of authenticity /particles

in air with my NAKED EYES
Phew glad you emphasized naked eyes otherwise I would have thought you were using binoculars or a telescope

The internal and in air has me puzzled also but I won't mention that

:) :) a two Poe
  • Retinal tear.
    A retinal tear occurs when the clear, gel-like substance in the center of your eye (vitreous) shrinks and tugs on the thin layer of tissue lining the back of your eye (retina) with enough traction to cause a break in the tissue. It's often accompanied by the sudden onset of symptoms such as floaters and flashing lights.

  • ds00284_-ds01086_im00256_vi7_inner_eyethu_jpg.jpg


Seems this thread has been dead since January, but given the very limited discussion about this subject on the web, as a whole, I felt that I must comment. I have this condition, whatever it may be, as well. It is exactly how many people have described it: an innumerable amount of sparkling molecules on random paths when looking at the sky. Only the sky. For instance, it can’t be seen when looking at a sky colored sheet of paper. Exchemist is correct; they are most certainly not molecules. However, this is likely the best descriptor when trying to relate what we see to other people. It is NOT floaters. I have floaters and this is different. It is NOT an “aura” preceding migraines. I do not get migraines. It is NOT the flashes that occur occasionally when standing or exerting yourself. I get this, as well, and describe it as how the sun might shine on spider silk, except many of them in all directions with the light moving slowly in a straight line. It is NOT a retinal tear. I have healthy, undamaged eyes. I feel strongly that what is occurring is not inside the eye or the conjuring of a damaged brain. I’ve been able to easily “see the air” my entire adult life, roughly 20 years, and probably during my childhood, though I cannot remember it specifically happening then. So, my fellow air seers, I beg of you, what now? I would be interested to know any information about this. Groups, threads, websites, etc.? I would love to discuss this with others that can “see the air” too.
I would love to discuss this with others that can “see the air” too.
Welcome back!

I see them on occasion too. They are usually normal, and are a result of several things - irritation of your retina, floating material in your eye, pressure from your aqueous humor against your retina, hemodynamic problems like emboli causing progressive interference with capillaries in your retina. If they persist or are bothersome see a doctor.
Welcome back!

I see them on occasion too. They are usually normal, and are a result of several things - irritation of your retina, floating material in your eye, pressure from your aqueous humor against your retina, hemodynamic problems like emboli causing progressive interference with capillaries in your retina. If they persist or are bothersome see a doctor.
I feel like you didn’t read my entire post. It is none of those things you listed; most of them, definitively. My eyes are healthy. It isn’t bothersome whatsoever. I’m not looking to “cure” anything. It is merely interesting and there seems to be a great lack of information on the subject.
I feel like you didn’t read my entire post. It is none of those things you listed; most of them, definitively. My eyes are healthy.
Yes, you can get floaters/sprites/flashes/artifacts even if your eyes are healthy.

You're not special. These happen to a lot of people. A friend of mine is an ophthalmologist, and we talked about this a while back. There are literally over a dozen ways that visual artifacts can appear in your eyes. They can look like rings, or lines, or dots, or halos. They can look like a kaleidoscope. They can look flat, or bright, or sparkly, or flashing. They can be moving or stationary within your eye. They can move in a straight line or appear to squiggle along. They can be positive or negative. They can manifest as lone phenomena or in groups. They can last a short time or a long time. They can come and go or stick around. They may only appear under certain optical conditions or always be there. Most are benign, some are indicative of a looming problem. They are not unusual.
there seems to be a great lack of information on the subject.
Given that that friend of mine went to medical school for four years and did a residency for another three, in part to learn about them - there is a GREAT deal to know about them. You just don't have that information.
You're not special. You just don't have that information.

I’m not making the same claim as the OP. I don’t think I’m “special”. However, it seems to me that you have no idea what I, or any of the rest of us, is talking about. Please, keep your second-hand knowledge to yourself. That’s how rumors get started.