How to Live Well: My Philosophy of Life

I briefly skimmed through it. There is nothing I particularly take exception with (in my skimming). It's kind of just a common sense way of looking at life that most/many would largely agree with.

However, as pointed out, this is a discussion forum so there's not much to discuss unless you specify a topic yourself.
I briefly skimmed through it. There is nothing I particularly take exception with (in my skimming). It's kind of just a common sense way of looking at life that most/many would largely agree with.
That is actually an unusual response. Most people take exception to at least one of my philosophical positions.
One must read the document in order to discuss it.
Then you have come to the wrong place. This is a discussion forum. You post a topic for discusssion, here.

It is not cool to simply shill for your website. It says so in the rules, to which you agreed when you signed up:

"Advertising and spam is not permitted on sciforums. Examples include: posting solely in order to link to an external site".
Then you have come to the wrong place. This is a discussion forum. You post a topic for discusssion, here.
My topics for discussion are:

(1) Atheism
(2) Afterlife nihilism
(3) Ultimate responsibility impossibilism
(4) Moral nihilism
(5) Thanatophobic irrationalism
(6) Negative hedonism
(7) Achieving and maintaining peace of mind
(8) Beyond peace of mind

Feel free to discuss any or all of these.
My topics for discussion are:

(1) Atheism
(2) Afterlife nihilism
(3) Ultimate responsibility impossibilism
(4) Moral nihilism
(5) Thanatophobic irrationalism
(6) Negative hedonism
(7) Achieving and maintaining peace of mind
(8) Beyond peace of mind

Feel free to discuss any or all of these.
You first.
You can find my views on all of those topics in my philosophy of life, which you claim that you have already skimmed.
It's not a claim. I have skimmed them but if you aren't going to take one of them and write a short paragraph about what is especially interesting to you, I'm not going to do it either.

You can look at my profile on here and read (or skim) though all my posts and you will have my thoughts as well. I'll wait...
I'll go further. I've said that I largely agree with most of what you have written. It's common and it's common sense (to me). You say that most people don't respond that way so why don't you point out what you think is controversial and we can discuss that.

Don't expect everyone to read a book just to start their first conversation with you.
I skimmed it too, and I didn’t expect to like it. Not saying that as a personal jab towards you OP, but sometimes members post these long essays that meander, and can be quite dry. As I was skimming, I was hoping you’d give some tactical ideas of how to “live well,” putting it into practice, and you did. It reminds me a bit of Stoicism, and its general principles.

I agree with the others that you could take pieces of your document and offer it up as thread topics here, making it more forum-friendly. It would be better, from a discussion perspective. As with many philosophical ideas, how you would go about working towards peace of mind, and how another person would, obviously will vary based on personal experiences. Many people for example, have experienced trauma in their childhoods, and peace of mind can feel elusive until they heal. But, a blueprint is helpful, which is what your essay feels like to me.

It’s not something that everyone will agree with in its entirety of course, but if people take at least one or two positives away from it, you’ve succeeded.
I'll go further. I've said that I largely agree with most of what you have written. It's common and it's common sense (to me). You say that most people don't respond that way so why don't you point out what you think is controversial and we can discuss that.
All of it.
I skimmed it too, and I didn’t expect to like it. Not saying that as a personal jab towards you OP, but sometimes members post these long essays that meander, and can be quite dry. As I was skimming, I was hoping you’d give some tactical ideas of how to “live well,” putting it into practice, and you did. It reminds me a bit of Stoicism, and its general principles.

I agree with the others that you could take pieces of your document and offer it up as thread topics here, making it more forum-friendly. It would be better, from a discussion perspective. As with many philosophical ideas, how you would go about working towards peace of mind, and how another person would, obviously will vary based on personal experiences. Many people for example, have experienced trauma in their childhoods, and peace of mind can feel elusive until they heal. But, a blueprint is helpful, which is what your essay feels like to me.

It’s not something that everyone will agree with in its entirety of course, but if people take at least one or two positives away from it, you’ve succeeded.
Thanks for having a look, and for your kind words.
OK, I don't usually pull the troll card but in this case I'm calling you a troll. You have no interest in discussing anything. As a matter of fact, your responses are rather bot like.

I'm out...
In fact, I am interested in discussing any topic in my philosophy of life. I have listed the topics above.
My topics for discussion are:

(1) Atheism
(2) Afterlife nihilism
(3) Ultimate responsibility impossibilism
(4) Moral nihilism
(5) Thanatophobic irrationalism
(6) Negative hedonism
(7) Achieving and maintaining peace of mind
(8) Beyond peace of mind

Feel free to discuss any or all of these.
What is “ultimate responsibility impossiblism”?