How to delete posts?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I can't find any delete button when I am editing my post. Is there such a thing?
A not entirely useful answer

Well, it probably does no good for me to say I can see it, since I have general delete authority over any post.

But, presently, I see four buttons in the quick edit, and also have the delete option if I Go Advanced.

As you're editing a post, I presume your attempt is within a forty-eight hour window?

And I should note that I cannot definitively say I have encountered the last of the performance differences between the former version of this site and the updated software. If I can get a little more information from you, I can check in with the administration to see if we've made any changes to post edit permissions that I'm unaware of, or simply forgotten about.

Meanwhile, is there a particular post you wanted struck? You can note it here, or advise me via PM.
I cannot delete posts either, right after posting them. We need to be able to do this without a moderator.
I made a post in the wrong thread, then after realizing that I just deleted the words and left a note saying deleted post. It was in 2 minutes after posting it...

Edit: I clicked on Advanced Edit, and I still see no Delete button anywhere...

Also, we don't have a Quick Edit option, just normal edit. :)
Currently, I'm fairly sure that the ability to delete posts is only available to moderators.

Theoretically, I could enable it for other members, but I can't do anything about having a time limit on the ability to edit. Past experience has shown that allowing open-slather deletion of posts is a bad idea.

I'll investigate this further, though.
C Past experience has shown that allowing open-slather deletion of posts is a bad idea.

What utter nonsense, there has never been a "slather" of post deletions by the majority of members. So what do we do now? Kindly ask a moderator to delete some inane or misguided post for us? I thought we were mostly grown-up's here. Why should a moderator be the only one enabled with the power to delete one of his own posts? Sounds like nothing more than nit-picky micro-management; hall monitors with delusions of grandeur.
I just erase all of the words and make a note that there is no "delete" button by way of explanation. In my case it was a double post - 1 that got set aside for moderator revue (yeah, that glitch :rolleyes: ) that I got around by putting up a 1 word post then editing in what I wanted to say. The next day when a moderator had allowed my original post to go up I "deleted" it in that manner. Who cares if there are a bunch of 'empty' post around? Ain't nobody going to think less of you for that IMHO. Often, new software has a lot of bugs that no-one is able to do anything about. It happens, NBD. :eek:
I just erase all of the words and make a note that there is no "delete" button by way of explanation.

This is what I did, but it is for children. Any decent message forum allows deletion up to the time limit of editing the posts. I forgot how long it is here, but at least 30 minutes should be allowed for deleting posts. You either realize immediately that it was a mistake to post it, (so even 5-10 minutes should be enough) or you are just trying to take back something later on...

Technically there is no difference between the deletion of the whole post or deleting just the words, so what James said doesn't stand. If I can edit posts let's say for up to 3 hours, I should be able to delete them too...
Past experience has shown that allowing open-slather deletion of posts is a bad idea.
post deletion rules:
poster is allowed one deletion per day.
if 3 consecutive posts in same thread are deleted the poster loses right to delete posts with delete button.
poster can still delete posts by the edit mode until edit mode expires.
I thought we were mostly grown-ups here.
Mostly, but unfortunately not all. People will start deleting posts that already have responses and the thread could become chaotic.

Why should a moderator be the only one enabled with the power to delete one of his own posts?
If everything you say is correct, it sounds like the new software engine has some differences from the old one. I was never able to delete my own posts after a 15-minute grace period, except on my own boards.

Sounds like nothing more than nit-picky micro-management; hall monitors with delusions of grandeur.
No, just the teething problems you always get with new software. The little things they don't tell you about.
maybe the current scheme isn't so bad.
i've referred to posts in the same thread by post number.
delete button deletion would ruin the order.