watch how they take pleasure in the suffering and pervertedly chant.
it wasnt cruel, they were feeding their pet.
dont be stupid.
How appropriate your name: Devil Inside
Maybe the brilliant commentary and background discussion in the video was a little above your head, but to anyone higher than moron the its obvious the pieces of human garbage have put together the little event/gathering for the purposes of entertainment.
This was done for the purpose of sadism and sick pleasure. It is NOT natural. It had nowhere to run, it was domesticated as well.
Python pet owners do not make a habit of feeding them live livestock.
hehehe..i can't believe you fukers are subvertedly defending the fact this is about those bastards taking pleasure in the suffering of that poor goat. It's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS. EVERYONE KNOWS IT!
cold fukers, should be fed to that snake
Well, I was going to feed this question to Tabs (he can still take a stab at it if he likes ) but instead let me ask you, samcdkey: would it be ok to feed that snake a person? Why (not)?snakes won't eat dead prey, and why is a goat more important than any other prey a snake would eat?
It's obvious that the people that shot that video are heartless barbarians. Many people own Boas but they feed them smaller animals, mice for example. This was just wanton murder, the goat seemed far too large for the snake and might even have harmed the snake if it managed to swallow it. Dickheads being dickheads.
Well, I was going to feed this question to Tabs (he can still take a stab at it if he likes ) but instead let me ask you, samcdkey: would it be ok to feed that snake a person? Why (not)?
So it would be ok to feed it some goats/antelopes/monkeys but not others? You're not making sense.
my mother did the same thing when i was a kid...kept chickens and a turkey as pets.I never ate my pet chickens
my mother did the same thing when i was a kid...kept chickens and a turkey as pets.